我所写下的文字,只是把过去的快乐记录下来,即便我们老了,没办法用一颗已经过度成熟而虚伪的心灵去体验,至少能有一个载体,让我们可以回忆,因为,我们好像只能站在成人的世界里孤单地回忆了。Moving Target
This is an important and illuminating collection of essays and lectures by the winner of the 1983 Nobel Prize for Literature. William Golding writes about places as diverse as Wiltshire, where he lived for over half a century, Dutch waterways, Delphi, Egypt ancient and modern, and planet Earth herself. Other essays discuss books and ideas, and provide a fascinating background to the appreciate Golding's own writing and imagination. It includes Golding's Nobel Speech. "e;Golding come through this collection as reserved and wary, but delightful...His writing is a joy"e;. (Sunday Times).鹿鼎记(第五卷)(纯文字新修版)