

The peace and beauty of a spring day had descended upon the earth like a benediction. Along the leafy road which skirted a narrow, tortuous stream in central Louisiana, rumbled an old fashioned cabriolet, much the worse for hard and rough usage over country roads and lanes. The fat, black horses went in a slow, measured trot, notwithstanding constant urging on the part of the fat, black coachman. Within the vehicle were seated the fair Octavie and her old friend and neighbor, Judge Pillier, who had come to take her for a morning drive.

Octavie wore a plain black dress, severe in its simplicity. Anarrow belt held it at the waist and the sleeves were gathered into close fitting wristbands. She had discarded her hoopskirt and appeared not unlike a nun. Beneath the folds of her bodice nestled the old locket. She never displayed it now. It had returned to her sanctified in her eyes; made precious as material things sometimes are by being forever identified with a significant moment of one's existence.

A hundred times she had read over the letter with which the locket had come back to her. No later than that morning she had again pored over it. As she sat beside the window, smoothing the letter out upon her knee, heavy and spiced odors stole in to her with the songs of birds and the humming of insects in the air.

She was so young and the world was so beautiful that there came over her a sense of unreality as she read again and again the priest's letter. He told of that autumn day drawing to its close, with the gold and the red fading out of the west, and the night gathering its shadows to cover the faces of the dead. Oh! She could not believe that one of those dead was her own! with visage uplifted to the gray sky in an agony of supplication. A spasm of resistance and rebellion seized and swept over her. Why was the spring here with its flowers and its seductive breath if he was dead! Why was she here! What further had she to do with life and the living!

Octavie had experienced many such moments of despair, but a blessed resignation had never failed to follow, and it fell then upon her like a mantle and enveloped her.

"I shall grow old and quiet and sad like poor Aunt Tavie," she murmured to herself as she folded the letter and replaced it in the secretary. Already she gave herself a little demure air like her Aunt Tavie. She walked with a slow glide in unconscious imitation of Mademoiselle Tavie whom some youthful affliction had robbed of earthly compensation while leaving her in possession of youth's illusions.

As she sat in the old cabriolet beside the father of her dead lover, again there came to Octavie the terrible sense of loss which had assailed her so often before. The soul of her youth clamored for its rights; for a share in the world's glory and exultation.

She leaned back and drew her veil a little closer about her face.

It was an old black veil of her Aunt Tavie's. A whiff of dust from the road had blown in and she wiped her cheeks and her eyes with her soft, white handkerchief, a homemade handkerchief, fabricated from one of her old fine muslin petticoats.

"Will you do me the favor, Octavie," requested the judge in the courteous tone which he never abandoned, "to remove that veil which you wear. It seems out of harmony, someway, with the beauty and promise of the day."The young girl obediently yielded to her old companion's wish and unpinning the cumbersome, sombre drapery from her bonnet, folded it neatly and laid it upon the seat in front of her.

"Ah! that is better; far better!" he said in a tone expressing unbounded relief. "Never put it on again, dear." Octavie felt a little hurt; as if he wished to debar her from share and parcel in the burden of affliction which had been placed upon all of them.

Again she drew forth the old muslin handkerchief.

  • 孝经


  • Shavings


  • 栾城遗言


  • 华严经纲目贯摄


  • 续墨客挥犀


  • 王牌特卫2


  • 绝代皇后


  • 将门毒后


  • 清夜凝冰:生死相随


  • 上清高上金元羽章玉清隐书经


  • 泡面爱


  • 龙女傲情


  • 隔世诺


  • 白手起家的百万富翁


    著名企业家张近东说: “人品是一个人在社会上的立足点,将其放到企业中来,就体现一个企业的社会责任感上。”尽社会责任,把财富回报社会,让更多的人受益,是许多成功企业家独特的境界。 《白手起家的百万富翁》通过一些典型的事例告诉大家创富的精神、创富的方式和方法,旨在培养大家创富的胆量、敏锐的眼光、灵活的经营思路、过人的财技和经营方式的巧妙运作能力。全书不只是面对渴望创富的人,不同行业、不同职业者都可以从中受益。
  • 在么在么守护神我甜吗


    【在么在么,守护神我甜吗?】她从小就是个萌萌哒的小萝莉,而他就像她的守护神一直陪在她身边。直到一次意外,小萝莉失踪了,他从此而性格缺失。有一天,‘小萝莉’被他找到,但‘小萝莉’似乎变了。 有一天 他问“小萝莉”:“倾倾你怪怪的。”‘小萝莉’抬眸看了他一眼“那里怪了?”他笑了笑“怪可爱的,我越来越喜欢了。”‘小萝莉’没好气的白了他一眼,这家伙自从在一起后,天天冰山脸人设都掉的没边了。天天土味情话的,也不觉得腻歪,不过,我喜欢就对了。【【【【【【【【【【【【【】】】】】】】】】】】】】】】作者第一次写书,如果觉得挺好就看下去吧亲们。新书求入坑,求原谅。七沏柒一定会好好努力加油的。爱你们哟~么么哒~(^з^)-☆