

A street near the gate. Enter two Senators with VOLUMNIA, VIRGILIA, VALERIA, & c. passing over the stage, followed by Patricians and others First Senator Behold our patroness, the life of Rome!

Call all your tribes together, praise the gods, And make triumphant fires; strew flowers before them:

Unshout the noise that banish'd Marcius, Repeal him with the welcome of his mother;

Cry 'Welcome, ladies, welcome!' All Welcome, ladies, Welcome!

A flourish with drums and trumpets. Exeunt SCENE VI. Antium. A public place. Enter TULLUS AUFIDIUS, with Attendants AUFIDIUS Go tell the lords o' the city I am here:

Deliver them this paper: having read it, Bid them repair to the market place; where I, Even in theirs and in the commons' ears, Will vouch the truth of it. Him I accuse The city ports by this hath enter'd and Intends to appear before the people, hoping To purge herself with words: dispatch.

Exeunt Attendants Enter three or four Conspirators of AUFIDIUS' faction Most welcome! First Conspirator How is it with our general? AUFIDIUS Even so As with a man by his own alms empoison'd, And with his charity slain. Second Conspirator Most noble sir, If you do hold the same intent wherein You wish'd us parties, we'll deliver you Of your great danger. AUFIDIUS Sir, I cannot tell:

We must proceed as we do find the people. Third Conspirator The people will remain uncertain whilst 'Twixt you there's difference; but the fall of either Makes the survivor heir of all. AUFIDIUS I know it;

And my pretext to strike at him admits A good construction. I raised him, and I pawn'd Mine honour for his truth: who being so heighten'd, He water'd his new plants with dews of flattery, Seducing so my friends; and, to this end, He bow'd his nature, never known before But to be rough, unswayable and free. Third Conspirator Sir, his stoutness When he did stand for consul, which he lost By lack of stooping,-- AUFIDIUS That I would have spoke of:

Being banish'd for't, he came unto my hearth;

Presented to my knife his throat: I took him;

Made him joint-servant with me; gave him way In all his own desires; nay, let him choose Out of my files, his projects to accomplish, My best and freshest men; served his designments In mine own person; holp to reap the fame Which he did end all his; and took some pride To do myself this wrong: till, at the last, I seem'd his follower, not partner, and He waged me with his countenance, as if I had been mercenary. First Conspirator So he did, my lord:

The army marvell'd at it, and, in the last, When he had carried Rome and that we look'd For no less spoil than glory,-- AUFIDIUS There was it:

For which my sinews shall be stretch'd upon him.

At a few drops of women's rheum, which are As cheap as lies, he sold the blood and labour Of our great action: therefore shall he die, And I'll renew me in his fall. But, hark!

Drums and trumpets sound, with great shouts of the People First Conspirator Your native town you enter'd like a post, And had no welcomes home: but he returns, Splitting the air with noise. Second Conspirator And patient fools, Whose children he hath slain, their base throats tear With giving him glory. Third Conspirator Therefore, at your vantage, Ere he express himself, or move the people With what he would say, let him feel your sword, Which we will second. When he lies along, After your way his tale pronounced shall bury His reasons with his body. AUFIDIUS Say no more:

Here come the lords.

Enter the Lords of the city All The Lords You are most welcome home. AUFIDIUS I have not deserved it.

But, worthy lords, have you with heed perused What I have written to you? Lords We have. First Lord And grieve to hear't.

What faults he made before the last, I think Might have found easy fines: but there to end Where he was to begin and give away The benefit of our levies, answering us With our own charge, making a treaty where There was a yielding,--this admits no excuse. AUFIDIUS He approaches: you shall hear him.

  • 耻言


  • 三国种子王


  • 往事回味(读者精品)


    爱人的目的是爱情,为了目前的小波浪忽然舍得将几年来两人辛辛苦苦织好的爱情之网用剪子铰得粉碎,这未免是不知道怎样去多领略点人生之味的人们的态度了。 本书收集了许多具有代表性的有关往事回味的故事
  • 校草太坏太冷酷


  • 人王


  • 穿越V5,王妃有个APP


  • 人间椅子


  • 人间世


  • 党的光荣历程


  • 弃妃为妾:王爷知错了

