

Foreign Bodies in the Alimentary Canal.--In the discussion of the foreign bodies that have been taken into the stomach and intestinal tract possibly the most interesting cases, although the least authentic, are those relating to living animals, such as fish, insects, or reptiles. It is particularly among the older writers that we find accounts of this nature. In the Ephemerides we read of a man who vomited a serpent that had crept into his mouth, and of another person who ejected a beetle that had gained entrance in a similar manner. From the same authority we find instances of the vomiting of live fish, mice, toads, and also of the passage by the anus of live snails and snakes. Frogs vomited are mentioned by Bartholinus, Dolaeus, Hellwigius, Lentilus, Salmuth, and others. Vege mentions a man who swallowed a young chicken whole. Paullini speaks of a person who, after great pain, vomited a mouse which he had swallowed. Borellus, Bartholinus, Thoner, and Viridet, are among the older authorities mentioning persons who swallowed toads. Hippocrates speaks of asphyxia from a serpent which had crawled into the mouth.

Borellus states that he knew a case of a person who vomited a salamander. Plater reports the swallowing of eels and snails.

Rhodius mentions persons who have eaten scorpions and spiders with impunity. Planchon writes of an instance in which a live spider was ejected from the bowel; and Colini reports the passage of a live lizard which had been swallowed two days before, and there is another similar case on record. Marcellus Donatus records an instance in which a viper, which had previously crawled into the mouth, had been passed by the anus. There are also recorded instances in French literature in which persons affected with pediculosis, have, during sleep, unconsciously swallowed lice which were afterward found in the stools.

There is an abundance of cases in which leeches have been accidentally swallowed. Pliny, Aetius, Dioscorides, Scribonius-Largus, Celsus, Oribasius, Paulus Aegineta, and others, describe such cases. Bartholinus speaks of a Neapolitan prince who, while hunting, quenched his thirst in a brook, putting his mouth in the running water. In this way he swallowed a leech, which subsequently caused annoying hemorrhage from the mouth. Timaeus mentions a child of five who swallowed several leeches, and who died of abdominal pains, hemorrhage, and convulsions. Rhodius, Riverius, and Zwinger make similar observations. According to Baron Larrey the French soldiers in Napoleon's Egyptian campaign occasionally swallowed leeches.

Grandchamp and Duval have commented on curious observations of leeches in the digestive tract. Dumas and Marques also speak of the swallowing of leeches. Colter reports a case in which beetles were vomited. Wright remarks on Banon's case of fresh-water shrimps passed from the human intestine. Dalton, Dickman, and others, have discussed the possibility of a slug living in the stomach of man. Pichells speaks of a case in which beetles were expelled from the stomach; and Pigault gives an account of a living lizard expelled by vomiting. Fontaine, Gaspard, Vetillart, Ribert, MacAlister, and Waters record cases in which living caterpillars have been swallowed.

Sundry Cases.--The variety of foreign bodies that have been swallowed either accidentally or for exhibitional or suicidal purposes is enormous. Nearly every imaginable article from the minutest to the most incredible size has been reported. To begin to epitomize the literature on this subject would in itself consume a volume, and only a few instances can be given here, chosen in such a way as to show the variety, the effects, and the possibilities of their passage through the intestinal canal.

Chopart says that in 1774 the belly of a ravenous galley-slave was opened, and in the stomach were found 52 foreign bodies, including a barrel-hoop 19 inches long, nails, pieces of pipe, spoons, buckles, seeds, glass, and a knife. In the intestines of a person Agnew found a pair of suspenders, a mass of straw, and three roller-bandages, an inch in width and diameter. Velpeau mentions a fork which was passed from the anus twenty months after it was swallowed. Wilson mentions an instance of gastrotomy which was performed for the extraction of a fork swallowed sixteen years before. There is an interesting case in which, in a delirium of typhoid fever, a girl of twenty-two swallowed two iron forks, which were subsequently expelled through an abdominal abscess. A French woman of thirty-five, with suicidal intent, swallowed a four-pronged fork, which was removed four years afterward from the thigh. For two years she had suffered intense pain in both thighs. In the Royal College of Surgeons in London there is a steel button-hook 3 1/2 inches in length which was accidentally swallowed, and was passed three weeks later by the anus, without having given rise to any symptom.

Among the insane a favorite trait seems to be swallowing nails.

In the Philosophical Transactions is an account of the contents of the stomach of an idiot who died at thirty-three. In this organ were found nine cart-wheel nails, six screws, two pairs of compasses, a key, an iron pin, a ring, a brass pommel weighing nine ounces, and many other articles. The celebrated Dr. Lettsom, in 1802, spoke of an idiot who swallowed four pounds of old nails and a pair of compasses. A lunatic in England e swallowed ten ounces of screws and bits of crockery, all of which were passed by the anus. Boardman gives an account of a child affected with hernia who swallowed a nail 2 1/2 inches long. In a few days the nail was felt in the hernia, but in due time it was passed by the rectum. Blower reports an account of a nail passing safely through the alimentary canal of a baby. Armstrong mentions an insane hair-dresser of twenty-three, in whose stomach after death were found 30 or more spoon handles, 30 nails, and other minor articles.

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