

The morning was full of sunlight and hope. Edna could see before her no denial--only the promise of excessive joy. She lay in bed awake, with bright eyes full of speculation. "He loves you, poor fool." If she could but get that conviction firmly fixed in her mind, what mattered about the rest? She felt she had been childish and unwise the night before in giving herself over to despondency. She recapitulated the motives which no doubt explained Robert's reserve. They were not insurmountable; they would not hold if he really loved her; they could not hold against her own passion, which he must come to realize in time. She pictured him going to his business that morning. She even saw how he was dressed; how he walked down one street, and turned the corner of another; saw him bending over his desk, talking to people who entered the office, going to his lunch, and perhaps watching for her on the street. He would come to her in the afternoon or evening, sit and roll his cigarette, talk a little, and go away as he had done the night before. But how delicious it would be to have him there with her! She would have no regrets, nor seek to penetrate his reserve if he still chose to wear it.

Edna ate her breakfast only half dressed. The maid brought her a delicious printed scrawl from Raoul, expressing his love, asking her to send him some bonbons, and telling her they had found that morning ten tiny white pigs all lying in a row beside Lidie's big white pig.

A letter also came from her husband, saying he hoped to be back early in March, and then they would get ready for that journey abroad which he had promised her so long, which he felt now fully able to afford; he felt able to travel as people should, without any thought of small economies--thanks to his recent speculations in Wall Street.

Much to her surprise she received a note from Arobin, written at midnight from the club. It was to say good morning to her, to hope she had slept well, to assure her of his devotion, which he trusted she in some faintest manner returned.

All these letters were pleasing to her. She answered the children in a cheerful frame of mind, promising them bonbons, and congratulating them upon their happy find of the little pigs.

She answered her husband with friendly evasiveness, --not with any fixed design to mislead him, only because all sense of reality had gone out of her life; she had abandoned herself to Fate, and awaited the consequences with indifference.

To Arobin's note she made no reply. She put it under Celestine's stove-lid.

Edna worked several hours with much spirit. She saw no one but a picture dealer, who asked her if it were true that she was going abroad to study in Paris.

She said possibly she might, and he negotiated with her for some Parisian studies to reach him in time for the holiday trade in December.

Robert did not come that day. She was keenly disappointed.

He did not come the following day, nor the next. Each morning she awoke with hope, and each night she was a prey to despondency.

She was tempted to seek him out. But far from yielding to the impulse, she avoided any occasion which might throw her in his way. She did not go to Mademoiselle Reisz's nor pass by Madame Lebrun's, as she might have done if he had still been in Mexico.

When Arobin, one night, urged her to drive with him, she went--out to the lake, on the Shell Road. His horses were full of mettle, and even a little unmanageable. She liked the rapid gait at which they spun along, and the quick, sharp sound of the horses'

hoofs on the hard road. They did not stop anywhere to eat or to drink. Arobin was not needlessly imprudent. But they ate and they drank when they regained Edna's little dining-room--which was comparatively early in the evening.

It was late when he left her. It was getting to be more than a passing whim with Arobin to see her and be with her. He had detected the latent sensuality, which unfolded under his delicate sense of her nature's requirements like a torpid, torrid, sensitive blossom.

There was no despondency when she fell asleep that night; nor was there hope when she awoke in the morning.

  • 佛说咒时气病经


  • 林我禅师语录


  • 三国演义


  • 周易浅述


  • 从公录


  • 寡妇村官


  • 我若为莲,只愿为你娉开


  • 人生忠告


    本套《现代名言妙语全集》分四大部分,分别是:第一部分“名言集”,第二部分“格言集”,第三部分“警言集”,第四部分“赠言集”, 这些名言警句句句经典,字字珠玑,精辟睿智,闪耀着智慧的光芒和精神的力量,具有很强的鼓舞性、哲理性和启迪性。具有成功心理暗示和潜在力量开发的功能,不仅可以成为我们的座右铭,还能增进自律的能力。
  • 闪婚试爱


  • 芙蓉于你


    (友情提示,此书已坑) 不咸山来了一个人,一个弱小男人,妖精们都惊呆了,世上怎么会有这么瘦弱的男人?那个男人住进了山神府邸,妖精们更惊了,原来山神有龙阳之好!“师父,你喜不喜欢芙儿?”季芙天真无邪的脸上洋溢着调皮。攸宁看着眼前这张脸,耳朵里却是响起另一个女人的声音。“攸宁,你至始至终到底有没有...爱过我?”“从未。”“好!好!好!只当我爱错了人,付错了情!你我再无来世!”……“荷华!”一声痛苦凄惨的呐喊!“不是爱过……是一直深爱……”
  • 精忠岳飞


    本书讲述了一个最热血、最青春、最壮志飞扬的“致青春版岳飞”的故事。年轻读者最喜欢的极具现代感的小说,既保留了原作强烈的画面冲击力,又融入了作者新的解读和丰富内涵。大型热播电视剧《精忠岳飞》同名小说,著名导演唐季礼、丁善玺原创剧本小说,黄晓明、吴秀波 、刘诗诗众主创推荐唯一官方小说!
  • 洞庭之上


  • 戾后


  • 超时空维护系统


  • 红颜风华录

