1835年,达尔文周游到加拉帕戈斯群岛,发现十三个小岛上同一种雀的喙部有直有弯,这激发他的思考:物种随着环境的变化而进化。达尔文因此提出了著名的“进化论”,这种雀也被称为“达尔文雀”。在商业环境巨变的今天,小米就是“互联网+”的“达尔文雀”。它通过充分利用互联网,实现了创造价值和传递价值的改变,成为“互联网+”的标杆企业。非常幸运,我和小米公司一直有密切的联系,小米的几位联合创始人、高管和同事也都是我的好朋友。我的研究得到了他们很大的支持,在小米高速成长的繁忙工作中,他们依然特意安排时间接受了我的访谈,让我能非常全面地、解剖式地研究小米这个“达尔文雀”。Winter Kills
President Timothy Kegan is assassinated while riding in a motorcade in Philadelphia; a single shooter is caught and convicted. Fourteen years later, the slain President's brother, Nick, hears a deathbed confession that upends everything he thought he knew about his brother's death. In a desperate rush to find the real killer, Nick must navigate the murky waters of a conspiracy that involves the CIA, oil barons, the police force, movie stars, and people at the highest level of government.A gripping political thriller, this book contains disturbing echoes of the Kennedy Assassination. Rife with political intrigue, it addresses many mysteries that remain unsolved in the real life JFK case--and it's sure to keep you turning pages.海洋馆漫游:海洋怪象实录