

Halton reports the history of a case of a woman of sixty-five who, about thirty-five minutes before he saw her, had been struck by lightning. While she was sitting in an outbuilding a stroke of lightning struck and shattered a tree about a foot distant. Then, leaving the tree about seven feet from the ground, it penetrated the wall of the building, which was of unplastered frame, and struck Mrs. P. on the back of the head, at a point where her hair was done up in a knot and fastened by two ordinary hair-pins. The hair was much scorched, and under the knot the skin of the scalp was severely burned. The fluid crossed, burning her right ear, in which was a gold ear-ring, and then passed over her throat and down the left sternum, leaving a burn three inches wide, covered by a blister. There was another burn, 12 inches long and three inches wide, passing from just above the crest of the ilium forward and downward to the symphysis pubis. The next burn began at the patella of the right knee, extending to the bottom of the heel, upon reaching which it wound around the inner side of the leg. About four inches below the knee a sound strip of cuticle, about 1 1/2 inches, was left intact. The lightning passed off the heel of the foot, bursting open the heel of a strongly sewed gaiter-boot. The woman was rendered unconscious but subsequently recovered.

A remarkable feature of a lightning-stroke is the fact that it very often strips the affected part of its raiment, as in the previous case in which the shoe was burst open. In a discussion before the Clinical Society of London, October 24 1879, there were several instances mentioned in which clothes had been stripped off by lightning. In one case mentioned by Sir James Paget, the clothes were wet and the man's skin was reeking with perspiration. In its course the lightning traveled down the clothes, tearing them posteriorly, and completely stripping the patient. The boots were split up behind and the laces torn out.

This patient, however, made a good recovery. Beatson mentions an instance in which an explosion of a shell completely tore off the left leg of a sergeant instructor, midway between the knee and ankle. It was found that the foot and lower third of the leg had been completely denuded of a boot and woolen stocking, without any apparent abrasion or injury to the skin. The stocking was found in the battery and the boot struck a person some distance off. The stocking was much torn, and the boot had the heel missing, and in one part the sole was separated from the upper.

The laces in the upper holes were broken but were still present in the lower holes. The explanation offered in this case is similar to that in analogous cases of lightning-stroke, that is, that the gas generated by the explosion found its way between the limb and the stocking and boot and stripped them off.

There is a curious collection of relics, consisting of the clothes of a man struck by lightning, artistically hung in a glass case in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, and the history of the injury, of which these remnants are the result, is given by Professor Stewart, the curator, as follows: At half past four on June 8, 1878, James Orman and others were at work near Snave, in Romney Marsh, about eight miles from Ashford. The men were engaged in lopping willows, when the violence of the rain compelled them to take refuge under a hedge. Three of the men entered a shed near by, but Orman remained by the willow, close to the window of the shed. Scarcely were the three inside when a lightning-stroke entered the door, crossed the shed, and passed out the window, which it blew before it into the field. The men noticed that the tree under which Orman stood was stripped of its bark. Their companion's boots stood close to the foot of the tree, while the man himself lay almost perfectly naked a few yards further on, calling for help.

When they left him a few moments previously, he was completely clad in a cotton shirt, cotton jacket, flannel vest, and cotton trousers, secured at the waist with leather straps and buckles.

Orman also wore a pair of stout hobnail boots, and had a watch and chain. After the lightning-stroke, however, all he had on him was the left arm of his flannel vest. The field was strewn for some distance with fragments of the unfortunate man's clothing.

Orman was thrown down, his eyebrows burned off, and his whiskers and beard much scorched. His chest was covered with superficial burns, and he had sustained a fracture of the leg. His strong boots were torn from his feet, and his watch had a hole burned right through it, as if a soldering iron had been used. The watch-chain was almost completely destroyed, only a few links remaining. Together with some fused coins, these were found close by, and are deposited in a closed box in the Museum. According to Orman's account of the affair, he first felt a violent blow on the chest and shoulders, and then he was involved in a blinding light and hurled into the air. He said he never lost consciousness; but when at the hospital he seemed very deaf and stupid. He was discharged perfectly cured twenty weeks after the occurrence. The scientific explanation of this amazing escape from this most eccentric vagary of the electric fluid is given,--the fact that the wet condition of the man's clothing increased its power of conduction, and in this way saved his life. It is said that the electric current passed down the side of Orman's body, causing everywhere a sudden production of steam, which by its expansion tore the clothing off and hurled it away.

It is a curious fact that where the flannel covered the man's skin the burns were merely superficial, whereas in those parts touched by the cotton trousers they were very much deeper. This case is also quoted and described by Dr. Wilks.

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