

The first principle of that Philosophy which has taken its place in Christendom is thus found in the existence of two totalities. This is a reduplication of substance which now, however, is characterized by the fact that the two totalities are no longer external to one another, but are clearly both required through their relation to one another. If formerly Stoicism and Epicureanism, whose negativity was Scepticism, came forth as independent, and if finally the implicitly existent universality of both was established, these moments are now known as separate totalities, and yet in their opposition they have to be thought of as one. We have here the true speculative Idea, the Notion in its determinations, each of which is brought into a totality and clearly relates to the other.

We thus have really two Ideas, the subjective Idea as knowledge, and then the substantial and concrete Idea; and the development and perfection of this principle and its coming to the consciousness of Thought, is the subject treated by modern Philosophy. Thus the determinations are in it more concrete than with the ancients. This opposition in which the two sides culminate, grasped in its widest significance, is the opposition between Thought and Being, individuality and substance, so that in the subject himself his freedom stands once more within the bounds of necessity; it is the opposition between subject and object, and between Nature and Mind, in so far as this last as finite stands in opposition to Nature.

The Greek Philosophy is free from restraint because it does not yet have regard to the opposition between Being and Thought, but proceeds from the unconscious presupposition that Thought is also Being. Certainly certain stages in the Greek Philosophy are laid hold of which seem to stand on the same platform as the Christian philosophies. Thus when we see, for instance, in the Philosophy of the Sophists, the new Academics, and the Sceptics, that they maintain the doctrine that the truth is not capable of being known, they might appear to accord with the later subjective philosophies in asserting that all thought-determinations were only subjective in character, and that hence from these no conclusions could be arrived at as regards what is objective. But there is really a difference. In the case of ancient philosophies, which said that we know only the phenomenal, everything is confined to that; it is as regards practical life that the new Academy and the Sceptics also admitted the possibility of conducting oneself rightly, morally and rationally, when one adopts the phenomenal as one's rule and guide in life. But though it is the phenomenal that lies at the foundation of things, it is not asserted that there is likewise a knowledge of the true and existent, as in the case of the merely subjective idealists of a more modern day. Those last still keep in the background a potentiality, a beyond which cannot be known through thought or through conception. This other knowledge is an immediate knowledge-a faith in, a view of, and a yearning after, the beyond such as was evinced by Jacobi. The ancients have no such yearning: on the contrary, they have perfect satisfaction and rest in the certitude that only that which appears is for Knowledge.

Thus it is necessary in this respect to keep strictly to the point of view from which we start, else through the similarity of the results, we come to see in that old Philosophy all the determinate character of modern subjectivity. Since in the simplicity of ancient philosophy the phenomenal was itself the only sphere, doubts as to objective thought were not present to it.

  • 道德真经衍义手钞


  • 长生指要篇


  • Childhood


  • 南迁录


  • 岁华纪丽


  • 总裁,别捣乱


  • 重生小村姑


  • 只手遮天穹


  • 介庵进禅师语录


  • 基于实现企业组织和谐的治理研究


  • 生活印象


  • 黑帝独宠,杀手娇妻别想逃


    隔壁新坑《教主追夫路漫漫》了解一下~ 她是杀手,雪夜惨死,一朝重生,成为被所有嫌弃的傻子千金。厌倦血腥,她向往平淡,渐渐变成弱鸡。当经历很多之后,才恍然,唯有变强才能保护想保护的。他一代君王,杀伐果断,本该无情无爱,却唯独将她深刻心间。万年等待,只为再寻得那个她。当命运安排再度相遇,他们是否能破镜重圆?一次次经历生死别离,终明白,原来心始终相依,从未离弃。持子之手,愿与子偕老!
  • 色劫皇后


  • 每天都是你的代表作


    在这个世界上,有太多的事情是我们所难以预料的。我们不能预知未来,却可以把握现在;我们不知道生命有多长,但我们却可以按排今天的生活;我们左右不了变化无常的环境,却可以调整自己的心境。只要活着,就有希望,尽管我们可能收获成功,也可能遭遇失败,但只要每一天都地得充实,我们的人生就一定不会失色,这才是真正的人生。 生活的每一天都是一个特别的日子。每天给自己一点希望和信心;每天给自己一个目标和理想;每天付诸一份切实的行动;每天就都会获得一份精神的充实和心灵宁静。 每天早晨醒来,你都是全新而特别的,让我们伴着清晨的朝阳迎向新的挑战,让此后的每一天都成为你的代表作。
  • 首富嫡女

