本书中,谭传宝教授以其严谨的治学态度和深厚的学术功底对“德育”这一虽妇孺皆知但是却常常雾里看花般令人迷惑的概念做了系统而严谨的定义,并以大量浅近文字梳理、解释,试图让初次接触者也能洞悉其深意、理解其价值。另外,本书对德育的诠释完全切近时代特色,关照现实问题,建言德育实践,努力填平学术与实践之间的鸿沟。Dog Beach Unleashed (The Seagate Summers #2)
Remy can't wait for another summer on Seagate Island. It's time to bring back her successful dog-sitting business on Dog Beach and see her favorite friends. But instead of sunny days and fun in the sand, the summer is off to a rainy start. Remy and the dogs have cabin fever, and, to make matters worse, her friendship with her longtime pal, Bennett, is starting to feel complicated. What can one twelve-year-old do to create summer magic when the summer doesn't seem to be showing up?