

and I may say to you, we knew where the bona-robas were and had the best of them all at commandment. Then was Jack Falstaff, now Sir John, a boy, and page to Thomas Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk. SILENCE This Sir John, cousin, that comes hither anon about soldiers? SHALLOW The same Sir John, the very same. I see him break Skogan's head at the court-gate, when a' was a crack not thus high: and the very same day did Ifight with one Sampson Stockfish, a fruiterer, behind Gray's Inn. Jesu, Jesu, the mad days that Ihave spent! and to see how many of my old acquaintance are dead! SILENCE We shall all follow, cousin. SHADOW Certain, 'tis certain; very sure, very sure: death, as the Psalmist saith, is certain to all; all shall die. How a good yoke of bullocks at Stamford fair? SILENCE By my troth, I was not there. SHALLOW Death is certain. Is old Double of your town living yet? SILENCE Dead, sir. SHALLOW Jesu, Jesu, dead! a' drew a good bow;and dead! a'

shot a fine shoot: John a Gaunt loved him well, and betted much money on his head. Dead! a' would have clapped i' the clout at twelve score; and carried you a forehand shaft a fourteen and fourteen and a half, that it would have done a man's heart good to see. How a score of ewes now? SILENCE Thereafter as they be: a score of good ewes may be worth ten pounds. SHALLOW And is old Double dead? SILENCE Here come two of Sir John Falstaff's men, as I think.

Enter BARDOLPH and one with him BARDOLPH Good morrow, honest gentlemen: I beseech you, which is Justice Shallow? SHALLOW I am Robert Shallow, sir; a poor esquire of this county, and one of the king's justices of th e peace:

What is your good pleasure with me? BARDOLPH My captain, sir, commends him to you;my captain, Sir John Falstaff, a tall gentleman, by heaven, and a most gallant leader. SHALLOW He greets me well, sir. I knew him a good backsword man. How doth the good knight? may I ask how my lady his wife doth? BARDOLPH Sir, pardon; a soldier is better accommodated than with a wife. SHALLOW It is well said, in faith, sir; and it is well said indeed too. Better accommodated! it is good; yea, indeed, is it: good phrases are surely, and ever were, very commendable. Accommodated! it comes of 'accommodo' very good; a good phrase. BARDOLPH Pardon me, sir; I have heard the word.

Phrase call you it? by this good day, I know not the phrase;but I will maintain the word with my sword to be a soldier-like word, and a word of exceeding good command, by heaven. Accommodated; that is, when a man is, as they say, accommodated; or when a man is, being, whereby a' may be thought to be accommodated;which is an excellent thing. SHALLOW It is very just.


Look, here comes good Sir John. Give me your good hand, give me your worship's good hand: by my troth, you like well and bear your years very well:

welcome, good Sir John. FALSTAFF I am glad to see you well, good Master Robert Shallow: Master Surecard, as I think? SHALLOW No, Sir John; it is my cousin Silence, in commission with me. FALSTAFF Good Master Silence, it well befits you should be of the peace. SILENCE Your good-worship is welcome. FALSTAFF Fie! this is hot weather, gentlemen. Have you provided me here half a dozen sufficient men? SHALLOW Marry, have we, sir. Will you sit? FALSTAFF Let me see them, I beseech you. SHALLOW Where's the roll? where's the roll? where's the roll? Let me see, let me see, let me see. So, so:

yea, marry, sir: Ralph Mouldy! Let them appear as I call; let them do so, let them do so. Let me see; where is Mouldy? MOULDY Here, an't please you. SHALLOW What think you, Sir John? a good-limbed fellow;young, strong, and of good friends. FALSTAFF Is thy name Mouldy? MOULDY Yea, an't please you. FALSTAFF 'Tis the more time thou wert used. SHALLOW Ha, ha, ha! most excellent, i' faith!

Things that are mouldy lack use: very singular good! in faith, well said, Sir John, very well said. FALSTAFF Prick him. MOULDY I was pricked well enough before, an you could have let me alone: my old dame will be undone now for one to do her husbandry and her drudgery: you need not to have pricked me; there are other men fitter to go out than I. FALSTAFF Go to: peace, Mouldy; you shall go. Mouldy, it is time you were spent. MOULDY Spent! SHALLOW Peace, fellow, peace; stand aside: know you where you are? For the other, Sir John: let me see:

Simon Shadow! FALSTAFF Yea, marry, let me have him to sit under:

he's like to be a cold soldier. SHALLOW Where's Shadow? SHADOW Here, sir. FALSTAFF Shadow, whose son art thou? SHADOW My mother's son, sir. FALSTAFF Thy mother's son! like enough, and thy father's shadow: so the son of the female is the shadow of the male: it is often so, indeed; but much of the father's substance! SHALLOW Do you like him, Sir John? FALSTAFF Shadow will serve for summer; prick him, for we have a number of shadows to fill up the muster-book. SHALLOW Thomas Wart! FALSTAFF Where's he? WART Here, sir. FALSTAFF Is thy name Wart? WART Yea, sir. FALSTAFF Thou art a very ragged wart. SHALLOW Shall I prick him down, Sir John? FALSTAFF It were superfluous; for his apparel is built upon his back and the whole frame stands upon pins:

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