

"It has its humorous side," said Frances. "I quite understand, George, that you will need more money to support a wife. I will double your allowance. It shall be paid quarterly.""You would prefer to do that?" hesitated George. "Rather than to make over a son's share of the property to me absolutely? Some of the landed estate or securities? Ihave probably a shrewder business talent than yours, and if I had control could make my property more profitable.""I should prefer to pay your income as before--yes," said Frances quietly.

"Well, as you choose. It is yours to give, of course."George coughed and shuffled to conquer his disappointment. Then he said, "Have it your own way."He put his hand affectionately on her shoulder. "And when you have had your little outing and go home to Weir, you will be glad to have us come to you, for a visit--won't you, mother? You haven't said so.""Why should I say so? It is your home, George, yours and your wife's." She caught his hand and held it to her lips.

But Lisa had not so easily conquered her disappointment.

This woman was coolly robbing George of his rights and was going instead to kill for him a miserable little fatted calf! Bah! This woman, who had maligned her dead mother!

She should have her punishment now. In one blow, straight from the shoulder.

"But you should know, madam," she said gently, "who it is your son has married before you take her home. I assure you that you can present me to the society in Weir with pride. I have royal blood----""Lisa!" George caught her arm. "It is not necessary.

You forget----"

"Oh, I forget nothing! I said royal blood. My father, madam, was the brother of the Czar, and my mother was Pauline Felix. You don't seem to understand----" after a moment's pause. " It was my mother whose name you said should not cross any decent woman's lips--my mother----" She broke down into wild sobs.

"When I said it I did not know that you---- I am sorry."Frances suddenly walked away, pulling open her collar.

It seemed to her that there was no breath in the world.

George followed her. "Did you know this?" she said at last, in a hoarse whisper. "And you are--married to her?

There is no way of being rid of her?"

"No, there is no way," said Waldeaux stoutly. "And if there were, I should not look for it. I am sorry that there is any smirch on Lisa's birth. But even her mother, I fancy, was not altogether a bad lot. Bygones must be bygones. I love my wife, mother. She's worth loving, as you'd find if you would take the trouble to know her. Her dead mother shall not come between her and me.""She's like her, George!" said Mrs. Waldeaux, with white, trembling lips. "I ought to have seen it at first.

Those luring, terrible eyes. It is Pauline Felix's heart that is in her. Rotten to the core--rotten----""I don't care. I'll stand by her." But George's face, too, began to lose its color. He shook himself uncomfortably. "The thing's done now," he muttered.

"Certainly, certainly," Frances repeated mechanically.

"Tell her that I am sorry I spoke of her mother before her. It was rude--brutal. I ask her pardon.""Oh, she'll soon forget that! Lisa has a warm heart, if you take her right. There's lots of hearty fun in her too. You'll like that. Are you going now? Good-by, dear. We will come and see you in the morning. The thing will not seem half so bad when you have slept on it."He paused uncertainly, as she still stood motionless.

She was facing the grim walls of Stafford House, looming dimly through the mist, her eyes fixed as if she were studying the sky line.

"George," she said. "You don't understand. You will come to me always. But that woman never shall cross my threshold.""Mother! Do you mean what you say?"

It was a man, not a shuffling boy that spoke now. "Do you mean that we are not to go to you to-morrow? Not to go home in October? Never----""Your home is open to you. But Pauline Felix's child is no more to me than a wild beast--or a snake in the grass, and never can be." She faced him steadily now.

"There she is," said Frances, looking at the little black figure under the trees, "and here am I. You can choose between us.""Those whom God hath joined together," muttered George.

"You know that."

"You have known her for three weeks," cried Frances vehemently. "I gave you life. I have been your slave every hour since you were born. I have lived but for you. Which of us has God joined together?""Mother, you're damnably unreasonable! It is the course of nature for a man to leave his parents and cleave to his wife.""Yes, I know," she said slowly. "You can keep that foul thing in your life, but it never shall come into mine.""Then neither will I. I will stand by my wife.""That is the end, then?"

She waited, her eyes on his.

He did not speak.

She turned and left him, disappearing slowly in the rain and mist.

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  • 秋事


  • 佛说华积陀罗尼神咒经


  • 一九八四(世界文学名著典藏)


    《一九八四》是乔治·奥威尔的传世之作,堪称世界文坛最著名的反 乌托邦、反极权的政治讽喻小说。他在小说中创造的“老大哥”、“双重思想”、“ 新话”等词汇都已收人权威的英语词典,甚至由他的姓衍生出 “奥威尔式”(Orwellian)、“奥威尔主义”(Orwellism)这样的通用词汇,不断出现在报道国际新闻的记者笔下,足见其作品在英语国家影响 之深远。
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