Odd & True
Trudchen grew up hearing Odette's stories of their monster-slaying mother and a magician's curse. But now that Tru's older, she's starting to wonder if her older sister's tales were just comforting lies, especially because there's nothing fantastic about her own life—permanently disabled and in constant pain from childhood polio. In 1909, after a two-year absence, Od reappears with a suitcase supposedly full of weapons and a promise to rescue Tru from the monsters on their way to attack her. But it's Od who seems haunted by something. And when the sisters' search for their mother leads them to a face-off with the Leeds Devil, a nightmarish beast that's wreaking havoc in the Mid-Atlantic states, Tru discovers the peculiar possibility that she and her sister—despite their dark pasts and ordinary appearances—might, indeed, have magic after all.中国早期现代化历程的回顾:陈独秀社会发展思想研究
袁隆平,中国杂交水稻研究创始人,被誉为“杂交水稻之父”、“当今中国最著名的科学家”、“当代神农氏”、“米神”等。 本书详述了袁隆平的生平与他的具有划时代意义的研究和对人类作出的巨大功绩,令人读后感佩不已,就像世界国际水稻研究所所长、印度前农业部长斯瓦米纳森博士高度评价的那样:“我们把袁隆平先生称为‘杂交水稻之父’,因为他的成就不仅是中国的骄傲,也是世界的骄傲,他的成就给人类带来了福音。”读了本书,可以激发青少年热爱科学、为祖国繁荣昌盛作出贡献的精神和斗志。