

`For Locrus truly was leader of the Lelegian people, whom Zeus the Son of Cronos, whose wisdom is unfailing, gave to Deucalion, stones gathered out of the earth. So out of stones mortal men were made, and they were called people.' (52)Fragment #83 --Tzetzes, Schol. in Exeg. Iliad. 126:

`...Ileus whom the lord Apollo, son of Zeus, loved. And he named him by his name, because he found a nymph complaisant (53) and was joined with her in sweet love, on that day when Poseidon and Apollo raised high the wall of the well-built city.'

Fragment #84 --

Scholiast on Homer, Od. xi. 326:

Clymene the daughter of Minyas the son of Poseidon and of Euryanassa, Hyperphas' daughter, was wedded to Phylacus the son of Deion, and bare Iphiclus, a boy fleet of foot. It is said of him that through his power of running he could race the winds and could move along upon the ears of corn (54).... The tale is in Hesiod: `He would run over the fruit of the asphodel and not break it; nay, he would run with his feet upon wheaten ears and not hurt the fruit.'

Fragment #85 --

Choeroboscus (55), i. 123, 22H:

`And she bare a son Thoas.'

Fragment #86 --

Eustathius, Hom. 1623. 44:

Maro (56), whose father, it is said, Hesiod relates to have been Euanthes the son of Oenopion, the son of Dionysus.

Fragment #87 --

Athenaeus, x. 428 B, C:

`Such gifts as Dionysus gave to men, a joy and a sorrow both.

Who ever drinks to fullness, in him wine becomes violent and binds together his hands and feet, his tongue also and his wits with fetters unspeakable: and soft sleep embraces him.'

Fragment #88 --

Strabo, ix. p. 442:

`Or like her (Coronis) who lived by the holy Twin Hills in the plain of Dotium over against Amyrus rich in grapes, and washed her feet in the Boebian lake, a maid unwed.'

Fragment #89 --

Scholiast on Pindar, Pyth. iii. 48:

`To him, then, there came a messenger from the sacred feast to goodly Pytho, a crow (57), and he told unshorn Phoebus of secret deeds, that Ischys son of Elatus had wedded Coronis the daughter of Phlegyas of birth divine.

Fragment #90 --

Athenagoras (58), Petition for the Christians, 29:

Concerning Asclepius Hesiod says: `And the father of men and gods was wrath, and from Olympus he smote the son of Leto with a lurid thunderbolt and killed him, arousing the anger of Phoebus.'

Fragment #91 --

Philodemus, On Piety, 34:

But Hesiod (says that Apollo) would have been cast by Zeus into Tartarus (59); but Leto interceded for him, and he became bondman to a mortal.

Fragment #92 --

Scholiast on Pindar, Pyth. ix. 6:

`Or like her, beautiful Cyrene, who dwelt in Phthia by the water of Peneus and had the beauty of the Graces.'

Fragment #93 --

Servius on Vergil, Georg. i. 14:

He invoked Aristaeus, that is, the son of Apollo and Cyrene, whom Hesiod calls `the shepherd Apollo.' (60)Fragment #94 --Scholiast on Vergil, Georg. iv. 361:

`But the water stood all round him, bowed into the semblance of a mountain.' This verse he has taken over from Hesiod's "Catalogue of Women".

Fragment #95 --

Scholiast on Homer, Iliad ii. 469:

`Or like her (Antiope) whom Boeotian Hyria nurtured as a maid.'

Fragment #96 --

Palaephatus (61), c. 42:

Of Zethus and Amphion. Hesiod and some others relate that they built the walls of Thebes by playing on the lyre.

Fragment #97 --

Scholiast on Soph. Trach., 1167:

(ll. 1-11) `There is a land Ellopia with much glebe and rich meadows, and rich in flocks and shambling kine. There dwell men who have many sheep and many oxen, and they are in number past telling, tribes of mortal men. And there upon its border is built a city, Dodona (62); and Zeus loved it and (appointed) it to be his oracle, reverenced by men.... ....And they (the doves)lived in the hollow of an oak. From them men of earth carry away all kinds of prophecy, -- whosoever fares to that spot and questions the deathless god, and comes bringing gifts with good omens.'

Fragment #98 --

Berlin Papyri, No. 9777: (63)

(ll. 1-22) `....strife.... Of mortals who would have dared to fight him with the spear and charge against him, save only Heracles, the great-hearted offspring of Alcaeus? Such an one was (?) strong Meleager loved of Ares, the golden-haired, dear son of Oeneus and Althaea. From his fierce eyes there shone forth portentous fire: and once in high Calydon he slew the destroying beast, the fierce wild boar with gleaming tusks. In war and in dread strife no man of the heroes dared to face him and to approach and fight with him when he appeared in the forefront. But he was slain by the hands and arrows of Apollo (64), while he was fighting with the Curetes for pleasant Calydon. And these others (Althaea) bare to Oeneus, Porthaon's son; horse-taming Pheres, and Agelaus surpassing all others, Toxeus and Clymenus and godlike Periphas, and rich-haired Gorga and wise Deianeira, who was subject in love to mighty Heracles and bare him Hyllus and Glenus and Ctesippus and Odites. These she bare and in ignorance she did a fearful thing: when (she had received)....

the poisoned robe that held black doom....'

Fragment #99A --

Scholiast on Homer, Iliad. xxiii. 679:

And yet Hesiod says that after he had died in Thebes, Argeia the daughter of Adrastus together with others (cp. frag. 99) came to the lamentation over Oedipus.

Fragment #99 -- (65)

Papyri greci e latine, No. 131 (2nd-3rd century): (66)(ll. 1-10) `And (Eriphyle) bare in the palace Alcmaon (67), shepherd of the people, to Amphiaraus. Him (Amphiaraus) did the Cadmean (Theban) women with trailing robes admire when they saw face to face his eyes and well-grown frame, as he was busied about the burying of Oedipus, the man of many woes. ....Once the Danai, servants of Ares, followed him to Thebes, to win renown.... ....for Polynices. But, though well he knew from Zeus all things ordained, the earth yawned and swallowed him up with his horses and jointed chariot, far from deep-eddying Alpheus.

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