6. But the method with a ladder is another of the same kind, and still better, since by it the body can be more safely counterpoised on this side; and that, while in the method which the piece of wood resembling a pestle, there is danger of the body tumbling to either side. But some round thing should be tied upon the step of the ladder which may be fitted to the armpit, whereby the head of the bone may be forced into its natural place.
故宫的设计师们如何用亭台楼阁烘托天子的威严?置身于其中的帝王, 又用怎样的心态面对此间的一草一木,深锁的宫门内,究竟隐藏了多少秘 密?君臣们指点江山的大殿内,又蕴藏着多少杀机? 中国古代最引人注目的舞台在故宫,最隐秘无闻的战场也在故宫。故 宫是中国建筑艺术的样本,也是一座皇家艺术宝库;故宫是中国宫殿文化 的集大成者,也是一段段历史的见证者;故宫是一座充满权谋与暗算的城 堡,也是无数宫廷谜案发生的现场。皇室公主赖上腹黑恶魔