

`This is a fine place of my son's, sir,' cried the old man, while Inodded as hard as I possibly could. `This is a pretty pleasureground, sir.

This spot and these beautiful works upon it ought to be kept together by the Nation, after my son's time, for the people's enjoyment.'

`You're as proud of it as Punch; ain't you, Aged?' said Wemmick, contemplating the old man, with his hard face really softened; ` there's a nod for you;' giving him a tremendous one; ` there's another for you;'

giving him a still more tremendous one; `you like that, don't you? If you're not tired, Mr Pip - though I know it's tiring to strangers - will you tip him one more? You can't think how it pleases him.'

I tipped him several more, and he was in great spirits. We left him bestirring himself to feed the fowls, and we sat down to our punch in the arbour; where Wemmick told me as he smoked a pipe that it had taken him a good many years to bring the property up to its present pitch of perfection.

`Is it your own, Mr Wemmick?'

`O yes,' said Wemmick, `I have got hold of it, a bit at a time. It's a freehold, by George!'

`Is it, indeed? I hope Mr Jaggers admires it?'

`Never seen it,' said Wemmick. `Never heard of it. Never seen the Aged.

Never heard of him. No; the office is one thing, and private life is another.

When I go into the office, I leave the Castle behind me, and when I come into the Castle, I leave the office behind me. If it's not in any way disagreeable to you, you'll oblige me by doing the same. I don't wish it professionally spoken about.'

Of course I felt my good faith involved in the observance of his request.

The punch being very nice, we sat there drinking it and talking, until it was almost nine o'clock. `Getting near gun-fire,' said Wemmick then, as he laid down his pipe; `it's the Aged's treat.'

Proceeding into the Castle again, we found the Aged heating the poker, with expectant eyes, as a preliminary to the performance of this great nightly ceremony. Wemmick stood with his watch in his hand, until the moment was come for him to take the red-hot poker from the Aged, and repair of the battery. He took it, and went out, and presently the Stinger went off with a Bang that shook the crazy little box of a cottage as if it must fall to pieces, and made every glass and teacup in it ring. Upon this, the Aged - who I believe would have been blown out of his arm-chair but for holding on by the elbows - cried out exultingly, `He's fired! I heerd him!' and I nodded at the old gentleman until it is no figure of speech to declare that I absolutely could not see him.

The interval between that time and supper, Wemmick devoted to showing me his collection of curiosities. They were mostly of a felonious character;comprising the pen with which a celebrated forgery had been committed, a distinguished razor or two, some locks of hair, and several manuscript confessions written under condemnation - upon which Mr Wemmick set particular value as being, to use his own words, `every one of 'em Lies, sir.' These were agreeably dispersed among small specimens of china and glass, various neat trifles made by the proprietor of the museum, and some tobacco-stoppers carved by the Aged. They were all displayed in that chamber of the Castle into which I had been first inducted, and which served, not only as the general sitting-room but as the kitchen too, if I might judge from a saucepan on the hob, and a brazen bijou over the fireplace designed for the suspension of a roasting-jack.

There was a neat little girl in attendance, who looked after the Aged in the day. When she had laid the supper-cloth, the bridge was lowered to give her means of egress, and she withdrew for the night. The supper was excellent; and though the Castle was rather subject to dry-rot insomuch that it tasted like a bad nut, and though the pig might have been farther off, I was heartily pleased with my whole entertainment. Nor was there any drawback on my little turret bedroom, beyond there being such a very thin ceiling between me and the flagstaff, that when I lay down on my back in bed, it seemed as if I had to balance that pole on my forehead all night.

Wemmick was up early in the morning, and I am afraid I heard him cleaning my boots. After that, he fell to gardening, and I saw him from my gothic window pretending to employ the Aged, and nodding at him in a most devoted manner. Our breakfast was as good as the supper, and at half-past eight precisely we started for Little Britain. By degrees, Wemmick got dryer and harder as we went along, and his mouth tightened into a post-office again. At last, when we got to his place of business and he pulled out his key from his coat-collar, he looked as unconscious of his Walworth property as if the Castle and the drawbridge and the arbour and the lake and the fountain and the Aged, had all been blown into space together by the last discharge of the Stinger.

  • 严复集


  • 净土十疑论


  • 天尊说阿育王譬喻经


  • The Story of Doctor Dolittle

    The Story of Doctor Dolittle

  • 松斋偶兴


  • 余罪4:我的刑侦笔记


  • 霉蛋女侠闯江湖


  • 喜你为疾,病名为爱


  • 怪物·美人谱


  • 王者荣耀之射手曙光


  • 废弃王妃弃王爷


  • 当加勒比海盗遇到海贼王


  • 暗恋止于暗恋


  • 海外明夷录


  • 联对佳话(阳光智慧故事)

