

OEILLIADan amorous glance O'ERPARTEDhaving too important a part to act O'ER-RAUGHToverreached overtasked OFFERINGchallenging OFFICEbenefit, kindness use, function OLDa cant term for great, as we say fine, or pretty ONCEsome time ONEYERa banker. A doubtful word OPEopen OPEto open to open OPENplain Public OPENto give tongue as a hound OPERANTactive OPINIONEDused ridiculously for pinioned OPPOSITEadversary OPPOSITIONcombat ORbefore ORDERmeasures ORDINANCErank, order ORGULOUSproud ORTleaving, refuse OSTENTshow, appearance OSTENTATIONshow, appearance OUNCEa beast of prey of the tiger kind OUPHEa fairy OUSEL-COCKthe blackbird OUTall out, fully OUT-LOOKto face down OUTWARDnot in the secret of affairs OUTWARDoutside OWEto own PACKto practise unlawful confederacy PACKa number of people confederated PADDOCKa toad PAIDpunished PALABRASwords, a cant term, from the Spanish PALEto enclose PALLto wrap as with a pall PALLEDimpaired PALMERone who bears a palm-branch, in token of having made a pilgrimage to Palestine PALMYvictorious PARCELLEDbelonging to individuals PARDthe leopard PARITORan apparitor PARLEtalk PARLOUSperilous keen, shrewd PARTEDendowed, gifted PARTIZANa pike PASHthe face PASHto strike violently, to bruise, crush PASSto practise To surpass expectation PASSANTa term of heraldry, applied to animals represented on the shield as passing by at a trot PASSINGsurpassingly, exceedingly PASSIONto have feelings PASSIONATEto suffer PASSY-MEASUREa kind of dance PASTRYthe room where pastry was made PATCHa mean fellow PATCHEDdressed in motley PATCHERYtrickery PATHto walk PATHETICALaffected, hypocritical PATIENTto make patient, to compose PATINEthe metal disc on which the bread is placed in the administration of the Eucharist PATTERNto give an example of Afford a pattern for PAUCA VERBAfew words PAUCASfew, a cant word PAVINa dance PAXa small image of Christ PAYto despatch PEATa term of endearment for a child PEDASCULEa pedant, schoolmaster PEERto peep out PEIZEto balance, weigh down PELTINGpaltry PERDUlost PERDURABLEdurable PERDYa euphemism for Par Dieu PERFECTcertain PERFECTto inform perfectly PERIAPTScharms worn round the neck PERJUREa perjured person PERSEVERto persevere PERSPECTIVEa telescope, or some sort of optical glass PEW-FELLOWa comrade PHEEZEto comb, fleece, curry PIA-MATERthe membrane covering the brain, the brain itself PICKto pitch, throw PICKEDchosen, selected PICKERS(and stealers), the fingers, used ridiculously PICKINGinsignificant PICKT-HATCHa place noted for brothels. Merry Wives of Windsor PIEDmotley-coated, wearing the motley coat of a jester PIELEDshaven PLIGHTpitched PILCHERa scabbard PILLto pillage PINa malady of the eye The centre of a target PINFOLDa pound, a place to confine lost cattle PIONEDdigged PLACKETa petticoat-front PLAIN SONGa simple air PLAITEDintricate PLANCHEDmade of boards PLANTATIONcolonizing, planting a colony PLAUSIVEplausible PLEACHEDinterwoven POINTa lace furnished with a tag by which the breeches were held up POINT-DE-VICEfaultless POISEbalance Doubt POLLEDbare POMANDERa perfumed ball POMEWATERa kind of apple POOR-JOHNa herring POPINJAYa parrot PORTpomp, state PORTa gate PORTABLEbearable PORTANCEconduct, behavior POSSESSto inform POTCHto push violently POTENTa potentate POUNCET-BOXa box for holding perfumes POWERforces, army PRACTISEwicked stratagem PRACTISANTa confederate PRANKto dress up PRECEPTa justice's summons PRECIOUSLYin business of great importance PREGNANCYfertility of invention PREGNANTfertile of invention Ready Obvious PRENOMINATEto name beforehand, to prophesy PRE-ORDINANCEold-established law PRESENCEthe presence-chamber High bearing PRESTready PRETENCEdesign PRETENDto portend To intend PREVENTto anticipate PRICKthe mark denoting the hour on a dial PRICKto incite To choose by pricking a hole with a pin opposite the name PRICK-SONGmusic sung in parts by note PRICKETa stag of two years PRIDEheat PRIGto steal PRIMErank, lecherous PRIMERmore-important PRIMEROa game at cards PRINCIPALITYthat which holds the highest place PRINCOXa coxcomb PRISERa prize-fighter PROCUREto bring PREFACEinterj. much good may it do you PROFANEoutspoken PROGRESSa royal ceremonial journey PROJECTto shape or contrive PROMPTUREsuggestion PRONEready, willing PROOFstrength of manhood PROPAGATEto advance, to forward PROPAGATIONobtaining PROPER-FALSEnatural falsehood PROPERTIEDendowed with the properties of PROPERTIESscenes, dresses, &c. used in a theatre PROPERTYto take possession of PROPOSEto suppose, for the sake of argument To converse PROPOSEconversation PROROGUEto defer PROVANDprovender PROVISIONforecast PUCELLEa virgin, the name given to Joan of Arc PUDENCYmodesty PUGGINGthieving PUNto pound PURCHASEto acquire, win PURCHASEgain, winnings PUTto compel PUTTER-ONan instigator PUTTER-OUTone who lends money at interest PUTTING-ONinstigation PUTTOCKa kite QUAILto faint, be languid, be