

The sight of her seemed to relieve the panic fear into which he had been flung, and he turned and ran back down the trail. Again he climbed the slide, but this time he climbed higher, carrying the pick and shovel with him. And again he toiled frenziedly, but this time with a different purpose. He worked artfully, loosing slide after slide of the red soil and sending it streaming down and covering up all he had uncovered, hiding from the light of day the treasure he had discovered. He even went into the woods and scooped armfuls of last year's fallen leaves which he scattered over the slide. But this he gave up as a vain task; and he sent more slides of soil down upon the scene of his labor, until no sign remained of the out-jutting walls of the vein.

Next he repaired the broken pipe, gathered his tools together, and started up the trail. He walked slowly, feeling a great weariness, as of a man who had passed through a frightful crisis.

He put the tools away, took a great drink of the water that again flowed through the pipes, and sat down on the bench by the open kitchen door.

Dede was inside, preparing supper, and the sound of her footsteps gave him a vast content.

He breathed the balmy mountain air in great gulps, like a diver fresh-risen from the sea. And, as he drank in the air, he gazed with all his eyes at the clouds and sky and valley, as if he were drinking in that, too, along with the air.

Dede did not know he had come back, and at times he turned his head and stole glances in at her--at her efficient hands, at the bronze of her brown hair that smouldered with fire when she crossed the path of sunshine that streamed through the window, at the promise of her figure that shot through him a pang most strangely sweet and sweetly dear. He heard her approaching the door, and kept his head turned resolutely toward the valley.

And next, he thrilled, as he had always thrilled, when he felt the caressing gentleness of her fingers through his hair.

"I didn't know you were back," she said. "Was it serious?""Pretty bad, that slide," he answered, still gazing away and thrilling to her touch. "More serious than I reckoned. But I've got the plan. Do you know what I'm going to do?--I'm going to plant eucalyptus all over it. They'll hold it. I'll plant them thick as grass, so that even a hungry rabbit can't squeeze between them; and when they get their roots agoing, nothing in creation will ever move that dirt again.""Why, is it as bad as that?"

He shook his head.

"Nothing exciting. But I'd sure like to see any blamed old slide get the best of me, that's all. I'm going to seal that slide down so that it'll stay there for a million years. And when the last trump sounds, and Sonoma Mountain and all the other mountains pass into nothingness, that old slide will be still a-standing there, held up by the roots."He passed his arm around her and pulled her down on his knees.

"Say, little woman, you sure miss a lot by living here on the ranch--music, and theatres, and such things. Don't you ever have a hankering to drop it all and go back?"So great was his anxiety that he dared not look at her, and when she laughed and shook her head he was aware of a great relief. Also, he noted the undiminished youth that rang through that same old-time boyish laugh of hers.

"Say," he said, with sudden fierceness, "don't you go fooling around that slide until after I get the trees in and rooted. It's mighty dangerous, and I sure can't afford to lose you now."He drew her lips to his and kissed her hungrily and passionately.

"What a lover!" she said; and pride in him and in her own womanhood was in her voice.

"Look at that, Dede." He removed one encircling arm and swept it in a wide gesture over the valley and the mountains beyond. "The Valley of the Moon--a good name, a good name. Do you know, when I look out over it all, and think of you and of all it means, it kind of makes me ache in the throat, and I have things in my heart I can't find the words to say, and I have a feeling that I can almost understand Browning and those other high-flying poet-fellows. Look at Hood Mountain there, just where the sun's striking. It was down in that crease that we found the spring.""And that was the night you didn't milk the cows till ten o'clock,"she laughed. "And if you keep me here much longer, supper won't be any earlier than it was that night."Both arose from the bench, and Daylight caught up the milk-pail from the nail by the door. He paused a moment longer to look out over the valley.

"It's sure grand," he said.

"It's sure grand," she echoed, laughing joyously at him and with him and herself and all the world, as she passed in through the door.

And Daylight, like the old man he once had met, himself went down the hill through the fires of sunset with a milk pail on his arm.

  • 隆兴编年通论


  • 芳谷集


  • 乐邦文类


  • Within the Law

    Within the Law

  • An Accursed Race

    An Accursed Race

  • 孤女悍妃


  • 此婚不契


  • 战甲核心


    这是一个充满战斗装甲的传奇大陆。 龙族的傲世;魔兽的天赐;空族的空舰; 精灵的战藤;兽人的兽魂;矮人的火甲; 当然,还有人类的战甲核心。 拥有战甲核心的人类被称为“能力者”,他们突破了人体的极限,在神性水晶的强化下达到了一个前所未有的高度,是人类王朝的中流砥柱。 本书讲述的是一个怀揣着梦想的小子,在被坑了无数回之后…… 这个世界上既然有坑,总会有人跳的(我踢)。
  • 万元修身


  • 荒天一剑


  • 假如生活欺骗了你


  • 重生八零之华彩人生


  • 异能诡妃超凶哒


  • 快穿之拯救男神100次


  • 快穿逆袭之宿主有毛病


    【无男主,无cp】 【不喜勿喷,感谢配合】 三千大世界,亿万小世界,统称为三千世界。而在这三千世界之外,是无尽虚空。 某年某月某日,某死宅被系统选中,前往三千世界世界为那些倒霉的可怜孩子们逆袭人生。 某死宅表示大千世界果真是无“奇”不有。女主又作死咋办?没关系,都是被人惯的,缺少社会毒打,揍一顿就好了。 男主又作妖咋办?没关系,脑子是个好东西,他没有,咱也不需要跟他讲道理。 系统:“宿主,快去做任务!” 风浅陌:“任务?我是来做任务的吗?” 系统:“那你是来干什么的?” 风浅陌:“我是来看这大千世界美丽景色的。”简称——旅游。 系统:“……”可以的,跨位面旅游,不愧是你。 #论有一个实力强大且一言不合就拔剑的宿主的感受# 系统(坚强微笑):习惯就好。 这是一段……额,莫名其妙的故事。 ?新书:《赴行录》