古今中外丰富多彩的故事是世界各国社会和生活的结晶,是高度艺术化的精神产品,具有永久的闪光魅力,非常集中、非常形象,是中小学生了解世界和社会的窗口,是走向世界、观摩社会的最佳捷径。这些著名故事,伴随着世界各国一代又一代的青少年茁壮成长,具有广泛而深远的影响。我们青少年只要带着有趣的欣赏的心态阅读这些美丽的故事,便非常有利于培养积极的和健康向上的心理、性格、思维和修养,便有利于了解世界各国的社会和生活,并能不断提高语言表达和社会交往的才能。Once Upon a Crime (The Sisters Grimm #4)
Fans of fractured fairy tales will be delighted to discover the fantasy, mystery, adventure, and humor in the beloved New York Times bestselling Sisters Grimm series by Michael Buckley, now with new cover art. The nine wildly popular books are favorites around the world. They were among the first books to bring a distinctly girl-power spin to fairy tales—a trend followed by hit television series and movies such as Grimm and Maleficent; the bestselling book series the Land of Stories; and more. Now, books one through six in this smash-hit series appear with new covers, with books seven, eight, and nine available as revised editions soon.