afraid to cause to quail QUAINTcuriously beautiful QUAKEto cause to quake or tremble QUALIFYto moderate QUALITYthose of the same nature Rank or condition QUARRELa suit, cause QUARRYgame, a heap of game QUART D'ECUa quarter crown QUARTERthe post allotted to a soldier QUATa pimple; used in contempt of a person QUEASYsqueamish, unsettled QUELLmurder QUENCHto grow cool QUERNa hand-mill QUESTenquiry, search, inquest, jury QUESTRISTone who goes in search of another QUICKso far gone in pregnancy that the child is alive QUICKENto come to life QUIDDIT| a subtle question QUIDDITY|QUILLETquidebet, a subtle case in law QUINTAINa post for tilting at QUIPsharp jest, a taunt QUIREto sing in concert QUITto requite, respond QUITpast tense of the verb to quit, quitted QUITANCErequital QUIVERactive QUOTEto note RABATOa ruff RABBIT-SUCKERa weasel RACEbreed; inherited nature RACKwreck RACKto enhance the price of anything To drive as clouds RAGa term of contempt applied to persons RAKEto cover RAPTtransported with emotion RAPTUREa fit RASCALa lean deer RASHquick, violent RATEopinion, judgment RATEto assign, to value To scold RATOLORUMa ludicrous mistake for Rotulorum RAUGHTpast tense of reach RAVINravenous RAVINto devour RAWLYinadequately RAWNESSunprovided state RAYEDarrayed, served RAZEDslashed REAR-MOUSEthe bat REBATEto deprive of keenness REBECKa three-stringed fiddle RECEIPTmoney received RECEIVINGcapacity RECHEATa point of the chase to call back the hounds RECORDto sing RECORDERa flute RECUREto cure, recover RED-LATTICEsuitable to an ale-house, because ale-houses had commonly red lattices RED-PLAGUEerysipelas REDUCEto bring back REECHYsmoky, dirty REFELLto refute REFERto reserve to REGIMENTgovernment REGREETa salutation REGREETto salute REGUERDONrequital RELATIVEapplicable REMEMBERto remind REMORSEpity REMORSEFULfull of pity, compassionate REMOTIONremoval REMOVEDsequestered, remote RENDERto describe you RENDERaccount RENEGEto renounce, to deny REPAIRto renovate, comfort REPEALto reverse the sentence of exile. Two Gentlemen of Verona REPROOFconfutation REPUGNto resist REQUIEMmass for the dead, so called because it begins with the words, Requiem eternam dona eis, Domine RESOLVEto satisfy To dissolve RESPECTconsideration RESPECTIVErespectful, thoughtful RESPECTIVEcorresponding RESPECTIVELYrespectfully RETAILEDhanded down RETIREretreat RETIREto draw back REVERBto echo REVOLTa rebel RIBto enclose as within ribs RIDto destroy RIFTto split to split RIFTa split RIGGISHwanton RIGOLa circle RIPEdrunk RIVAGEthe shore RIVALa partner RIVALITYequal rank RIVEto fire ROADthe high road, applied to a common woman ROISTINGroistering, violent ROMAGEunusual stir RONVONa term of contempt applied to a woman ROODthe crucifix ROOKa cheater ROPERYroguery ROPE-TRICKStricks such as are played by a rope-dancer ROUNDto whisper To become great with child to finish off ROUNDa diadem ROUNDunceremonious ROUNDELa dance or song ROUNDUREan enclosure ROUSEcarousal ROYNISHmangy RUBIOUSruddy RUDDOCKthe redbreast RUSHto push RUSHLINGrustling SACRIFICIALreverent, as words used in religious worship SACRING-BELLthe little bell rung at mass to give notice that the elements are consecrated SADserious SADLYseriously SADNESSseriousness SAFEto make safe SAGto hang down SALTlascivious SALTtaste SANDEDmarked with yellow spots SANSwithout SAUCYlascivious SAWa moral saying SAYsilken SAYassay, taste, relish SCAFFOLDAGEthe gallery of a theatre SCALDscurvy, scabby SCALEto weigh in scales SCALLa scab, a word of reproach SCAMBLEto scramble SCAMELprobably a misprint for sea-mel, sea-mew SCANto examine subtly SCANTto cut short, to spare SCANTscanty, short scarcely SCANTLINGa small portion SCAPEto escape SCAPEa sally SCATHEinjury SCATHEto injure SCATHFULdestructive SCONCEthe head SCOTCHto bruise or cut slightly SCRIMERa fencer SCROYLEa scabby fellow SCULLa shoal of fish SCURVYscabby; metaph. mean SEALto set one's seal to a deed; hence, to confirm SEAMfat SEAMYshowing the seam or sewing SEARscorched, withered SEARto stigmatise SEARCHto probe; hence, to apply a healing remedy SEATEDfixed, confirmed SECTa slip or scion A political party SECURELYinconsiderately SEELto close SEELINGclosing, blinding SEEMINGseemly, becomingly SEEMINGoutward manner and appearance SEENversed, instructed SELDseldom SELF-BOUNTYnative goodness SEMBLABLYalike SENIORYseniority SENNETa flourish of trumpets SEPULCHREto bury SEQUESTRATIONseparation SEREdry SERJEANTa bailiff SERPIGOa cutaneous disease SERVICEABLE'serviceable vows,' vows that you will do her service, or be her servant SETEBOSthe name of a fiend SETTERone who watches travellers to give information to thieves SEVERALland which is not common but appropriated SHAMEto be ashamed SHAMEmodesty SHARDSshreds, broken fragments of pottery SHARDSthe wing cases of beetles; hence 'sharded,'

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