【注意:本文产出时间作者神游去了,所以很混乱,真心不建议大家看下去。等到有空会重写,所以看到免费的部分诸位就别订阅了。那些在评论区开骂,我就不想一一去计较了,骂名算我的!】“怎么是你?!”她大婚当天,却是他穿着喜庆的婚服踏进洞房。“那你想的是谁呢?”他嘴角勾起的笑足以颠倒众生,“你原本要嫁的人不就是我吗?”他是慕江时,温文尔雅。他是太子时,邪魅腹黑。她逃不掉,也没有能力逃。因为从一开始,她的心就遗留在他那里了。You, Me & The US Economy
This groundbreaking title is an insider's account of the 2008 financial crisis written specifically for Main Street.Stacy Carlson, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson's speechwriter, takes you inside the Treasury Department and explains the events and issues in a wry, personal narrative. You want to understand what brought us to the brink of collapse? After reading You, Me & the U.S. Economy, you will.With clarity and humor, Stacy explains the multiple causes of our financial, housing and economic troubles and the multiple attempts to solve them. She isn't a financial wizard and writes so other non-wizards can understand, too. Wrapped within is her story of faith and persistence in a new, mid-life career and as a silent witness to tremendous turmoil, You, Me & the U.S. Economy tells Main Street what really happened and why. Finally.