

"Welcome, Anne. I thought you'd come today. You belong to the afternoon so it brought you. Things that belong together are sure to come together. What a lot of trouble that would save some people if they only knew it. But they don't. . .and so they waste beautiful energy moving heaven and earth to bring things together that DON'T belong. And you, Paul. . .why, you've grown! You're half a head taller than when you were here before.""Yes, I've begun to grow like pigweed in the night, as Mrs. Lynde says,"said Paul, in frank delight over the fact. "Grandma says it's the porridge taking effect at last. Perhaps it is. Goodness knows. . ."Paul sighed deeply. . ."I've eaten enough to make anyone grow.

I do hope, now that I've begun, I'll keep on till I'm as tall as father.

He is six feet, you know, Miss Lavendar."Yes, Miss Lavendar did know; the flush on her pretty cheeks deepened a little; she took Paul's hand on one side and Anne's on the other and walked to the house in silence.

"Is it a good day for the echoes, Miss Lavendar?" queried Paul anxiously.

The day of his first visit had been too windy for echoes and Paul had been much disappointed.

"Yes, just the best kind of a day," answered Miss Lavendar, rousing herself from her reverie. "But first we are all going to have something to eat. I know you two folks didn't walk all the way back here through those beechwoods without getting hungry, and Charlotta the Fourth and I can eat any hour of the day. . .we have such obliging appetites. So we'll just make a raid on the pantry.

Fortunately it's lovely and full. I had a presentiment that I was going to have company today and Charlotta the Fourth and I prepared.""I think you are one of the people who always have nice things in their pantry," declared Paul. "Grandma's like that too. But she doesn't approve of snacks between meals. I wonder," he added meditatively, "if I OUGHT to eat them away from home when I know she doesn't approve.""Oh, I don't think she would disapprove after you have had a long walk. That makes a difference," said Miss Lavendar, exchanging amused glances with Anne over Paul's brown curls.

"I suppose that snacks ARE extremely unwholesome. That is why we have them so often at Echo Lodge. We. . .Charlotta the Fourth and I. . .live in defiance of every known law of diet. We eat all sorts of indigestible things whenever we happen to think of it, by day or night; and we flourish like green bay trees. We are always intending to reform. When we read any article in a paper warning us against something we like we cut it out and pin it up on the kitchen wall so that we'll remember it. But we never can somehow . . .until after we've gone and eaten that very thing. Nothing has ever killed us yet; but Charlotta the Fourth has been known to have bad dreams after we had eaten doughnuts and mince pie and fruit cake before we went to bed.""Grandma lets me have a glass of milk and a slice of bread and butter before I go to bed; and on Sunday nights she puts jam on the bread,"said Paul. "So I'm always glad when it's Sunday night. . . for more reasons than one. Sunday is a very long day on the shore road.

Grandma says it's all too short for her and that father never found Sundays tiresome when he was a little boy. It wouldn't seem so long if I could talk to my rock people but I never do that because Grandma doesn't approve of it on Sundays. I think a good deal; but I'm afraid my thoughts are worldly. Grandma says we should never think anything but religious thoughts on Sundays. But teacher here said once that every really beautiful thought was religious, no matter what it was about, or what day we thought it on. But I feel sure Grandma thinks that sermons and Sunday School lessons are the only things you can think truly religious thoughts about. And when it comes to a difference of opinion between Grandma and teacher I don't know what to do. In my heart". . .

Paul laid his hand on his breast and raised very serious blue eyes to Miss Lavendar's immediately sympathetic face. . ."I agree with teacher.

But then, you see, Grandma has brought father up HER way and made a brilliant success of him; and teacher has never brought anybody up yet, though she's helping with Davy and Dora. But you can't tell how they'll turn out till they ARE grown up. So sometimes I feel as if it might be safer to go by Grandma's opinions.""I think it would," agreed Anne solemnly. "Anyway, I daresay that if your Grandma and I both got down to what we really do mean, under our different ways of expressing it, we'd find out we both meant much the same thing. You'd better go by her way of expressing it, since it's been the result of experience. We'll have to wait until we see how the twins do turn out before we can be sure that my way is equally good."After lunch they went back to the garden, where Paul made the acquaintance of the echoes, to his wonder and delight, while Anne and Miss Lavendar sat on the stone bench under the poplar and talked.

"So you are going away in the fall?" said Miss Lavendar wistfully.

"I ought to be glad for your sake, Anne. . .but I'm horribly, selfishly sorry. I shall miss you so much. Oh, sometimes, I think it is of no use to make friends. They only go out of your life after awhile and leave a hurt that is worse than the emptiness before they came.""That sounds like something Miss Eliza Andrews might say but never Miss Lavendar," said Anne. "NOTHING is worse than emptiness. . .and I'm not going out of your life. There are such things as letters and vacations. Dearest, I'm afraid you're looking a little pale and tired.""Oh. . .hoo. . .hoo. . .hoo," went Paul on the dyke, where he had been making noises diligently. . .not all of them melodious in the making, but all coming back transmuted into the very gold and silver of sound by the fairy alchemists over the river. Miss Lavendar made an impatient movement with her pretty hands.

"I'm just tired of everything. . .even of the echoes. There is nothing in my life but echoes. . .echoes of lost hopes and dreams and joys.

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    The Way of All Flesh

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    2006年7月上旬的一天,肖家坪乡村民柳月慧早早地起了床,怀揣去年10月份医院出具的那份诊断证明,乘坐早班车来到才山市区。经过亚洲广场时,柳月慧看见在一排梧桐树撑起的伞盖样的浓荫下摆放着一溜宣传展板,许多行人正围在展板前观看。紧挨展板的后面摆放着几张桌子,同样围满了人。出于好奇,柳月慧走过去,向一位中年妇女问道:“这里在干什么?”中年妇女把手中的一张宣传单晃了晃, 说:“ 检察院搞举报宣传活动。”
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  • The Unusual Suspects (Sisters Grimm #2)
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