

I sat down before him and for three consecutive hours I narrated scandalous histories unnumerable, which, however, I told simply and not spicily, since I felt ascetically disposed and obliged myself to speak with a contrition I did not feel, for when I recounted my follies I was very far from finding the remembrance of them disagreeable.

In spite of that, the serene or reverend abbot believed, at all events, in my attrition, for he told me that since by the appointed means I had once more placed myself in a state of grace, contrition would be perfected in me.

According to the good abbot, and still more according to me, without grace contrition is impossible.

After he had pronounced the sacramental words which take away the sins of men, he advised me to retire to the chamber he had appointed for me, to pass the rest of the day in prayer, and to go to bed at an early hour, but he added that I could have supper if I was accustomed to that meal. He told me that I might communicate at the first mass next morning, and with that we parted.

I obeyed with a docility which has puzzled me ever since, but at the time I thought nothing of it. I was left alone in a room which I did not even examine, and there I pondered over the idea which had come into my head before making my confession; and I quite made up my mind that chance, or rather my good genius, had led me to that spot, where happiness awaited me, and where I might shelter all my days from the tempests of the world.

"Whether I stay here," said I, "depends on myself alone, as I am sure the abbot will not refuse me the cowl if I give him ten thousand crowns for my support."

All that was needed to secure my happiness seemed a library of my own choosing, and I did not doubt but that the abbot would let me have what books I pleased if I promised to leave them to the monastery after my death.

As to the society of the monks, the discord, envy, and all the bickerings inseparable from such a mode of life, I thought I had nothing to pass in that way, since I had no ambitions which could rouse the jealousy of the other monks. Nevertheless, despite my fascination, I foresaw the possibility of repentance, and I shuddered at the thought, but I had a cure for that also.

"When I ask for the habit," I said, "I will also ask that my novitiate be extended for ten years, and if repentance do not come in ten years it will not come at all. I shall declare that I do not wish for any cure or any ecclesiastical dignity. All I want is peace and leave to follow my own tastes, without scandalising anyone."

I thought: I could easily remove any objections which might be made to the long term of my novitiate, by agreeing, in case I changed my mind, to forfeit the ten thousand crowns which I would pay in advance.

I put down this fine idea in writing before I went to bed; and in the morning, finding myself unshaken in my resolve, after I had communicated I gave my plan to the abbot, who was taking chocolate in his room.

He immediately read my plan, and without saying anything put it on the table, and after breakfast he walked up and down the room and read it again, and finally told me that he would give me an answer after dinner.

I waited till night with the impatience of a child who has been promised toys on its birthday--so completely and suddenly can an infatuation change one's nature. We had as good a dinner as on the day before, and when we had risen from the table the good abbot said, "My carriage is at the door to take you to Zurich. Go, and let me have a fortnight to think it over. I will bring my answer in person.

In the meanwhile here are two sealed letters, which please deliver yourself."

I replied that I would obey his instructions and that I would wait for him at the "Sword," in the hope that be would deign to grant my wishes. I took his hand, which he allowed me to kiss, and I then set out for Zurich.

As soon as my Spaniard saw me the rascal began to laugh. I guessed what he was thinking, and asked him what he was laughing at.

"I am amazed to see that no sooner do you arrive in Switzerland than you contrive to find some amusement which keeps you away for two whole days."

"Ah, I see; go and tell the landlord that I shall want the use of a good carriage for the next fortnight, and also a guide on whom I can rely."

My landlord, whose name was Ote, had been a captain, and was thought a great deal of at Zurich. He told me that all the carriages in the neighbourhood were uncovered. I said they would do, as there was nothing better to be had, and he informed me I could trust the servant he would provide me with.

Next morning I took the abbot's letters. One was for M. Orelli and the other for a M. Pestalozzi, neither of whom I found at home; but in the afternoon they both called on me, asked me to dinner, and made me promise to come with them the same evening to a concert. This is the only species of entertainment allowed at Zurich, and only members of the musical society can be present, with the exception of strangers, who have to be introduced by a member, and are then admitted on the payment of a crown. The two gentlemen both spoke in very high terms of the Abbot of Einsiedel.

