

He felt about with his hand, and came upon the piece of paper his mother had pasted over the hole. Against this he laid his ear, and then he heard the voice quite distinctly. There was, in fact, a little corner of the paper loose, and through that, as from a mouth in the wall, the voice came.

"What do you mean, little boy--closing up my window?""What window?" asked Diamond.

"You stuffed hay into it three times last night. I had to blow it out again three times.""You can't mean this little hole! It isn't a window; it's a hole in my bed.""I did not say it was a window: I said it was my window.""But it can't be a window, because windows are holes to see out of.""Well, that's just what I made this window for.""But you are outside: you can't want a window.""You are quite mistaken. Windows are to see out of, you say.

Well, I'm in my house, and I want windows to see out of it.""But you've made a window into my bed."

"Well, your mother has got three windows into my dancing room, and you have three into my garret.""But I heard father say, when my mother wanted him to make a window through the wall, that it was against the law, for it would look into Mr. Dyves's garden."The voice laughed.

"The law would have some trouble to catch me!" it said.

"But if it's not right, you know," said Diamond, "that's no matter.

You shouldn't do it."

"I am so tall I am above that law," said the voice.

"You must have a tall house, then," said Diamond.

"Yes; a tall house: the clouds are inside it.""Dear me!" said Diamond, and thought a minute. "I think, then, you can hardly expect me to keep a window in my bed for you.

Why don't you make a window into Mr. Dyves's bed?""Nobody makes a window into an ash-pit," said the voice, rather sadly.

"I like to see nice things out of my windows.""But he must have a nicer bed than I have, though mine is very nice--so nice that I couldn't wish a better."

"It's not the bed I care about: it's what is in it.--But you just open that window.""Well, mother says I shouldn't be disobliging; but it's rather hard.

You see the north wind will blow right in my face if I do.""I am the North Wind."

"O-o-oh!" said Diamond, thoughtfully. "Then will you promise not to blow on my face if I open your window?""I can't promise that."

"But you'll give me the toothache. Mother's got it already.""But what's to become of me without a window?""I'm sure I don't know. All I say is, it will be worse for me than for you.""No; it will not. You shall not be the worse for it--I promise you that.

You will be much the better for it. Just you believe what I say, and do as I tell you.""Well, I can pull the clothes over my head," said Diamond, and feeling with his little sharp nails, he got hold of the open edge of the paper and tore it off at once.

In came a long whistling spear of cold, and struck his little naked chest. He scrambled and tumbled in under the bedclothes, and covered himself up: there was no paper now between him and the voice, and he felt a little--not frightened exactly--I told you he had not learned that yet--but rather queer; for what a strange person this North Wind must be that lived in the great house--"called Out-of-Doors, I suppose," thought Diamond--and made windows into people's beds!

But the voice began again; and he could hear it quite plainly, even with his head under the bed-clothes. It was a still more gentle voice now, although six times as large and loud as it had been, and he thought it sounded a little like his mother's.

"What is your name, little boy?" it asked.

"Diamond," answered Diamond, under the bed-clothes.

"What a funny name!"

"It's a very nice name," returned its owner.

"I don't know that," said the voice.

"Well, I do," retorted Diamond, a little rudely.

"Do you know to whom you are speaking!"

"No," said Diamond.

And indeed he did not. For to know a person's name is not always to know the person's self.

"Then I must not be angry with you.--You had better look and see, though.""Diamond is a very pretty name," persisted the boy, vexed that it should not give satisfaction.

"Diamond is a useless thing rather," said the voice.

"That's not true. Diamond is very nice--as big as two--and so quiet all night! And doesn't he make a jolly row in the morning, getting upon his four great legs! It's like thunder.""You don't seem to know what a diamond is.""Oh, don't I just! Diamond is a great and good horse;and he sleeps right under me. He is old Diamond, and I am young Diamond; or, if you like it better, for you're very particular, Mr. North Wind, he's big Diamond, and I'm little Diamond;and I don't know which of us my father likes best."A beautiful laugh, large but very soft and musical, sounded somewhere beside him, but Diamond kept his head under the clothes.

"I'm not Mr. North Wind," said the voice.

"You told me that you were the North Wind," insisted Diamond.

"I did not say Mister North Wind," said the voice.

"Well, then, I do; for mother tells me I ought to be polite.""Then let me tell you I don't think it at all polite of you to say Mister to me.""Well, I didn't know better. I'm very sorry.""But you ought to know better."

"I don't know that."

  • 大方等大云经请雨品第六十四


  • 赏心乐事


  • 天台智者大师禅门口诀


  • The Ethics

    The Ethics

  • 佛说梵网经


  • 销售心理学(心理学课堂05)


  • 凡人的征程


    凡人!平凡人!平凡人努力奋斗的漫漫征途!混迹在京城的秦楠,被妻子抛弃、儿子惨死、老母死不瞑目。秦楠手刃凶手后,返回家乡。在家乡亲人面前,丧失活下去的勇气,自杀身亡,却又被人暗中操作重生,获取一场场偌大的机缘~ 人生苦短,大多平淡,但都有过“荣耀时刻”。 不要把辉煌总是镌刻在他人的光环上,把艳羡都聚焦在他人的幸福树上。 人,生来不易,却都喜欢严苛他人,放松自己。 殊不知,无论泰斗、菜鸟,都在不断挣脱掣肘,突破那块板子! 无论任何作品,都承载着一个大梦,点燃心中的那盏希望神灯! 人生,犹如一条无法预知的抛物线,时上时下! 触底时,伺机逆流而上;风口上,积淀厚积薄发,跳到下一条曲线! 《平凡的征程》,是晨戈的东方都市玄幻小说,希望各位追随主角秦楠,踏上平凡的征程。
  • 唐诗鉴赏大辞典(上)


  • 法医禁忌档案(全4册)


  • 虏庭事实


  • 神女奇缘之魅乱异世


  • 嫡女炼丹师


  • 改变时局的历史事件(下)


  • 守卫与雀鸟


  • 神拳至尊

