

A public place. Enter SICINIUS and BRUTUS SICINIUS We hear not of him, neither need we fear him;

His remedies are tame i' the present peace And quietness of the people, which before Were in wild hurry. Here do we make his friends Blush that the world goes well, who rather had, Though they themselves did suffer by't, behold Dissentious numbers pestering streets than see Our tradesmen with in their shops and going About their functions friendly. BRUTUS We stood to't in good time.

Enter MENENIUS Is this Menenius? SICINIUS 'Tis he,'tis he: O, he is grown most kind of late. Both Tribunes Hail sir! MENENIUS Hail to you both! SICINIUS Your Coriolanus Is not much miss'd, but with his friends:

The commonwealth doth stand, and so would do, Were he more angry at it. MENENIUS All's well; and might have been much better, if He could have temporized. SICINIUS Where is he, hear you? MENENIUS Nay, I hear nothing: his mother and his wife Hear nothing from him.

Enter three or four Citizens Citizens The gods preserve you both! SICINIUS God-den, our neighbours. BRUTUS God-den to you all, god-den to you all. First Citizen Ourselves, our wives, and children, on our knees, Are bound to pray for you both. SICINIUS Live, and thrive! BRUTUS Farewell, kind neighbours: we wish'd Coriolanus Had loved you as we did. Citizens Now the gods keep you! Both Tribunes Farewell, farewell.

Exeunt Citizens SICINIUS This is a happier and more comely time Than when these fellows ran about the streets, Crying confusion. BRUTUS Caius Marcius was A worthy officer i' the war; but insolent, O'ercome with pride, ambitious past all thinking, Self-loving,-- SICINIUS And affecting one sole throne, Without assistance. MENENIUS I think not so. SICINIUS We should by this, to all our lamentation, If he had gone forth consul, found it so. BRUTUS The gods have well prevented it, and Rome Sits safe and still without him.

Enter an AEdile AEdile Worthy tribunes, There is a slave, whom we have put in prison, Reports, the Volsces with two several powers Are enter'd in the Roman territories, And with the deepest malice of the war Destroy what lies before 'em. MENENIUS 'Tis Aufidius, Who, hearing of our Marcius' banishment, Thrusts forth his horns again into the world;

Which were inshell'd when Marcius stood for Rome, And durst not once peep out. SICINIUS Come, what talk you Of Marcius? BRUTUS Go see this rumourer whipp'd. It cannot be The Volsces dare break with us. MENENIUS Cannot be!

We have record that very well it can, And three examples of the like have been Within my age. But reason with the fellow, Before you punish him, where he heard this, Lest you shall chance to whip your information And beat the messenger who bids beware Of what is to be dreaded. SICINIUS Tell not me:

I know this cannot be. BRUTUS Not possible.

Enter a Messenger Messenger The nobles in great earnestness are going All to the senate-house: some news is come That turns their countenances. SICINIUS 'Tis this slave;--Go whip him, 'fore the people's eyes:--his raising;

Nothing but his report. Messenger Yes, worthy sir, The slave's report is seconded; and more, More fearful, is deliver'd. SICINIUS What more fearful? Messenger It is spoke freely out of many mouths--How probable I do not know--that Marcius, Join'd with Aufidius, leads a power 'gainst Rome, And vows revenge as spacious as between The young'st and oldest thing. SICINIUS This is most likely! BRUTUS Raised only, that the weaker sort may wish Good Marcius home again. SICINIUS The very trick on't. MENENIUS This is unlikely:

He and Aufidius can no more atone Than violentest contrariety.

Enter a second Messenger Second Messenger You are sent for to the senate:

  • 宋朝事实类苑


  • 饰品


  • 三月三日宴王明府山


  • 国师帮帮忙


  • 人间蒸发


    (Rawson,1906—1971)克雷顿·罗森堪称不可能犯罪故事的大师,他在舞台表演戏法为职,说得更精确些,罗森是位魔术师,而且后来还写了一系列以梅林尼(Merlini)为主角的小说和短篇故事。梅林尼是魔术家,常被警方找去帮忙解决罕见的命案。该系列首部作品《飞出礼帽之死》(Death froma TopHat,1938)被拍成电影《出售奇迹》(Miracles for Sale,1939),描述一连串涉及魔术的犯罪事件。罗森因为这部小说而展开作家及编辑的第二个职业生涯。罗森和约翰·狄克逊·卡尔很喜欢挑战彼此的创作功力。
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  • 超神学院之暗天使之王


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