

The summer passed quickly and the time arrived for Robert Leavitt to go to the city. By this time Harry was well qualified to take his place. Harry proved to be quicker, if anything, than Robert, though the latter had been accustomed to the work for several years.

Mr. Leavitt was well satisfied with his new apprentice.

``Good-by, Harry,'' said Robert, as he saw the coach coming up the road to take him to the railroad station.

``Good-by, and good luck!'' said Harry.

On Saturday evening, after he had received his week's pay, Luke Harrison, who worked in a shop nearby, met him at the post office.

``Come along, Harry,'' he said. ``Let us play a game of billiards.''

``You must excuse me,'' said Harry.

``Oh, come along,'' said Luke, taking him by the arm; ``it's only twenty-five cents.''


can't afford it.''

``What's the use of being stingy, Harry? Try one game.''

``You can get somebody else to play with you, Luke.''

``Oh, hang it, if you care so much for a quarter, I'll pay for the game myself. Only come and play.''

Harry shook his head.


don't want to amuse myself at your expense.''

``You are a miser,'' said Luke, angrily.


told you once that I had another use for the money.''

He knew he was right, but it was disagreeable to be called a miser. He was too proud to justify himself to Luke, who spent all his money foolishly, though earning considerably larger wages than he.

The day previous he had heard, for the first time, that there was a public library in another part of the town, which was open evenings. Though it was two miles distant, and he had been at work all day, he determined to walk up there and get a book. He felt that he was very ignorant, and that his advance in the world depended upon his improving all opportunities that might present themselves for extending his limited knowledge. This was evidently one.

After his unsatisfactory interview with Luke, he set out for the upper village, as it was called. Forty minutes' walk brought him to the building in which the library was kept. An elderly man had charge of it -- a Mr. Parmenter.

``Can I

take out a book?'' asked Harry.

``Do you live in town?''

``Yes, sir.''

``What is your name?''

``Harry Walton.''


don't remember any Walton family.''

``My father lives in Granton. I am working for Mr. James Leavitt.''


have no doubt this is quite correct, but I shall have to have Mr. Leavitt's certificate to that effect before I can put your name down, and trust you with books.''

So it seemed his two-mile walk was for nothing. He must retrace his steps and come again Monday night.

He was turning away disappointed when Dr. Townley, of the lower village, who lived near Mr. Leavitt, entered the library.

``My wife wants a book in exchange for this, Mr. Parmenter,'' he said. ``Have you got anything new in? Ah, Harry Walton, how came you here? Do you take books out of the library?''

``That is what I came up for, but the librarian says I must bring a line from Mr.

Leavitt, telling who I am.''

``If Dr. Townley knows you, that is sufficient,'' said the librarian.

``He is all right, Mr. Parmenter. He is a young neighbor of mine.''

``That is enough. He can select a book.''

Harry, after a little reflection, selected the first volume of ``Rollin's Universal History.''

``That's a good, solid book, Harry,'' said the doctor. ``Most of our young people select stories.''


like stories very much,'' said Harry; ``but I have only a little time to read, and I must try to learn something.''

``You are a sensible boy,'' said the doctor, emphatically. ``Most care only for present enjoyment.''


have got my own way to make,'' said Harry, ``and I suppose that is what influences me. My father cannot help me, and I want to rise in the world.''

``You are going the right way to work. Do you intend to take out books often from the library?''

``Yes, sir.''

``It will be a long walk from the lower village.''


would walk farther rather than do without the books,''

``I can save you at any rate from walking back. My chaise is outside, and, if you will jump in, I will carry you home.''

``Thank you, doctor. I shall be very glad to ride.''

On the way, Dr. Townley said: ``I have a few miscellaneous books which I will lend to you, if you will come in.''

Harry thanked him, and not long afterward availed himself of this considerate proposal.

Once a week regularly Harry wrote home. He knew that his letters would give pleasure to the family, and he never allowed anything to interfere with his duty.

His father wrote: ``We are getting on about as usual. The cow does tolerably well, but is not as good as the one I lost. I have not yet succeeded in laying up anything toward paying for her.''

Harry wrote in reply: ``Don't trouble yourself, father, about your debt to Squire Green. If I have steady work, and keep my health, I shall have enough to pay it by the time it comes due.''

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