
第11章 商务英语合同的常用词汇与句型(3)

(17)including but not limited to与 including, without limitation以及 including by way of illustration but not limitation 含义为“包括但不限于”英语合同表达“包括但不限于”时,就会用到including but not limited to与 including, without limitation以及 including by way of illustration but not limitation这几个短语。


The time for the performance of the Sellers obligations set forth in this Contract shall be automatically extended for a period equal to the duration of any nonperformance arising directly or indirectly from Force Majeure events including but not limited to fire, flood, earthquake, typhoon, natural catastrophe and all other contingencies and circumstances whatsoever beyond the Sellers reasonable control preventing, hindering or interfering with the performance thereof.(本合同规定卖方履行义务的时间应自动延长等同于由于直接或间接由于不可抗力事件导致的不能履行的时间。不可抗力包括但不限于火灾、洪水、地震、台风、自然灾害和超出卖方合理控制,阻止、妨碍、干扰本合同履行的其他风险和情形。)

(18)according to, under, subject to, in accordance with, as per, as provided in, pursuant to, under or in compliance with意为“依照……规定”这些词组表示“依照合同的约定”或者“根据法律的规定”。其中“according to”属于普通英语表达,在合同中很少用,而“in accordance with”最为常见。


In case no settlement can be reached, the case may then be submitted for arbitration to China International Economic And Trade Arbitration Commission in accordance with the provisional Rules of Procedures promulgated by the said Arbitration Commission.(如未能达成和解,该案件可提交中国国际贸易仲裁委员会,根据该仲裁委员会颁布的仲裁程序暂行规定进行仲裁。)

又如:A Photostat copy of the Acceptance Certificate of the Contract Plant shall be signed by the representatives of both parties as per Chapter 9 of the present Contract.(该合同设备的验收证书的影印副本由双方代表按照该合同第九章签收。)

再如:Both Parties shall each contribute their paid in capital in compliance with the items specified in the appendix to the Contract.(合同双方应按照本合同附件中载明的项目进行出资。)

(19) prior to, no later than, on or before,on and after“在……之前”“不迟于”“从某日起”英语合同中关于限定日期的表达方式包括:prior to 表示“某日之前,提前多少日”。on or before, no (not) later than,表示“不迟于”。On and after表示“从某日起”。


Party A shall be unauthorized to accept any order or to collect any account on and after September.(自 9 月 20日起,甲方已无权接受任何订单或收取任何款项。)

Our terms are cash within three months, i.e. on or before May 1.(我公司的条件是,3个月内,即不得晚于 5 月 1 日,支付现金。)

Party B shall ship the goods within one month of the date of signing this Contract, i.e. not later than December.(本合同签字之日起一个月内,即不迟于 12 月,你方须将货物装船。)

10~15 days prior to the date of shipment, the Buyer shall inform the Seller by cable or telex of the contract number, name of vessel, ETA of vessel, quantity to be loaded and the name of shipping agent, so as to enable the Seller to contact the shipping agent direct and arrange the shipment of the goods.(装运前10 天到 15 天,买方应以电报或电传方式通知卖方合同编号、装运船名,预计到达时间,装载数量和承运代理商名称,以便卖方直接联系承运代理商安排货物装运。)

为了更明确限定时间,还可以用 inclusive、including 和 included,来限定含当日在内的时间。


This credit expires till January 1 (inclusive) for negotiation in Beijing. (or: This credit expires till and including January 1 for negotiation in Beijing.)(本证在北京议付,有效期至 1 月1 日(含当天)。)如果不包括1 月 1 日在内,则为 till and not including January 1。

(20) Without prejudice to, with prejudice“不损害……规定 / 情况下”

Without prejudice to, with prejudice常用于英语合同中,表示在“不损害……规定/情况下”。


The Management Agreement and Clause 2 shall be read and construed as one document and clause 2 shall be considered to be part of the Management Agreement and, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, where the context so allows, references in the Management Agreement to“this Agreement”.(《管理协议》和第二条应一并阅读,作为完整的文件来理解。应将第二条理解为《管理协议》的一部分,在不影响上述整体性情况下,在本契约允许之处,是《管理协议》中的参考部分。)

(21)in lieu of“替代”

in lieu of 意为“替代”,相当于instead of, in place of。合同中表示“替代”的动词是supersede。


In circumstance provided above in Clause 14.1, Party C or New Company shall, at its sole option and discretion, be entitled to transfer to Party B all or part of Party C or New Companys proprietary rights and ownership of the infrastructure project under construction or after Completion Date, as liquidated damages, in lieu of computing and compensating the actual damages provided that such transfer shall be conducted of Party Cs own free will or rendered in the arbitration award as stipulated in clause.(在上述第十四条第一款规定的情形下,丙方或新公司有权自行选择向乙方转让丙方或新公司的所有权及在建或竣工后基础设施的所有权的全部或部分,作为约定的违约金来替代计算与赔偿实际损害,但该转让应为丙方自愿实施的行为或基于仲裁裁决的规定。)

(22) Attributable to, by virtue of, in view of, on account of,considering, in consideration of 含义为“因为”

这些词是介词短语,表示“因为”,其中 due to,owing to,because of 也表示“因为”但较不正式,在合同中很少使用。


The Seller shall be liable for any damage of the commodity and expense incurred because of improper packing and for any rust attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the Seller in regard to the packing.(因卖方包装不当或因采取了不当的或不充分的保护措施而发生的货物损坏和货物生锈应由卖方承担责任。)

Licensee hereby agrees that its every use of such name shall inure to the benefit of Licensor and that Licensee shall not at any time acquire any rights in such name by virtue of any use it may make of such name.(被许可方特此同意,该名称的使用应有利于许可方利益且不得在任何时候因利用该名称而取得该名称项下任何权利。)

Buyer shall have the right to inspect the goods on arrival and,

within_________business days after delivery, buyer must give notice to seller of any claim for damages on account of condition, quality or grade of the goods, and buyer must specify the basis of the claim of buyer in detail.(买方应有权在货物运抵及交付后_________个营业日内进行检验,买方须通知卖方任何基于货物状况、品质、等级而产生的索赔,并详细说明索赔事由。)

In view of the personal nature of the services to be performed under this Agreement by You, You cannot assign or transfer any of Your obligations under this Agreement.(考虑到本协议项下待你方履行的服务有私人性质,你方不能转让本协议项下你方的任何义务。)

(23)In respect of,in respect thereof,with respect to,as regards 意为“涉及”“至于”“在……方面”

在英语合同中用in respect of, in respect thereof或 with respect to来表示“涉及”“至于”“在……方面”有关的问题,这些词组比 about, concerning, as regards 正式。


Notwithstanding Clause 16.1, Party B shall not be entitled to claim for itself in respect of any Force Majeure in Clause 16.1.(尽管有 16 条第1款的规定,但乙方无权根据 16 条第1款为其自身提出有关不可抗力的索赔。)

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