

The next morning I started with Bellino, who, believing me to be undeceived, could suppose that I would not shew any more curiosity about him, but we had not been a quarter of an hour together when he found out his mistake, for I could not let my looks fall upon his splendid eyes without feeling in me a fire which the sight of a man could not have ignited. I told him that all his features were those of a woman, and that I wanted the testimony of my eyes before I could feel perfectly satisfied, because the protuberance I had felt in a certain place might be only a freak of nature. "Should it be the case," I added, "I should have no difficulty in passing over a deformity which, in reality, is only laughable. Bellino, the impression you produce upon me, this sort of magnetism, your bosom worthy of Venus herself, which you have once abandoned to my eager hand, the sound of your voice, every movement of yours, assure me that you do not belong to my sex. Let me see for myself, and, if my conjectures are right, depend upon my faithful love; if, on the contrary, I find that I have been mistaken, you can rely upon my friendship. If you refuse me, I shall be compelled to believe that you are cruelly enjoying my misery, and that you have learned in the most accursed school that the best way of preventing a young man from curing himself of an amorous passion is to excite it constantly; but you must agree with me that, to put such tyranny in practice, it is necessary to hate the person it is practised upon, and, if that be so, I ought to call upon my reason to give me the strength necessary to hate you likewise."

I went on speaking for a long time; Bellino did not answer, but he seemed deeply moved. At last I told him that, in the fearful state to which I was reduced by his resistance, I should be compelled to treat him without any regard for his feelings, and find out the truth by force. He answered with much warmth and dignity: "Recollect that you are not my master, that I am in your hands, because I had faith in your promise, and that, if you use violence, you will be guilty of murder. Order the postillion to stop, I will get out of the carriage, and you may rely upon my not complaining of your treatment."

Those few words were followed by a torrent of tears, a sight which I

never could resist. I felt myself moved in the inmost recesses of my soul, and I almost thought that I had been wrong. I say almost, because, had I been convinced of it, I would have thrown myself at his feet entreating pardon; but, not feeling myself competent to stand in judgment in my own cause, I satisfied myself by remaining dull and silent, and I never uttered one word until we were only half a mile from Sinigaglia, where I intended to take supper and to remain for the night. Having fought long enough with my own feelings, I

said to him;

"We might have spent a little time in Rimini like good friends, if you had felt any friendship for me, for, with a little kind compliance, you could have easily cured me of my passion."

"It would not cure you," answered Bellino, courageously, but with a sweetness of tone which surprised me; "no, you would not be cured, whether you found me to be man or woman, for you are in love with me independently of my sex, and the certainty you would acquire would make you furious. In such a state, should you find me inexorable, you would very likely give way to excesses which would afterwards cause you deep sorrow."

"You expect to make me admit that you are right, but you are completely mistaken, for I feel that I should remain perfectly calm, and that by complying with my wishes you would gain my friendship."

"I tell you again that you would become furious."

"Bellino, that which has made me furious is the sight of your charms, either too real or too completely deceiving, the power of which you cannot affect to ignore. You have not been afraid to ignite my amorous fury, how can you expect me to believe you now, when you pretend to fear it, and when I am only asking you to let me touch a thing, which, if it be as you say, will only disgust me?"

  • 耀日


  • 超神雇佣兵王


  • 无双国仕


    大业十一年,征辽战役落幕,隋帝忙着北狩南巡。这是一个黑暗混乱、瓦釜雷鸣的时代,十八路反王,六十四路烟尘。这一年,李渊在太原剿匪,戏精王世充成了杨广头号小弟,山大王翟让聚义瓦岗,屌丝朱粲咸鱼翻身,鹰扬府的梁师都瞎折腾;这是一个风起云涌、豪杰辈出的时代,一批英雄枭雄开始搅动历史:李靖、程咬金、尉迟恭、秦琼、李密、窦建德……而此时,来自漠北的少年方黎却守着自己那一亩三分地,老婆孩子热炕头。 【无双群:153050783】
  • 都市之最强天尊


  • 风与草:喻中读《尚书》


    与《论语》等儒家经典不同,《尚书》因其晦涩难懂,是一本大家都知道但很多人并不了解的著作。目前市面上关于《尚 书》的图书全部是很学术的专业图书,令普通读者望而生畏,本书则是面向大众的通俗读本,以期对《尚书》这部经典著作的普及作出努力。 为什么要读《尚书》?因为它是中国现存最古老的历史文献,经典中的经典。自孔子编出第一版之后,就一直流淌在中国的历史长河中。孔子以《尚书》为教材培养了三干弟子。从汉代开始,它就作为居于权威地位的教科书备受推崇,数千年间,一直充当着塑造中国心灵、中国固有文化的核心经典。《尚书》上起传说中的尧帝,下至春秋时期的秦穆公,反映了这个时期若干代表性君臣的代表性言论,偶尔也记录了他们的一些行迹。君臣们的言行虽然指涉甚广,内容宏富,但几乎都聚焦于一个共同的主题,那就是政治政之道与治之术。
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  • 太空生活全接触(神秘的太空世界丛书)


    《太空生活全接触》立足于科学事实,以详尽的文字资料为基石,以丰 富的图片做辅助,和读者朋友们一起去探索宇航员在太空中的神秘生活,相 信该书会有助于读者朋友们对宇航员的太空生活形成一个立体结构的综合认 识,从而进一步启迪和加强大家的想象力和对真知的渴求度。
  • 王弼老子注

