

The scene changes.

Three weeks later among the miners who were sitting on the narrow veranda of the "Miners' Rest" in Oreville in Montana we recognize two familiar faces and figures--those of Jefferson Pettigrew and Rodney Ropes. Both were roughly clad, and if Jasper could have seen Rodney he would have turned up his nose in scorn, for Rodney had all the look of a common miner.

It was in Oreville that Mr. Pettigrew had a valuable mining property, on which he employed quite a number of men who preferred certain wages to a compensation depending on the fluctuations of fortune. Rodney was among those employed, but although he was well paid he could not get to like the work.

Of this, however, he said nothing to Mr. Pettigrew whose company he enjoyed, and whom he held in high esteem.

On the evening in question Jefferson rose from his seat and signed to Rodney to follow him.

"Well, Rodney, how do you like Montana?" he asked.

"Well enough to be glad I came here," answered Rodney.

"Still you are not partial to the work of a miner!""I can think of other things I would prefer to do.""How would you like keeping a hotel?""Is there any hotel in search of a manager?" asked Rodney smiling.

"I will explain. Yesterday I bought the `Miners' Rest.'""What--the hotel where we board?""Exactly. I found that Mr. Bailey, who has made a comfortable sum of money, wants to leave Montana and go East and I bought the hotel.""So that hereafter I shall board with you?""Not exactly. I propose to put you in charge, and pay you a salary. I can oversee, and give you instructions. How will that suit you?""So you think I am competent, Mr. Pettigrew?""Yes, I think so. There is a good man cook, and two waiters.

The cook will also order supplies and act as steward under you.""What then will be my duties?""You will act as clerk and cashier, and pay the bills. You will have to look after all the details of management. If there is anything you don't understand you will have me to back you up, and advise you. What do you say?""That I shall like it much better than mining. My only doubt is as to whether I shall suit you.""It is true that it takes a smart man to run a hotel, but Ithink we can do it between us. Now what will you consider a fair salary?""I leave that to you, Mr. Pettigrew.""Then we will call it a hundred and fifty dollars a month and board.""But, Mr. Pettigrew," said Rodney in surprise, "how can Ipossibly earn that much?"1I expect to make considerable money after deducting all the expenses of management.""My friend Jasper would be very much surprised if he could know the salary I am to receive. In the store I was only paid seven dollars a week.""The duties were different. Almost any boy could discharge the duties of an entry clerk while it takes peculiar qualities to run a hotel.""I was certainly very fortunate to fall in with you, Mr. Pettigrew.""I expect it will turn out fortunate for me too, Rodney.""When do you want me to start in?""Next Monday morning. It is now Thursday evening. Mr. Bailey will turn over the hotel to me on Saturday night. You needn't go to the mines tomorrow, but may remain in the hotel, and he will instruct you in the details of management.""That will be quite a help to me, and I am at present quite ignorant on the subject."Rodney looked forward with pleasure to his new employment.

He had good executive talent, though thus far he had had no occasion to exercise it. It was with unusual interest that he set about qualifying himself for his new position.

"Young man," said the veteran landlord, "I think you'll do.

I thought at first that Jefferson was foolish to put a young boy in my place, but you've got a head on your shoulders, you have!

I guess you'll fill the bill."

"I hope to do so, Mr. Bailey."

"Jefferson tells me that you understand Latin and Greek?""I know something of them.""Thats what prejudiced me against you. I hired a college boy once as a clerk and he was the worst failure I ever came across.

He seemed to have all kinds of sense except common sense.

I reckon he was a smart scholar, and he could have made out the bills for the boarders in Latin or Greek if it had been necessary, but he was that soft that any one could cheat him.

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