本书稿是李希凡先生八十余年多彩人生的自述传和心灵史。作为被毛泽东钦点的“小人物”,一系列的偶然与必然构成的身不由己,真实地展现了那个荒诞岁月中的人生沉浮,也折射出当代中国某些不可磨灭的历史潮流的发展印迹,实为当代红学史甚至党史存留了一份不可多得的鲜活资料,堪为那段特定历史之存照。A Confederacy of Dunces
A Confederacy of Dunces is an American comic masterpiece. John Kennedy Toole's hero, one Ignatius J. Reilly, is "huge, obese, fractious, fastidious, a latter-day Gargantua, a Don Quixote of the French Quarter. His story bursts with wholly original characters, denizens of New Orleans' lower depths, incredibly true-to-life dialogue, and the zaniest series of high and low comic adventures" (Henry Kisor, Chicago Sun-Times).