

can't conceive that a man of your age can live with a woman like that without loving her. She is very pretty and exceedingly intelligent, she has good spirits, talents, an excellent manner, and she speaks exceedingly well: that is enough to charm you, and I expect you will find it difficult to separate from her. Lebel did her a bad turn in sending her to you, as she used to have an excellent reputation, and now she will no longer be able to get a place with ladies in the highest society."

"I shall take her to Berne."

"That is a good idea."

Just as they were going I said that I should soon be coming to Soleure to thank them for the distinguished reception they had given me, as I proposed leaving in a few days. The idea of never seeing Madame again was so painful to me that as soon as I got in I went to bed, and my housekeeper, respecting my melancholy, retired after wishing me good-night.

In two or three days I received a note from my charmer, bidding me call upon them the day following at about ten o'clock, and telling me I was to ask for dinner. I carried out her orders to the letter.

M. gave me a most friendly reception, but saying that he was obliged to go into the country and could not be home till one o'clock, he begged me not to be offended if he delivered me over to his wife for the morning. Such is the fate of a miserable husband! His wife was engaged with a young girl at tambour-work; I accepted her company on the condition that she would not allow me to disturb her work.

The girl went away at noon, and soon after we went to enjoy the fresh air outside the house. We sat in a summer-house from which, ourselves unseen, we could see all the carriages that approached the house.

"Why, dearest, did you not procure me the bliss when I was in good health."

"Because at that time my husband suspected that you turned yourself into a waiter for my sake, and that you could not be indifferent towards me. Your discretion has destroyed his suspicions; and also your housekeeper, whom he believes to be your wife, and who has taken his fancy to such an extent, that I believe he would willingly consent to an exchange, for a few days at any rate. Would you agree?"

"Ah! if the exchange could be effected."

Having only an hour before me, and foreseeing that it would be the last I should pass beside her, I threw myself at her feet. She was full of affection, and put no obstacles in the way of my desires, save those which my own feelings dictated, for I loved her too well to consent to injure her health. I did all I could to replace the utmost bliss, but the pleasure she enjoyed doubtless consisted in a great measure in shewing me her superiority to the horrible widow.

When we saw the husband's carriage coming, we rose and took care that the worthy man should not find us in the arbour. He made a thousand excuses for not having returned sooner.

We had an excellent dinner, and at table he talked almost entirely of my housekeeper, and he seemed moved when I said I meant to take her to Lausanne to her mother. I took leave of them at five o'clock with a broken heart, and from there I went to M. de Chavigni and told him all my adventures. He had a right to be told, as he had done all in his power to insure the success of a project which had only failed by an unexampled fatality.

In admiration of my dear Dubois's wit--for I did not conceal the part she played he said that old as he was he should think himself quite happy if he had such a woman with him, and he was much pleased when I

told him that I was in love with her. "Don't give yourself the trouble, my dear Casanova, of running from house to house to take leave," said the amiable nobleman. "It can be done just as well at the assembly, and you need not even stay to supper, if you don't want to."

I followed his advice, and thus saw again Madame as I thought, for the last time, but I was wrong; I saw her ten years afterwards; and at the proper time the reader will see where, when, how, and under what circumstances.

  • 善权位禅师语录


  • 为霖道霈禅师秉拂语录


  • 续传灯录


  • 长歌行


  • 六十种曲还魂记


  • 一生要读的美丽宋词


  • 王师三国


  • 圣器谱


  • 诸师圣诞冲举酌献仪


  • 官经一日一谈


    盲目创新和泥古不化一样有害。不可事事明察秋毫,洞彻人心深处;不可老于世故,更不要过于圆滑,领导者的才能在于选拔官吏和任用。“赏” 与“罚”是法家治国的“二柄”,以此来调动民心,在一拉一打的过程中,让不法之徒惧于威严不敢造次,君子慎其独也。道德原则是一时一刻也不能离开的,在独处无人监督时,或者在细小的问题上,不能放纵自己。依此处世,可无患矣。要想让人拥护和信服,首先要做的就是提高自身的修养;应该认清自己的性情,损有余而补不足,打造完美的性格;恪守信义是立身处世之道。
  • 总裁,不爱请放手!【全本】


  • 冰心难


  • 恶魔校草恋爱记:呆萌99吻


  • 重生之嫡女弃后


    前世心狠手辣,最终惨死冷宫的周木槿无论如何也想象不到自己会有重活一次的机会。前世真毒辣,现世假莲花。 这一世,她贤淑大度,宽待宫人,还将他前世的宠妃亲手送到他的面前,只求安稳度日。他却借着酒劲愤怒地掐住她的脖颈质问:周木槿,你的心里到底还有没有朕? 眼见着前世对自己恨之入骨的男人开始步步紧逼,她却并不慌张,别的事她没有十足把握,可让他讨厌自己的方法还不信手捏来?她盯着面前的男人,平静地道:我嫁到祁国三年无所出,只凭这一点,陛下便可废后。
  • 闪亮高跟鞋

