

"You misjudged me then, Mr. Pettigrew," he said. "I believe upon my soul you looked upon me as an adventurer--a confidence man.""You are not far from the truth, Mr. Wheeler," answered Jefferson bluntly.

"Well, I forgive you. Our acquaintance was brief and you judged from superficial impressions.""Perhaps so, Mr. Wheeler. Have you ever been West before?""No.""When you came to Oreville had you any idea that I was here?""No; if I had probably I should not have struck the town, as Iknew that you didn't have a favorable opinion of me.""I can't make out much of that fellow, Rodney," said Jefferson.

"I can't understand his object in coming here.""He says he wants to buy a mine.""That's all a pretext. He hasn't money enough to buy a mine or a tenth part of it.""He seems to have money.""Yes; he may have a few hundred dollars, but mark my words, he hasn't the slightest intention of buying a mine.""He has some object in view.""No doubt! What it is is what I want to find out."There was another way in which Louis Wheeler made himself popular among the miners of Oreville. He had a violin with him, and in the evening he seated himself on the veranda and played popular tunes.

He had only a smattering in the way of musical training, but the airs he played took better than classical music would have done.

Even Jefferson Pettigrew enjoyed listening to "Home, Sweet Home"and "The Last Rose of Summer," while the miners were captivated by merry dance tunes, which served to enliven them after a long day's work at the mines.

One day there was a sensation. A man named John O'Donnell came down stairs from his room looking pale and agitated.

"Boys," he said, "I have been robbed."

Instantly all eyes were turned upon him.

"Of what have you been robbed, O'Donnell?" asked Jefferson.

"Of two hundred dollars in gold. I was going to send it home to my wife in Connecticut next week.""When did you miss it?""Just now."

"Where did you keep it?"

"In a box under my bed."

"When do you think it was taken?"

"Last night."

"What makes you think so?"

"I am a sound sleeper, and last night you know was very dark.

I awoke with a start, and seemed to hear footsteps. I looked towards the door, and saw a form gliding from the room.""Why didn't you jump out of bed and seize the intruder whoever he was?""Because I was not sure but it was all a dream. I think now it was some thief who had just robbed me.""I think so too. Could you make out anything of his appearance?""I could only see the outlines of his figure. He was a tall man. He must have taken the money from under my bed.""Did any one know that you had money concealed there?""I don't think I ever mentioned it.""It seems we have a thief among us," said Jefferson, and almost unconsciously his glance rested on Louis Wheeler who was seated near John O'Donnell, "what do you think, Mr. Wheeler?""I think you are right, Mr. Pettigrew.""Have you any suggestion to make?" asked Jefferson. "Have you by chance lost anything?""Not that I am aware of.""Is there any one else here who has been robbed?"No one spoke.

"You asked me if I had any suggestions to make, Mr. Pettigrew,"said Louis Wheeler after a pause. "I have.

"Our worthy friend Mr. O'Donnell has met with a serious loss.

I move that we who are his friends make it up to him. Here is my contribution," and he laid a five dollar bill on the table.

It was a happy suggestion and proved popular. Every one present came forward, and tendered his contributions including Jefferson, who put down twenty five dollars.

Mr. Wheeler gathered up the notes and gold and sweeping them to his hat went forward and tendered them to John O'Donnell.

"Take this money, Mr. O'Donnell," he said. "It is the free will offering of your friends. I am sure I may say for them, as for myself, that it gives us all pleasure to help a comrade in trouble."Louis Wheeler could have done nothing that would have so lifted him in the estimation of the miners.

"And now," he said, "as our friend is out of his trouble I will play you a few tunes on my violin, and will end the day happily.""I can't make out that fellow, Rodney," said Jefferson when they were alone. "I believe he is the thief, but he has an immense amount of nerve."

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    S8英雄联盟竞技文 (中二版)这一年,是各路传奇巅峰对决的一年。上有让初登帝位,一声羊来山崩乍现,欲与光羞三足鼎立。野区,前有7、锅老将余威尚存,后有宁、熊双皇乘势而起,越匪骚分一枝独秀,各路野王齐称雄。中有牙膏锅锅新秀强势崛起,鸡真主小学爹霸气依然,最强之战一触即发。下有狗明毫无争议最强牌面,水蓝飞速蜕变势不可挡,鱼莲天命加身士气正盛,一代老贼司马帝王依然冷漠。心怀梦想的懵懂少年,就是在这样的环境下,一脚踏入了这个传奇并起的硝烟之地。天赋觉醒的那一刻起,就给自己定下了一个目标。这一生,誓必踏足山巅。封男拜酱,称帝称王。(简洁版)我有系统,我要夺冠。