

I spent the day in seeing that a suit was made for her, and I felt quite amorous when Pegu, the tailor, measured her for the breeches.

Everything was done in time and we had a charming ride, for she managed her horse with wonderful skill.

After an excellent supper, to which wine had not been lacking, the happy Hippolyta accompanied Victoire into my room and helped her to undress. When she kissed her sister I asked if she would not give me a kiss too, and after some jesting Augusta changed the joke into earnest by bidding her come to bed beside me, without taking the trouble to ask my leave, so sure did she feel of my consent. The night was well spent, and I had no reason to complain of want of material, but Augusta wisely let the newcomer have the lion's share of my attentions.

Next day we rode out again in the afternoon, followed by my negro, who was a skilful horseman himself. In Richmond Park Hippolyta's dexterity astonished me; she drew all eyes on her. In the evening we came home well pleased with our day's ride, and had a good supper.

As the meal proceeded I noticed that Gabrielle, the youngest of all, looked sad and a little sulky. I asked her the reason, and with a little pout that became her childish face admirably, she replied,--

"Because I can ride on horseback as well as my sister."

"Very good," said I, "then you shall ride the day after to-morrow."

This put her into a good temper again.

Speaking of Hippolyta's skill, I asked her where she had learnt to ride. She simply burst out laughing. I asked her why she laughed, and she said,--

"Why, because I never learnt anywhere; my only masters were courage and some natural skill."

"And has your sister learnt?"

"No," said Gabrielle, "but I can ride just as well."

I could scarcely believe it, for Hippolyta had seemed to float on her horse, and her riding skewed the utmost skill and experience. Hoping that her sister would vie with her, I said that I would take them out together, and the very idea made them both jump with joy.

Gabrielle was only fifteen, and her shape, though not fully developed, was well marked, and promised a perfect beauty by the time she was in her maturity. Full of grace and simplicity, she said she would like to come with me to my room, and I readily accepted her offer, not caring whether the scheme had been concerted between her and her other sisters.

As soon as we were alone, she told me that she had never had a lover, and she allowed me to assure myself of the fact with the same child-

like simplicity. Gabrielle was like all the others; I would have chosen her if I had been obliged to make the choice. She made me feel sorry for her sake, to hear that the mother had made up her mind to leave. In the morning I gave her her fee of twenty guineas and a handsome ring as a mark of my peculiar friendship, and we spent the day in getting ready our habits for the ride of the day following.

Gabrielle got on horseback as if she had had two years in the riding school. We went along the streets at a walking pace, but as soon as we were in the open country we broke into a furious gallop, and kept it up till we got to Barnet, where we stopped to breakfast. We had done the journey in twenty-five minutes, although the distance is nearly ten miles. This may seem incredible, but the English horses are wonderfully swift, and we were all of us well mounted. My two nymphs looked ravishing. I adored them, and I adored myself for making them so happy.

Just as we were remounting, who should arrive but Lord Pembroke. He was on his way to St. Alban's. He stopped his horse, and admired the graceful riding of my two companions; and not recognizing them immediately, he begged leave to pay his court to them. How I laughed to myself! At last he recognized them, and congratulated me on my conquest, asking if I loved Hippolyta. I guessed his meaning, and said I only loved Gabrielle.

  • 佛说大乘不思议神通境界经


  • 古方汇精


  • 鬼谷子天髓灵文


  • 新缀白裘


  • 二刻拍案惊奇


  • 桑利修道院


    本书为西方恐怖小说经典作品选集。不仅具有极强的阅读价值,还具有较高的收藏和研究价值。 故事情节曲折、诡异,除了恐怖元素,还体现了对人类情感、道德的探讨,可引起读者深思,很有意义。 《诅咒村》一篇,讲述了孙子在爷爷灵魂的引导下重返村庄,终于带领村民走出愚昧,重拾幸福的故事,令人深思感叹。 《失心之灵》是一篇复仇故事。阿布尼先生为了寻求长生,不惜杀害儿童以获得他们的心,却终被孩子的灵魂夺去生命,揭示了善恶有报的道理,引人唏嘘。
  • 快穿之繁花予卿


  • 撫安東夷記


  • 故事会(2018年4月上)


  • 妃从天降:王爷的异世王妃


    (作者准备弃坑中……)她,是个人造人,生在三千世界之外,不受天地管束,从来不懂什么是爱,不知道什么是痛。他,七玄大陆玄紫帝国的并肩王,战功无数,生来便是天之骄子。初次见面,她因太过强大而被人类忌惮,想要对她进行强制性抹杀,在反抗的时候,‘不慎’掉入时空乱流,坠入了正在山林间正在和刺客对敌的他的怀中。(滴!作者已下线,简介无能……)【女主:零幻,男主:帝渊晨1v1双处】已建读者群,群聊号码:921109141 [如果不喜欢这本书别喷,因为本作者只是个初中生文采并不好,写小说只是我的一个兴趣爱好而已。]
  • 闯荡古玩江湖


  • 末世御灵师


  • 航空体育文化


  • 拳变馀闻


  • 决定你人生的不是智商,而是情商

