她第一次入宫,隔着帘子,他对母妃说:“儿臣选她。”她对他表示:“你堂堂一个王爷娶个哑女,连我都替你叫屈。”“你娶我肯定要后悔的!”她总好奇:“你为什么娶我?”晋王瞟了她一眼,淡淡一句,“图个清静。”“最后一次回答,你是我萧子隽要娶作王妃的人!”他到底不知不觉中爱上自己的王妃,而她出乎意料地将他“卖”了。“臣媳要与晋王和离!”推荐轻寒公子的新文《驯夫小野妃:腹黑王爷难搞定》Responsible Drinking for Women
Many women drink responsibly--but some have a more troubled relationship with alcohol. Studies regarding the effects of alcohol on women's health are contradictory--and it's not easy for concerned women to get a clear picture of the perils and positives of drinking.Alcohol affects women differently than men, and sometimes more severely. This ebook, written by Harvard professor and researcher Dr. Debi A. LaPlante, combines in-depth guidance and information from the latest studies about the effects of alcohol on women's physiology with compassionate, detailed advice on exploring your own relationship with alcohol and how to quit or scale back drinking. This book is essential reading for any woman who wonders whether her drinking might be a problem.