

"I am sorry to hear it, but such is the case. 1 am going to her house, and I shall turn her out of doors with nothing else than the dress on her back, for the furniture, clothes, jewels, linen-in fact, all her possessions, belong to me. May I ask you to be with me when I perform this exploit?"

I was astonished. I asked him if he had told Baletti what he intended to do.

"You are the first person to whom I have disclosed my intentions."

I could not treat him as a madman, for he did not look like one, and, concluding that there really might be the law he had alleged, I

replied that I did not feel inclined to join him in his enterprise, of which I disapproved very strongly, unless his wife had actually robbed him of what she possessed.

"She has only robbed me of my honour, sir, and she left me, taking her talents with her. She must have made a great fortune here, and have I not a right to take it from her, were it only for vengeance sake?"

"That may be, but I ask you what you would think of me if I agreed to join you in an undertaking which seems a cruel one to me, however good your reasons may be. Besides I may know your wife, she may even be a friend of mine."

"I will tell you her name."

"No, I beg of you not to do so, although I do not know any Madame Constantini."

"She has changed her name to Calori, and she sings at the 'Haymarket.'"

"I know who she is now. I am sorry you have told me."

"I have no doubt you will keep my secret, and I am now going to find out where she lives; for that is the principal thing."

He left me weeping, and I pitied him, but at the same time I was sorry that he had made me the depositary of his secret. A few hours after I called on Madame Binetti, and she told me the histories of all the artistes in London. When she came to the Calori she told me that she had had several lovers out of whom she had made a great deal, but at present she had no lover, unless it were the violinist Giardini, with whom she was in love in earnest.

"Where does she come from?"

"From Vicenza."

"Is she married?"

"I don't think so."

I thought no more of this wretched business, but three or four days later I had a letter from King's Bench Prison. It was from Constantini. The poor wretch said I was the only friend he had in London, and that he hoped I would come and see him, were it only to give him some advice.

I thought it my duty to accede to his request, and I went to the prison, where I found the poor man in a wretched state, with an old English attorney, who spoke a little bad Italian, and was known to me.

Constantini had been arrested the day before on account of several bills drawn by his wife which had not been taken up. By these bills she appeared in debt to the amount of a thousand guineas. The attorney had got the five bills, and he was trying to make some arrangements with the husband.

I saw at once that the whole thing was a scandalous swindle, for Madame Binetti had told me that the Calori was very rich. I begged the attorney to leave me alone with the prisoner, as I wanted to have some private conversation with him.

"They have arrested me for my wife's debts," said he, "and they tell me I must pay them because I am her husband."

"It's a trick your wife has played on you; she must have found out you were in London."

"She saw me through the window."

"Why did you delay putting your project into execution?"

"I meant to carry it out this morning, but how was I to know that she had debts?"

  • 空间在手,夏氏专有


  • 万界社区


  • 毒医倾天下


  • 天国的情歌:我爱你很多


  • 坏小孩(秦昊、王景春《隐秘的角落》原著)


    秦昊、王景春主演网剧《隐秘的角落》原著, 多重伏笔,结局神逆转!“推理之王”紫金陈第2部!鹦鹉史航、马伯庸墙裂推荐!上门女婿隐忍数年,出轨人妻不幸全家丧命。这场精心谋划的连环杀人案,却被几个在远处玩耍的小孩无意中拍下。更让凶手没想到的是,这几个孩子却把他给设计了。自小父母离异,一直品学兼优,可父亲的新家庭却容不下他。面对亲人的遗弃,仇恨的种子在心中渐渐发芽……一连串停不下来的杀人计划,一场步步为营的惊人骗局,一个十四岁的孩子,如何拥有颠倒黑白的大逆转能力?又如何将友谊、亲情与爱情狠狠踩在脚下?超乎常人想象的“演技”和精心设计的完美诡计,他做了这么多,却只想拥有一个可以重新开始的明天。却没料到,忽略了一个人……
  • The Golden Sayings

    The Golden Sayings

  • 感恩故事(语文新课标课外必读第五辑)


  • 兵发死亡谷


    围绕建军80周年,人民武警出版社认真组织《中国武警特别行动系列 丛书》和《忠诚卫士风采》等国家重点图书的落实工作。其中,《中国武 警特别行动系列丛书》一共出版六本,分别是《中国武警特别行动》、《 世界反恐大扫描》、《大搜捕》、《兵发死亡谷》、《铁血英雄》、《千 里护卫毛泽东——武警警卫工作秘闻》。这套丛书通过选择一个个特别的 角度,向我们介绍了武警。
  • 黄箓九幽醮无碍夜斋次第仪


  • 太子弃妃

