

As was most natural such a wonderful case of cerebral injury attracted much notice. Not only was the case remarkable in the apparent innocuous loss of cerebral substance, but in the singular chance which exempted the brain from either concussion or compression, and subsequent inflammation. Professor Bigelow examined the patient in January, 1850, and made a most excellent report of the case, and it is due to his efforts that the case attained world-wide notoriety. Bigelow found the patient quite recovered in his faculties of body and mind, except that he had lost the sight of the injured eye. He exhibited a linear cicatrix one inch long near the angle of the ramus of the left lower jaw.

His left eyelid was involuntarily closed and he had no power to overcome his ptosis. Upon the head, well covered by the hair, was a large unequal depression and elevation. In order to ascertain how far it might be possible for a bar of the size causing the injury to traverse the skull in the track assigned to it, Bigelow procured a common skull in which the zygomatic arches were barely visible from above, and having entered a drill near the left angle of the inferior maxilla, he passed it obliquely upward to the median line of the cranium just in front of the junction of the sagittal and coronal sutures. This aperture was then enlarged until it allowed the passage of the bar in question, and the loss of substance strikingly corresponded with the lesion said to have been received by the patient. From the coronoid process of the inferior maxilla there was removed a fragment measuring about 3/4inch in length. This fragment, in the patient's case, might have been fractured and subsequently reunited. The iron bar, together with a cast of the patient's head, was placed in the Museum of the Massachusetts Medical College.

Bigelow appends an engraving to his paper. In the illustration the parts are as follows:--(1) Lateral view of a prepared cranium representing the iron bar traversing its cavity.

(2) Front view of same.

(3) Plan of the base seen from within. In these three figures the optic foramina are seen to be intact and are occupied by small white rods.

(4) Cast taken from the shaved head of the patient representing the appearance of the fracture in 1850, the anterior fragment being considerably elevated in the profile view.

(5) The iron bar with length and diameter in proportion to the size of the other figures.

Heaton reports a case in which, by an explosion, a tamping-iron was driven through the chin of a man into the cerebrum. Although there was loss of brain-substance, the man recovered with his mental faculties unimpaired. A second case was that of a man who, during an explosion, was wounded in the skull. There was visible a triangular depression, from which, possibly, an ounce of brain-substance issued. This man also recovered.

Jewett mentions a case in which an injury somewhat similar to that in Bigelow's case was produced by a gas-pipe.

Among older writers, speaking of loss of brain-substance with subsequent recovery, Brasavolus saw as much brain evacuated as would fill an egg shell; the patient afterward had an impediment of speech and grew stupid. Franciscus Arcaeus gives the narrative of a workman who was struck on the head by a stone weighing 24pounds falling from a height. The skull was fractured; fragments of bone were driven into the brain. For three days the patient was unconscious and almost lifeless. After the eighth day a cranial abscess spontaneously opened, from the sinciput to the occiput, and a large quantity of "corruption" was evacuated.

Speech returned soon after, the eyes opened, and in twenty days the man could distinguish objects. In four months recovery was entire. Bontius relates a singular accident to a sailor, whose head was crushed between a ship and a small boat; the greater part of the occipital bone was taken away in fragments, the injury extending almost to the foremen magnum. Bontius asserts that the patient was perfectly cured by another surgeon and himself. Galen mentions an injury to a youth in Smyrna, in whom the brain was so seriously wounded that the anterior ventricles were opened; and vet the patient recovered. Glandorp mentions a case of fracture of the skull out of which his father took large portions of brain and some fragments of bone. He adds that the man was afterward paralyzed an the opposite side and became singularly irritable. In his "Chirurgical Observations," Job van Meek'ren tells the story of a Russian nobleman who lost part of his skull, and a dog's skull was supplied in its place. The bigoted divines of the country excommunicated the man, and would not annul his sentence until he submitted to have the bit of foreign bone removed.

Mendenhall reports the history of an injury to a laborer nineteen years old. While sitting on a log a few feet from a comrade who was chopping wood, the axe glanced and, slipping from the woodman's grasp, struck him just above the ear, burying the "bit"of the axe in his skull. Two hours afterward he was seen almost pulseless, and his clothing drenched with blood which was still oozing from the wound with mixed brain-substance and fragments of bone. The cut was horizontal on a level with the orbit, 5 1/2inches long externally, and, owing to the convex shape of the axe, a little less internally. Small spicules of bone were removed, and a cloth was placed on the battered skull to receive the discharges for the inspection of the surgeon, who on his arrival saw at least two tablespoonfuls of cerebral substance on this cloth. Contrary to all expectation this man recovered, but, strangely, he had a marked and peculiar change of voice, and this was permanent. From the time of the reception of the injury his whole mental and moral nature had undergone a pronounced change.

Before the injury, the patient was considered a quiet, unassuming, and stupid boy, but universally regarded as honest.

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