

The thing we should lament is rather that the world which refused, neglected, forgot him--and by chance-medley was right, was right!--had no possible authority for anything that it did against him, and that he might have sent it to school, for all his defect of genius;moreover, that he was mortally wounded in the last of his forty years of battle by this ironic wound: among the bad painters chosen to adorn the Houses of Parliament with fresco, he was not one. This affront he took at the hands of men who had no real distinctions in their gift. He might well have had, by mere chance, some great companion with whom to share that rejection. The unfortunate man had no such fortuitous fellowship at hand. How strange, the solitude of the bad painter outcast by the worst, and capable of making common cause indomitably with the good, had there been any such to take heart from his high courage!

There was none. There were ranged the unjust judges with their blunders all in good order, and their ignorance new dressed, and there was no artist to destroy except only this one, somewhat better than their favoured, their appointed painters in fresco; one uncompanioned, and a man besides through whose heart the public reproach was able to cut keenly.

Is this sensibility to be made a reproach to Haydon? It has always seemed to me that he was not without greatness--yet he was always without dignity--in those most cruel passages of his life, such as that of his defeat, towards the close of his war, by the show of a dwarf, to which all London thronged, led by Royal example, while the exhibition of his picture was deserted. He was not betrayed by anger at this end of hopes and labours in which all that a man lives for had been pledged. Nay, he succeeded in bearing what a more inward man would have taken more hardly. He was able to say in his loud voice, in reproach to the world, what another would have barred within: one of his great pictures was in a cellar, another in an attic, another at the pawnbroker's, another in a grocer's shop, another unfinished in his studio; the bills for frames and colours and the rent were unpaid. Some solace he even found in stating a few of these facts, in French, to a French official or diplomatic visitor to London, interested in the condition of the arts. Well, who shall live without support? A man finds it where he can.

After these offences of self-will and vanity Tom Taylor finds us some other little thing--I think it is inaccuracy. Poor Haydon says in one phrase that he paid all his friends on such a day, and in another soon following that the money given or lent to him had been insufficient to pay them completely; and assuredly there are many revisions, after-thoughts, or other accidents to account for such a slip. His editor says the discrepancy is "characteristic," but Iprotest I cannot find another like it among those melancholy pages.

If something graver could but be sifted out from all these journals and letters of frank confession, by the explainer! Here, then, is the last and least: Haydon was servile in his address to "men of rank." But his servility seems to be very much in the fashion of his day--nothing grosser; and the men who set the fashion had not to shape their style to Haydon's perpetual purpose, which was to ask for commissions or for money.

Not the forsaken man only but also the fallen city evokes this exercise of historical morality, until a man in flourishing London is not afraid to assign the causes of the decay of Venice; and there is not a watering place upon our coasts but is securely aware of merited misfortune on the Adriatic.

Haydon was grateful, and he helped men in trouble; he had pupils, and never a shilling in pay for teaching them. He painted a good thing--the head of his Lazarus. He had no fault of theory: what fault of theory can a man commit who stands, as he did, by "Nature and the Greeks"? In theory he soon outgrew the Italians then most admired; he had an honest mind.

But nothing was able to gain for him the pardon that is never to be gained, the impossible pardon--pardon for that first and last mistake--the mistake as to his own powers. If to pardon means to dispense from consequence, how should this be pardoned? Art would cease to be itself, by such an amnesty.

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  • 心理医生在吗


    《心理医生在吗》是一个中年女人的自白,在委婉的叙述中,展现出国家的伤痕苦难、个人的爱恨嗔痴。一个四十五岁,操着蹩脚英文的中国女人,向一名美国心理医生娓娓倾诉出自己的过往。其中饱含着,她对父亲之友“贺叔叔”长达三十九年的爱恋、父亲与贺叔叔在大饥荒和文革前后的恩怨情仇、自己远渡美国后与教授间的情爱纠葛……只是治疗尚未结束,女人已飘然远引。本书(原名《人寰》)是严歌苓的代表作,曾在20世纪90年代末获得华语地区令人瞩目的台湾时报百万大奖,以及2000年的上海文学奖。她也成为了继朱天文之后女性作家获此殊荣的第二人,轰动一时,使作者在十多年前,一跃成为华语地区备受关注的女作家。本书结构在当时看来是大胆的,其题材在今天看来仍旧是时髦的。这就是经典文艺作品的共性——永不过时。台湾作家、出版人詹宏志评价说:“像这一篇委婉动人的小说,它有一个惊天动地的历史背景……但真正的故事是一个小女孩……直到她漂洋过海来到美国,直到她成了中年妇人,这场隐藏的爱恋未曾在生命中褪色,甚至成为她性格命运的基调。不要急着把小说当历史…… 像《西游记》的八十一劫数一样,我们就看到一个轻柔却刚强的女性故事。”