James Redwood was summoned one morning to the counting room of his employer.
"Mr. Redwood," said the merchant "I have reason to think that one of my clerks is dishonest.""Who, sir?""That is what I want you to find out."
"What reason have you for suspecting any one?""Some ladies' cloaks and some dress patterns are missing.""Are you sure they were not sold?""Yes: the record of sales has been examined, and they are not included.""That is strange, Mr. Goodnow" said Redwood thoughtfully.
"I hope I am not under suspicion."
"Oh, not at all."
"The losses seem to have taken place in my department.""True, but that doesn't involve you.""What do you want me to do?"
"Watch those under you. Let nothing in your manner, however, suggest that you are suspicious. I don't want you to put any one on his guard.""All right, sir. I will be guided by your instructions.
Have you any idea how long this has been going on?""Only a few weeks."Mr. Redwood turned to go back to his room, but Mr. Goodnow called him back.
"I needn't suggest to you," he said, "that you keep this to yourself. Don't let any clerk into the secret.""Very well, sir."James Redwood, however, did not keep his promise. After supper he called back Jasper as he was about putting on his hat to go out, and said, "Jasper, I wish to speak with you for five minutes.""Won't it do tomorrow morning? I have an engagement.""Put it off, then. This is a matter of importance.""Very well, sir," and Jasper, albeit reluctantly, laid down his hat and sat down.
"Jasper," said his uncle, "there's a thief in our establishment."Jasper started, and his sallow complexion turned yellower than usual.
"What do you mean, uncle?" he asked nervously.
"What I say. Some articles are missing that have not been sold.""Such as what?""Ladies' cloaks and dress patterns."
"Who told you?" asked Jasper in a low tone.
"Mr. Goodnow."
"What the boss?"
"How should he know?"
"I didn't inquire, and if I had he probably wouldn't have told me.
The main thing is that he does know."
"He may not be sure."
"He is not a man to speak unless he feels pretty sure.""I don't see how any one could steal the articles without being detected.""It seems they are detected.""Did--did Mr. Goodnow mention any names?"
"No. He wants to watch and find out the thief. I wish you to help me, though I am acting against instructions. Mr. Goodnow asked me to take no one into my confidence. You will see, therefore, that it will be necessary for you to say nothing.""I won't breathe a word," said Jasper, who seemed to feel more at ease.
"Now that I have told you so much, can you suggest any person who would be likely to commit the theft?"Jasper remained silent for a moment, then with a smile of malicious satisfaction said, "Yes, I can suggest a person.""Who is it?""The new boy, Rodney Ropes."
James Redwood shook his head.
"I can't believe that it is he. I am not in love with the young fellow, who seems to stand in the way of your advancement but he seems straight enough, and I don't think it at all likely that he should be the guilty person.""Yes, Uncle James, he SEEMS straight but you know that still waters run deep.""Have you seen anything that would indicate guilt on his part?""I have noticed this, that, he is very well dressed for a boy of his small salary, and seems always to have money to spend.""That will count for something. Still he might have some outide means. Have you noticed anything else?"Jasper hesitated.