We now return to France with Helena, who had spread a report of her death, which was conveyed to the Dowager Countess at Rousillon by Lafeu, a lord who wished to marry his daughter Magdalen to Bertram.
The King mourned for Helena, but he approved of the marriage proposed for Bertram, and paid a visit to Rousillon in order to see it accomplished.
"His great offense is dead," he said. "Let Bertram approach me."Then Bertram, scarred in the cheek, knelt before his Sovereign, and said that if he had not loved Lafeu's daughter before he married Helena, he would have prized his wife, whom he now loved when it was too late.
"Love that is late offends the Great Sender," said the King.
"Forget sweet Helena, and give a ring to Magdalen."Bertram immediately gave a ring to Lafeu, who said indignantly, "It's Helena's!""It's not!" said Bertram.
Hereupon the King asked to look at the ring, and said, "This is the ring I gave to Helena, and bade her send to me if ever she needed help. So you had the cunning to get from her what could help her most."Bertram denied again that the ring was Helena's, but even his mother said it was.
"You lie!" exclaimed the King. "Seize him, guards!" but even while they were seizing him, Bertram wondered how the ring, which he thought Diana had given him, came to be so like Helena's. Agentleman now entered, craving permission to deliver a petition to the King. It was a petition signed Diana Capilet, and it begged that the King would order Bertram to marry her whom he had deserted after winning her love.
"I'd sooner buy a son-in-law at a fair than take Bertram now," said Lafeu.
"Admit the petitioner," said the King.
Bertram found himself confronted by Diana and her mother. He denied that Diana had any claim on him, and spoke of her as though her life was spent in the gutter. But she asked him what sort of gentlewoman it was to whom he gave, as to her he gave, the ring of his ancestors now missing from his finger?
Bertram was ready to sink into the earth, but fate had one crowning generosity reserved for him. Helena entered.
"Do I see reality?" asked the King.
"O pardon! pardon!" cried Bertram.
She held up his ancestral ring. "Now that I have this," said she, "will you love me, Bertram?""To the end of my life," cried he.
"My eyes smell onions," said Lafeu. Tears for Helena were twinkling in them.
The King praised Diana when he was fully informed by that not very shy young lady of the meaning of her conduct. For Helena's sake she had wished to expose Bertram's meanness, not only to the King, but to himself. His pride was now in shreds, and it is believed that he made a husband of some sort after all.
a,e,i,o,u -- as in hat, bet, it, hot, hut;
â,ê,î,ô,û -- as in ate, mote, mite, mote, mute;å -- as in America, freeman, coward;ë -- as in her, fern;
ü -- as in burn, furl. ]
Adriana (ad-ri-â'-nå)
AEgeon (ê'-ge-on)
AEmilia (ê-mil'-i-å)
Alcibiades (al-si-bî'-å-dêz)
Aliena (â-li-ê'-nå)
Angelo (an'-je-lô)
Antioch (an'-ti-ok)
Antiochus (an-tî'-o-kus)
Antipholus (an-tif'-o-lus)
Antonio (an-tô'-ni-ô)
Apemantus (ap-e-man'-tus)
Apollo (å-pol'-ô)
Ariel (â'ri-el)
Arragon (ar'-å-gon)
Banquo (ban'-kwô)
Baptista (bap-tis'-tå)
Bassanio (bas-sa'-ni-ô)
Beatrice (bê'å-tris)
Bellario (bel-lâ'-ri-ô)
Bellarius (bel-lâ'-ri-us)
Benedick (ben'-e-dik)
Benvolio (ben-vô'-li-ô)
Bertram (bër'-tram)
Bianca (bê-an'-kå)
Borachio (bô-rach'-i-ô)
Brabantio (brå-ban'chô)
Burgundy (bür'-gun-di)
Caliban (kal'-i-ban)
Camillo (kå-mil'-ô)
Capulet (kap'-û-let)
Cassio (kas'-i-ô)
Celia (sê'-li-å)
Centaur (sen'-tawr)
Cerimon (sê'-ri-mon)
Cesario (se-sâ'-ri-ô)
Claudio (klaw'-di-ô)
Claudius (klaw'-di-us)
Cordelia (kawr-dê'-li-å)
Cornwall (kawrn'-wawl)
Cymbeline (sim'-be-lên)
Demetrius (de-mê'-tri-us)
Desdemona (des-de-mô-nå)
Diana (dî-an'-å)
Dionyza (dî-ô-nî'-zå)
Donalbain (don'-al-ban)
Doricles (dor'-i-klêz)
Dromio (drô'-mi-ô)
Duncan (dung'-kån)
Emilia (ê-mil'-i-å)
Ephesus (ef'e-sus)
Escalus (es'-kå-lus)
Ferdinand (fër'-di-nand)
Flaminius (flå-min'-i-us)
Flavius (flâ'-vi-us)
Fleance (flê'-ans)
Florizel (flor'-i-zel)
Ganymede (gan'-i-mêd)
Giulio (jû'-li-ô)
Goneril (gon'-e-ril)
Gonzalo (gon-zah'-lô)
Helena (hel'-e-nå)
Helicanus (hel-i-kâ'nus)
Hercules (hër'kû-lêz)
Hermia (hër'mi-å)
Hermione (hër-mî'-o-nê)
Horatio (hô-râ'-shi-ô)
Hortensio (hor-ten'-si-ô)
Iachimo (yak'-i-mô)
Iago (ê-ah-gô)
Illyria ((il-lir'-i-å)
Imogen (im'-o-jen)
Jessica (jes'-i-kå)
Juliet (ju'li-et)
Laertes (lâ-ër'-têz)
Lafeu (lah-fu')
Lear (lêr)
Leodovico (lê-ô-dô'-vi-kô)Leonato (lê-ô-nâ'-tô)
Leontes (lê-on-têz)
Luciana (lû-shi-â'nå)
Lucio (lû'-shi-ô)
Lucius (lû'-shi-us)
Lucullus (lû-kul'-us)
Lysander (lî-san'-dër)
Lysimachus (lî-sim'-å-kus)
Macbeth (mak-beth')
Magdalen (mag'-då-len)
Malcolm (mal'-kum)
Malvolio (mal-vô'li-ô)
Mantua (man-'tû-å)
Mariana (mah-ri-â'-na)
Menaphon (men'-å-fon)
Mercutio (mer-kû'-shi-ô)
Messina (mes-sê'-nah)
Milan (mil'-ån)
Miranda (mî-ran'-då)
Mitylene (mit-ê-lê'-nê)
Montagu (mon'-tå-gû)
Montano (mon-tah'-nô)