

and 'shard-borne,'

SHARKEDsnatched up, as a shark does his prey SHEENbrilliancy SHEERpure Unmixed SHENTrebuked, blamed Hurt SHERIFF'S-POSTa post at the door of a sheriff, to which royal proclamations were fixed SHIVEslice SHOTthe reckoning at an ale-house SHOUGHSshaggy dogs SHOULDEREDplunged SHOVEL-BOARDgame played by sliding metal pieces along a board at a mark SHREWDmischievous SHRIFTconfession Absolution SHRIVEto confess SHRIVING-TIMEtime for confession SHROUDto enshroud oneself, cover oneself up SIDE-SLEEVESloose hanging sleeves SIEGEseat Stool Rank SIGHTan aperture in a helmet SIGHTLESSinvisible Unsightly SIGNto give an omen SILLYsimple, rustic SIMULARcounterfeit, feigned SINGLEfeeble SIRa title applied to a bachelor of arts at the Universities SITHsince SITHENCEsince SIZESallowances SKAINS-MATESscapegraces SKILLto be of importance SKILLESSignorant SKIMBLE-SKAMBLErambling, disjointed SKINKERa drawer of liquor SKIRRto scour SLACKslacken SLAVEto turn to slavish uses SLEAVEfloss-silk SLEDDEDsledged SLEIDEDuntwisted, raw, applied to silk (Gower)SLEIGHTSartifices SLIPPERslippery SLIPSa kind of noose, or leash A piece of base money SLIVERto slice SLIVERa slice SLOPSloose breeches SLUBBERto slur over SMIRCHEDsmeared, soiled SMOOTHto flatter SMOOTHEDflattered, fawned upon SNEAPtaunt, sarcasm SNEAPEDpinched SNECK-UPgo hang!

SNUFFanger 'To take in snuff' is to take offence SOFTLYgently SOILspot, taint SOLICITsolicitation SOLIDAREa small coin SOLVEsolution SOMETIMESformerly SOOTHtruth Conciliation SOOTHtrue SORELa buck of the third year SORRIESTmost sorrowful SORRYsorrowful, dismal SORTa company Rank, condition Lot 'In a sort,' in a manner SORTto choose to suit To consort SOTfool SOUL-FEARINGsoul-terrifying SOWLto lug, drag SOWTERname of a dog SPECIALLYa special contract SPEDsettled, done for SPEEDfortune SPERRto bolt, fasten SPIALspy SPILLto destroy SPILTHspilling SPLEENviolent haste Used of the lightning flash SPRAGquick SPRINGshoot, bud Beginning SPRINGHALTstringhalt, a disease of horses SPRITEDhaunted SPURSroots of trees SQUANDEREDscattered SQUAREto quarrel SQUAREthe front part of a woman's dress, stomacher SQUAREequitable SQUARERquarreller SQUASHan unripe peascod SQUIERa square or rule SQUINYto squint STAGGERSa disease in horses, attended with giddiness:

hence any bewildering distress STAINto disfigure STALEa decoy A gull A prostitute STALEto make stale, deprive anything of its freshness STAND UPONto be incumbent on STANIELan inferior kind of hawk STARKstiff STARKLYstiffly STATEa canopied chair STATIONattitude Act of standing STATISTa statesman STATUAa statue STATUEimage, picture STATUTEsecurity, obligation STATUTE-CAPSwoollen caps worn by citizens STAYa cheque STEADto profit STEELEDset or fixed STERNAGEsteerage, course STICKLERan arbitrator in combats STIGMATICa deformed person STIGMATICALdeformed STILLconstant STILLconstantly STILLYsoftly STINTto stop to stop STITHYa smith's forge STITHYto forge STOCCADOa stoccata, or thrust in fencing STOCKa stocking STOMACHcourage, stubbornness Appetite, inclination STONE-BOWa cross-bow for throwing stones STOUPa cup STOUTstrong, healthy STOVERfodder STRACHYA word of doubtful meaning STRAIGHTimmediately STRAINlineage Disposition STRAITEDstraitened STRANGEforeign Coy, reserved Marvellous STRANGENESScoyness, reserve STRANGERforeigner STRAPPADOa kind of punishment STRICTUREstrictness STROSSERStrowsers STUCKa thrust of a sword STUCK INcorruption of stoccata STUFFbaggage Material, substance STUFFEDfilled, stored STYto lodge as in a sty SUBSCRIBEto yield to succumb SUCCESSissue, consequence Succession SUCCESSIVEsucceeding SUCCESSIVELYin succession SUDDENhasty, rash SUDDENLYhastily SUFFERANCEsuffering SUGGESTto tempt, entice SUGGESTIONtemptation, enticement SUITEDdressed SULLENdoleful, melancholy SUMPTERa horse that carries provisions on a journey SUPPOSEa trick, imposition SUPPOSEDcounterfeit SURCEASEto cease SURCEASEcessation, end SURPRISEto capture by surprise SUR-REINEDover-worked SUSPECTsuspicion SUSPIREto breathe SWABBERa sweeper of the deck of a ship SWARTHblack SWARTHquantity of grass cut down by one sweep of the scythe SWASHERswaggerer SWASHINGdashing, smashing SWATHThe same as 'swarth.'

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