

"The swelling of Jordan."--Jeremiah.

"Fore-fancy your deathbed," says Samuel Rutherford. "Take an essay," he says in his greatest book, that perfect mine of gold and jewels, Christ Dying and Drawing Sinners to Himself--"Take an essay and a lift at your death, and look at it before it actually comes to your door." And so we shall. Since it is appointed to all men once to die, and after death the judgment; and since our death and our judgment are the only two things that we are absolutely sure about in our whole future, we shall henceforth fore-fancy those two events much more than we have done in the past. And to assist us in that; to quicken our fancy, to kindle it, to captivate it, and to turn our fancy wholly to our salvation, we have all the entrancing river-scenes in the Pilgrim's Progress set before us; a succession of scenes in which Bunyan positively revels in his exquisite fancies, clothing them as he does, all the time, in language of the utmost beauty, tenderness, pathos, power, and dignity. Let us take our stand, then, on the bank of the river and watch how pilgrim after pilgrim behaves himself in those terrible waters. We are all voluntary spectators to-night, but we shall all be compulsory performers before we know where we are.

1. On entering the river even Christian suddenly began to sink.

Fore-fancy that. All the words he spake still tended to discover that he had great horror of mind and hearty fears that he would die in that river; here also he was much in the troublesome thoughts of the sins he had committed both since and before he began to be a pilgrim. Fore-fancy that also, all you converted young men.

Hopeful, therefore, had much to do to keep his brother's head above water; yea, sometimes he would be quite gone down, and then in a while he would rise up again half-dead. Then I saw in my dream that Christian was in a muse a while; to whom also Hopeful added this word, "Be of good cheer; Jesus Christ maketh thee whole." And with that Christian broke out with a loud voice, "When thou passest through the waters I will be with thee, and through the rivers they shall not overflow thee." Then they both took courage and the enemy was after that as still as a stone till they were gone over.

Fore-fancy that also. There is one other thing out of that crossing that I hope I shall remember when I am in the river: "Be of good cheer," said Hopeful to his sinking fellow--"Be of good cheer, my brother, I feel the bottom, and it is good." "Hold His hand fast," wrote Samuel Rutherford to Lady Kenmure. "He knows all the fords. You may be ducked in His company but never drowned.

Put in your foot, then, and wade after Him. And be sure you set your feet always upon the stepping-stones." Yes; fore-fancy those stepping-stones, and often practise your feet upon them before the time.

2. "Good woman," said the post to Christiana, the wife of Christian the pilgrim; "Hail, good woman, I bring thee tidings that the Master calleth for thee, and expecteth thee to stand in His presence in clothes of immortality within this ten days." Fore-

fancy that also. Now the day was come that she must be gone. And so the road was full of people to see her take her journey. But, behold, all the banks beyond the river were full of horses and chariots which were come down from above to accompany her to the city gate. So she came forth and entered the river with a beckon of farewell to those that followed her to the river-side. And thus she went and entered in at the gate with all the ceremonies of joy that her husband had done before her. Fore-fancy, if you can, some of those ceremonies of joy.

3. When Mr. Fearing came to the river where was no bridge, there again he was in a heavy case. Now, he said, he should be drowned for ever and never see that Face with comfort he had come so many miles to behold. And here also I took notice of what was very remarkable; the water of that river was lower at this time than ever I saw it in all my life. So he went over at last not much above wet-shod. Fore-fancy and fore-arrange, if it be possible, for a passage like that. When he was going tip to the gate Mr.

Greatheart began to take his leave of him, and to wish him a good reception above. "I shall," he said, "I shall." Be fore-assured, also, of a reception like that.

4. In process of time there came a post to the town again, and his business was this time with Mr. Ready-to-halt. So he inquired him out and said to him, "I am come to thee in the name of Him whom thou hast loved and followed, though upon crutches. And my message is to tell thee that He expects thee at His table to sup with Him in His kingdom the next day after Easter." After this Mr. Ready-

to-halt called for his fellow-pilgrims and told them, saying, "I am sent for, and God shall surely visit you also. These crutches," he said, "I bequeath to my son that he may tread in my steps, with a hundred warm wishes that he may prove better than I have done."

When he came to the brink of the river, he said, "Now I shall have no more need of these crutches, since yonder are horses and chariots for me to ride on." The last words he was heard to say were, "Welcome life!" Let all ready-to-halt hearts fore-fancy all that.

5. Then Mr. Feeble-mind called for his friends and told them what errand had been brought to him, and what token he had received of the truth of the message. "As for my feeble mind," he said, "that I shall leave behind me, for I shall have no need of that in the place whither I go. When I am gone, Mr. Valiant, I desire that you would bury it in a dunghill." This done, and the day being come in which he was to depart, he entered the river as the rest. His last words were, "Hold out faith and patience." Fore-fancy such an end as that to your feeble mind also.

6. Did you ever know a family, or, rather, the relics of a family, where there was just a decrepit old father and a lone daughter left to nurse him through his second childhood? All his other children are either married or dead; but both marriage and death have spared Miss Much-afraid to watch over the dotage-days of Mr. Despondency;

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    百分之一的爱情,我也愿意为了你去博,哪怕粉身碎骨,遍体鳞伤,我也在所不辞。——沐羽无论是夜晚还是白昼,是冬天还是夏天,是寂寞还是喧嚣,是精彩还是平淡,我们都相守在一起,这说明不管怎样,你——永远是我的。——幻煜轩 作者是个简介废,希望大家支持支持!
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    曾经以为自己是百毒不侵的麻辣女子——陈辣椒,居然被骆钦玩了一场不告而别的悲情游戏。这个巨大变故让她一下子成了自己最鄙视的怨妇模样,而无法恢复“麻辣”的真面目。好在有“情场失意赌场得意”这样永恒不变的真理,辣椒姑娘的事业风调雨顺、蒸蒸日上,几年时间便在广告公司里混得了“大姐大” 的名号。随后又在姨妈不断安排的相亲过程中偶遇了年轻有为的罗成,本以为终于可以好好“风骚”一把,却不断造化弄人,麻辣女子也遭事业牵连,加上已经消失许久的老爸不知趣地前来添乱、骆钦神秘出现再度撩拨心弦,好戏一台接一台,陷阱一个连一个,生活一刹那乱成了一锅粥,且看麻辣女子如何接招,化险为夷吧!