

I was pleased with the rotunda. I had some tea, I danced some minuets, but I made no acquaintances; and although I saw several pretty women, I did not dare to attack any of them. I got tired, and as it was near midnight I went out thinking to find my coach, for which I had not paid, still there, but it was gone, and I did not know what to do. An extremely pretty woman who was waiting for her carriage in the doorway, noticed my distress, and said that if I

lived anywhere near Whitehall, she could take me home. I thanked her gratefully, and told her where I lived. Her carriage came up, her man opened the door, and she stepped in on my arm, telling me to sit beside her, and to stop the carriage when it got to my house.

As soon as we were in the carriage, I burst out into expressions of gratitude; and after telling her my name I expressed my regret at not having seen her at Soho Square.

"I was not in London," she replied, "I returned from Bath to-day."

I apostrophised my happiness in having met her. I covered her hands with kisses, and dared to kiss her on the cheek; and finding that she smiled graciously, I fastened my lips on hers, and before long had given her an unequivocal mark of the ardour with which she had inspired me.

She took my attentions so easily that I flattered myself I had not displeased her, and I begged her to tell me where I could call on her and pay my court while I remained in London, but she replied,--

"We shall see each other again; we must be careful."

I swore secrecy, and urged her no more. Directly after the carriage stopped, I kissed her hand and was set down at my door, well pleased with the ride home.

For a fortnight I saw nothing of her, but I met her again in a house where Lady Harrington had told me to present myself, giving her name.

It was Lady Betty German's, and I found her out, but was asked to sit down and wait as she would be in soon. I was pleasantly surprised to find my fair friend of Ranelagh in the room, reading a newspaper. I

conceived the idea of asking her to introduce me to Lady Betty, so I

went up to her and proffered my request, but she replied politely that she could not do so not having the honour to know my name.

"I have told you my name, madam. Do you not remember me?"

"I remember you perfectly, but a piece of folly is not a title of acquaintance."

I was dumbfounded at the extraordinary reply, while the lady calmly returned to her newspaper, and did not speak another word till the arrival of Lady Betty.

The fair philosopher talked for two hours without giving the least sign of knowing who I was, although she answered me with great politeness whenever I ventured to address her. She turned out to be a lady of high birth and of great reputation.

Happening to call on Martinelli, I asked him who was the pretty girl who was kissing her hands to me from the house opposite. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that she was a dancer named Binetti.

Four years ago she had done me a great service at Stuttgart, but I

did not know she was in London. I took leave of Martinelli to go and see her, and did so all the more eagerly when I heard that she had parted from her husband, though they were obliged to dance together at the Haymarket.

She received me with open arms, telling me that she had recognized me directly.

"I am surprised, my dear elder," said she, "to see you in London."

She called me "elder" because I was the oldest of her friends.

"Nor did I know that you were here. I came to town after the close of the opera. How is it that you are not living with your husband?"

"Because he games, loses, and despoils me of all I possess. Besides, a woman of my condition, if she be married, cannot hope that a rich lover will come and see her, while if she be alone she can receive visits without any constraint."

"I shouldn't have thought they would be afraid of Binetti; he used to be far from jealous."

"Nor is he jealous now; but you must know that there is an English law which allows the husband to arrest his wife and her lover if he finds them in 'flagrante delicto'. He only wants two witnesses, and it is enough that they are sitting together on a bed. The lover is forced to pay to the husband the half of all he possesses. Several rich Englishmen have been caught in this way, and now they are very shy of visiting married women, especially Italians."

"So you have much to be thankful for. You enjoy perfect liberty, can receive any visitors you like, and are in a fair way to make a fortune."

"Alas! my dear friend, you do not know all. When he has information from his spies that I have had a visitor, he comes to me in a sedan-

chair at night, and threatens to turn me out into the street if I do not give him all the money I have. He is a terrible rascal!"

I left the poor woman, after giving her my address, and telling her to come and dine with me whenever she liked. She had given me a lesson on the subject of visiting ladies. England has very good laws, but most of them are capable of abuse. The oath which jurymen have to take to execute them to the letter has caused several to be interpreted in a manner absolutely contrary to the intention of the legislators, thus placing the judges in a difficult predicament.

Thus new laws have constantly to be made, and new glosses to explain the old ones.

My Lord Pembroke, seeing me at my window, came in, and after examining my house, including the kitchen, where the cook was at work, told me that there was not a nobleman in town who had such a well-furnished and comfortable house. He made a calculation, and told me that if I wanted to entertain my friends I should require three hundred pounds a month. "You can't live here," said he, "without a pretty girl, and those who know that you keep bachelor's hall are of opinion that you are very wise, and will save a great deal of useless expense."

"Do you keep a girl, my lord?"

"No, for I am unfortunate enough to be disgusted with a woman after I

have had her for a day."

"Then you require a fresh one every day?"

  • 太清修丹秘诀


  • 宾退随笔


  • 黄帝阴符经心法


  • Valerius Terminus

    Valerius Terminus

  • 释迦牟尼如来像法灭尽之记


  • 白骨道宫


  • 暖爱之影后萌妻


  • 北伐大同


    续西峰,又名续桐溪,在辛亥革命时期,曾经历守卫大同、出任山西巡警道、华山聚义、北京政变等诸多重大历史事件,被孙中山誉为“奋不顾身救国救民者”。《北伐大同》节选了长篇纪实《续西峰》中的部分章节,以飨读者。1911年11月的崞县西社村。刺骨的北风刮净了楸树上的叶子,后沟里的庄稼已经收获归仓,同河水尚未封冻。 钦阳巷是西社村中的一条狭窄的小巷,续西峰就住在钦阳巷里。
  • 我想你,前任2


    大三的女学生萧飞在咖啡馆做兼职,想努力攒钱带妈妈去旅游,并且决定在毕业之前对暗恋了很多年的男生董宁表白。但是董宁心里有喜欢的女生,为了她不惜放弃上海的好工作,到北京做了快递小哥。萧飞认识了经常来打桌球的晏景和,起初以为他是花花公子,后来发现他也在全心全意守护自己深爱的人戴安。而戴安的心中偏偏也有个挥之不去的人。萧飞和宴景和两个惺惺相惜的“No 2”成为无话不说的哥们儿,却让董宁产生了误解。董宁刚想和萧飞确定恋爱关系,就被一连串的误解打消了勇气。这是一个关于“备胎”的故事。每个人都在以不同的方式守护着自己爱的人。爱情有很多种,幸福没有固定的模式,听从自己的内心就是最好的安排。
  • 锋位之王


  • 上古萌神在我家


  • 重生之幸福80年代


  • 遥远的北方


  • 穿越之女扮男装闯天下


  • 罪孽的报应:德国和日本的战争记忆

