
第7章 少年Pi 的奇幻漂流 (1)

[ 加] 扬·马特尔( Yann Martel)

Life of Pi

When we reached land,Mexico to be exact,I was so

weak I barely had the strength to be happy about it. We had

great difficulty landing. The lifeboat nearly capsized in the surf. I

streamed the sea anchors — what was left of them — full open to

keep us perpendicular to the waves,and I tripped them as soon

as we began riding a crest. In this way,streaming and tripping the

anchors,we surfed in to shore. It was dangerous. But we caught

one wave at just the right point and it carried us a great distance,

past the high,collapsing walls of water. I tripped the anchors a

last time and we were pushed in the rest of the way. The boat

hissed to a halt against the sand.

I let myself down the side. I was afraid to let go,afraid that

so close to deliverance,in two feet of water,I would drown. I

looked ahead to see how far I had to go. The glance gave me one

of my last images of Richard Parker,for at that precise moment

he jumped over me. I saw his body,so immeasurably vital,

stretched in the air above me,a fleeting,furred rainbow. He

landed in the water,his back legs splayed,his tail high,and from

there,in a few hops,he reached the beach. He went to the left,

his paws gouging the wet sand,but changed his mind and spun

around. He passed directly in front of me on his way to the right.

He didn’t look at me. He ran a hundred yards or so along the

shore before turning in. His gait was clumsy and uncoordinated.

He fell several times. At the edge of the jungle,he stopped. I was

certain he would turn my way. He would look at me. He would

flatten his ears. He would growl. In some such way,he would

conclude our relationship. He did nothing of the sort. He only

looked fixedly into the jungle. Then Richard Parker,companion

of my torment,awful,fierce thing that kept me alive,moved

forward and disappeared forever from my life.

I struggled to shore and fell upon the sand. I looked about.

I was truly alone,orphaned not only of my family,but now of

Richard Parker,and nearly,I thought,of God. Of course,I

wasn’t. This beach,so soft,firm and vast,was like the cheek of

God,and somewhere two eyes were glittering with pleasure and

a mouth was smiling at having me there.

After some hours a member of my own species found me.

He left and returned with a group. They were six or seven. They

came up to me with their hands covering their noses and mouths.

I wondered what was wrong with them. They spoke to me in

a strange tongue. They pulled the lifeboat onto the sand. They

carried me away. The one piece of turtle meat I had brought from

the boat they wrenched from my hand and threw away.

I wept like a child . It was not because I was overcome at having

survived my ordeal,though I was. Nor was it the presence of

my brothers and sisters,though that too was very moving. I was

weeping because Richard Parker had left me so unceremoniously.

What a terrible thing it is to botch a farewell. I am a person who

believes in form,in the harmony of order. Where we can,we

must give things a meaningful shape. For example,I wonder —

could you tell my jumbled story in exactly one hundred chapters,

not one more,not one less? I’ll tell you,that’s one thing I hate

about my nickname,the way that number runs on forever. It’s

important in life to conclude things properly. Only then can you let

go. Otherwise you are left with words you should have said but

never did,and your heart is heavy with remorse. That bungled

goodbye hurts me to this day. I wish so much that I’d had one

last look at him in the lifeboat,that I had provoked him a little,

so that I was on his mind. I wish I had said to him then — yes,

I know,to a tiger,but still— I wish I had said,“Richard Parker,

it’s over. We have survived. Can you believe it? I owe you more

gratitude than I can express. I couldn’t have done it without you. I

would like to say it formally: Richard Parker,thank you. Thank you

for saving my life. And now go where you must. You have known

the confined freedom of a zoo most of your life ;now you will

know the free confinement of a jungle. I wish you all the best with

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