

Thou art young to speak on such a theme as this.


As for thee, thou dost not speak thereof, but, as thou canst, dost put it into action against me.


Canst thou not conceal thy pangs of jealousy?


What! doth not every woman put this first of all?


Yes, if her experiences are happy; otherwise, there is no honour in speaking of them.


Barbarians' laws are not a standard for our city.


Alike in Asia and in Hellas infamy attends base actions.


Clever, clever quibbler! yet die thou must and shalt.


Dost see the image of Thetis with her eye upon thee?


A bitter foe to thy country because of the death of Achilles.


'Twas not I that slew him, but Helen that mother of thine.


Pray, is it thy intention to probe my wounds yet deeper?


Behold, I am dumb, my lips are closed.


Tell me that which was my only reason for coming hither.


No! all I tell thee is, thou hast less wisdom than thou needest.


Wilt thou leave these hallowed precincts of the sea-goddess?


Yes, if I am not to die for it; otherwise, I never will.


Since that is thy resolve, I shall not even wait my lord's return.


Nor yet will I, at any rate ere that, surrender to thee.


I will bring fire to bear on thee, and pay no heed to thy entreaties.


Kindle thy blaze then; the gods will witness it.


And make thy flesh to writhe by cruel wounds.


Begin thy butchery, stain the altar of the goddess with blood, for she will visit thy iniquity.


Barbarian creature, hardened in impudence, wilt thou brave death itself? Still will I find speedy means to make these quit this seat of thy free will; such a bait have I to lure thee with. But I will hide my meaning, which the event itself shall soon declare. Yes, keep thy seat, for I will make thee rise, though molten lead is holding thee there, before Achilles' son, thy trusted champion, arrive.

(HERMIONE departs.)


My trusted champion, yes! how strange it is, that though some god hath devised cures for mortals against the venom of reptiles, no man ever yet hath discovered aught to cure a woman's venom, which is far worse than viper's sting or scorching flame; so terrible a curse are we to mankind.

CHORUS (singing)

strophe 1

Ah! what sorrows did the son of Zeus and Maia herald, in the day he came to Ida's glen, guiding that fair young trio of goddesses, all girded for the fray in bitter rivalry about their beauty, to the shepherd's fold where dwelt the youthful herdsman all alone by the hearth of his lonely hut.

antistrophe 1

Soon as they reached the wooded glen, in gushing mountain springs they bathed their dazzling skin, then sought the son of Priam, comparing their rival charms in more than rancorous phrase. But Cypris won the day by her deceitful promises, sweet-sounding words, but fraught with ruthless overthrow to Phrygia's hapless town and Ilium's towers.

strophe 2

Would God his mother had smitten him a cruel death-blow on the head before he made his home on Ida's slopes, in the hour Cassandra, standing by the holy bay-tree, cried out, "Slay him, for he will bring most grievous bane on Priam's town." To every prince she went, to every elder sued for the babe's destruction.

antistrophe 2

Ah! had they listened, Ilium's daughters neer had felt the yoke of slavery, and thou, lady, hadst been established in the royal palace;and Hellas had been freed of all the anguish she suffered during those ten long years her sons went wandering, spear in hand, around the walls of Troy; brides had never been left desolate, nor hoary fathers childless.

(MENELAUS and his retinue enter. He is leading MOLOSSUS by the hand.)MENELAUS

Behold I bring thy son with me, whom thou didst steal away to a neighbour's house without my daughter's knowledge. Thou wert so sure this image of the goddess would protect thee and those who hid him, but thou hast not proved clever enough for Menelaus. And so if thou refuse to leave thy station here, he shall be slain instead of thee.

Wherefore weigh it well: wilt die thyself, or see him slain for the sin whereof thou art guilty against me and my daughter?


O fame, fame! full many a man ere now of no account hast thou to high estate exalted. Those, indeed, who truly have a fair repute, Icount blest; but those who get it by false pretences, I will never allow have aught but the accidental appearance of wisdom. Thou for instance, caitiff that thou art, didst thou ever wrest Troy from Priam with thy picked troops of Hellenes? thou that hast raised such a storm, at the word of thy daughter, a mere child, and hast entered the lists with a poor captive; unworthy I count thee of Troy's capture, and Troy still more disgraced by thy victory. Those who only in appearance are men of sense make an outward show, but inwardly resemble the common herd, save it be in wealth, which is their chiefest strength.

Come now, Menelaus, let us carry through this argument. Suppose I am slain by thy daughter, and she work her will on me, yet can she never escape the pollution of murder, and public opinion will make thee too an accomplice in this deed of blood, for thy share in the business must needs implicate thee. But even supposing I escape death myself, will ye kill my child? Even then, how will his father brook the murder of his child? Troy has no such coward's tale to tell of him; nay, he will follow duty's call; his actions will prove him a worthy scion of Peleus and Achilles. Thy daughter will be thrust forth from his house; and what wilt thou say when seeking to betroth her to another? wilt say her virtue made her leave a worthless lord?

Nay, that will be false. Who then will wed her? wilt thou keep her without a husband in thy halls, grown grey in widowhood? Unhappy wretch! dost not see the flood-gates of trouble opening wide for thee?

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