Buhle (Gesch. d. neuern Phil. Vol. III. Section 2, pp. 525-528), attributes limited conceptions to Spinoza: “The soul experiences in the body all the 'other' of which it becomes aware as outside of the body, and it becomes aware of this 'other' only by means of the conceptions of the qualities which the body perceives therein. If, therefore, the body can perceive no qualities of a thing, the soul also can come to no knowledge of it. On the other hand, the soul is equally unable to arrive at the perception of the body which belongs to it; the soul knows not that the body is there, and knows itself even in no other way than by means of the qualities which the body perceives in things which are outside of it, and by means of the conceptions of the same. For the body is an individual thing, determined in a certain manner, which can only gradually, in association with and amidst other individual things, attain to existence, and can preserve itself in existence only as thus connected, combined and associated with others,” i.e., in infinite progress; the body can by no means be conceived from itself. “The soul's consciousness expresses a certain determinate form of a Notion, as the Notion itself expresses a determinate form of an individual thing. But the individual thing, its Notion, and the Notion of this Notion are altogether and entirely one and the same thing, only regarded under different attributes. As the soul is nothing else than the immediate Notion of the body, and is one and the same thing with this, the excellence of the soul can never be anything else than the excellence of the body. The capacities of the understanding are nothing but the capacities of the body, if they are looked at from the corporeal point of view, and the decisions of the will are likewise determinations of the body. Individual things are derived from God in an eternal and infinite manner” (i.e., once and for all), “and not in a transitory, finite and evanescent manner; they are derived from one another merely inasmuch as they mutually produce and destroy each other, but in their eternal existence they endure unchangeable. All individual things mutually presuppose each other; one cannot be thought without the other; that is to say they constitute together an inseparable whole; they exist side by side in one utterly indivisible, infinite Thing, and in no other way whatever.
比尔·盖茨说:“一个优秀的员工,应该是一个积极主动去做事,积极主动去提高自身技能的人。这样的员工,不必依靠管理手段去触发他的主观能动性。” 在现代职场,过去那种听命行事的工作作风已不再受到重视,懂得积极主动工作的员工将备受青睐。在工作中,只要认定那是你要做的事,哪怕看上去是“不可能完成”的任务,都要敢于接受挑战,立刻采取行动,而不必等上司做出交待,只有这样,才能在竞争中不被淘汰。 现在对于许多领域的市场来说,激烈的竞争环境、越来越多的变数、紧张的商业节奏,都要求员工不能事事等上司交待。那些只依靠把上司交待的事情做好的员工,就好像站在危险的流沙上,迟早会被淘汰。蛊妃萌爷:溺宠大明星