I thought the concert a bad one, and got bored at it. The men sat on the right hand and the women on the left. I was vexed with this arrangement, for in spite of my recent conversation I saw three or four ladies who pleased me, and whose eyes wandered a good deal in my direction. I should have liked to make love to them, to make the best of my time before I became a monk.

When the concert was over, men and women went out together, and the two citizens presented me to their wives and daughters, who looked pleasant, and were amongst those I had noticed.

Courtesy is necessarily cut short in the street, and, after I had thanked the two gentlemen, I went home to the "Sword."

  • 理想与成功(漫漫求知路)


  • 天庭执事在人间


  • 相思了无益


  • 悟玄篇


  • 火影之签到就无敌


  • 伤寒附翼


  • 斗罗大陆


  • 娘子,夜深了


    新坑《老婆,不婚休想离》皇命在身:一年之内必须娶满三夫四侍!正夫诱惑:娘子,你看上谁了?为夫帮你抢回来!但是你的心里不许有别人!只能疼我爱我!夫管严者有家训曰:为妻者,宠夫是王道!这是一个爱吃醋的傲娇妖夫,怕娘子爱上别的男人,想要独占宠爱,却又死乞白赖的给娘子塞各种相公、挖各种桃花坑的NP爱情故事!这么一个夫管严,这么一个娇憨老实的姑娘,为了三夫四侍的皇命,必须得狡猾一下下了!先把美人们娶回来,哄了夫君再谈情说爱!【扮猪吃老虎】。【仙侠】。【女宠男】。【小白】。【美男多多】。喜欢的亲们请收藏、留言支持下昂~(*^◎^*)------------(~o ̄▽ ̄)~o窝是又萌又可耐的分割线------------【玄幻宠文】阴阳师,九尾狐,返祖。【哥哥是只妖】墨儿师傅【宠文】女王,忠犬男~桃花常常眼冒精光,因为别人家哥哥、稳重、正太还超级萌!看自家哥哥:阴险、腹黑、还是个万人迷牛郎~偏偏还是只妖、不是人!啊啊~~最可恨的是,这个阴险腹黑万人迷妖哥哥时常对自己动手动脚,还……宝贝们滴有爱【宠】文妈咪,我是合法的》九尾鸢这是一个宠文,先婚后爱,宝宝很无敌,涉及高干豪门和黑帮。男主强女主也不弱,都擅长扮猪吃老虎,但是到底是谁吃了谁呢,亲们钻文看吧。《难耐美人恩》凤陌焰美人如画,恩宠不断。耐得了寂寞,受得了严寒,守得了家门,却,难耐美人狂野恩宠!《爱妃,老子是狼王》【宠】他是狼崽,她是渊识的人类,她不嫌弃他,教他唤她的名字:黎西,给他取名,黎狼;后来,他是王,她是贱民,他也不嫌弃她,教她用最精致的器皿享用世间最好的一切。【宠文推荐】《废帝霸妃》【契约老公,别乱来】剩女脸不红耳不热,纤手捏着美男俊脸:小朋友皮肤蛮水嫩的,教姐姐如何保养……【拐个娘子,生个娃】穿越只想泡美男,玩JQ,为啥子要嫁给大了她十几多岁的大叔?!如此,要逃!《全能皇妃》这一世,她立誓要做一个全能美少女,什么诗词歌赋,什么琴棋书画,什么谋略天下,只要是人会的,她都要学会…【那些年,我们一起打怪兽】【独宠妖孽徒儿】【仙侠+师徒+宠文】神马伦常,神马禁忌,那都是浮云。就偏生要做一对让人艳羡的神仙眷侣!http://m.wkkk.net/u/1792766237木子的微博拿出来晒晒太阳~\(≧▽≦)/~有木有喜欢刷微博滴亲亲~
  • 鹏振余风激万世:李白


  • 太上五星七元空常诀

