

We have illustrated our meaning by an instance taken from history. We will select another from fiction. Othello murders his wife; he gives orders for the murder of his lieutenant; he ends by murdering himself. Yet he never loses the esteem and affection of Northern readers. His intrepid and ardent spirit redeems everything. The unsuspecting confidence with which he listens to his adviser, the agony with which he shrinks from the thought of shame, the tempest of passion with which he commits his crimes, and the haughty fearlessness with which he avows them, give an extraordinary interest to his character. Iago, on the contrary, is the object of universal loathing. Many are inclined to suspect that Shakspeare has been seduced into an exaggeration unusual with him, and has drawn a monster who has no archetype in human nature. Now we suspect that an Italian audience in the fifteenth century would have felt very differently. Othello would have inspired nothing but detestation and contempt. The folly with which he trusts the friendly professions of a man whose promotion he had obstructed, the credulity with which he takes unsupported assertions, and trivial circumstances, for unanswerable proofs, the violence with which he silences the exculpation till the exculpation can only aggravate his misery, would have excited the abhorrence and disgust of the spectators. The conduct of Iago they would assuredly have condemned; but they would have condemned it as we condemn that of his victim. Something of interest and respect would have mingled with their disapprobation. The readiness of the traitor's wit, the clearness of his judgment, the skill with which he penetrates the dispositions of others and conceals his own, would have ensured to him a certain portion of their esteem.

So wide was the difference between the Italians and their neighbours. A similar difference existed between the Greeks of the second century before Christ, and their masters the Romans.

The conquerors, brave and resolute, faithful to their engagements, and strongly influenced by religious feelings, were, at the same time, ignorant, arbitrary, and cruel. With the vanquished people were deposited all the art, the science, and the literature of the Western world. In poetry, in philosophy, in painting, in architecture, in sculpture, they had no rivals.

Their manners were polished, their perceptions acute, their invention ready; they were tolerant, affable, humane; but of courage and sincerity they were almost utterly destitute. Every rude centurion consoled himself for his intellectual inferiority, by remarking that knowledge and taste seemed only to make men atheists, cowards, and slaves. The distinction long continued to be strongly marked, and furnished an admirable subject for the fierce sarcasms of Juvenal.

The citizen of an Italian commonwealth was the Greek of the time of Juvenal and the Greek of the time of Pericles, joined in one.

Like the former, he was timid and pliable, artful and mean. But, like the latter, he had a country. Its independence and prosperity were dear to him. If his character were degraded by some base crimes, it was, on the other hand, ennobled by public spirit and by an honourable ambition, A vice sanctioned by the general opinion is merely a vice. The evil terminates in itself. A vice condemned by the general opinion produces a pernicious effect on the whole character. The former is a local malady, the latter a constitutional taint. When the reputation of the offender is lost, he too often flings the remains of his virtue after it in despair. The Highland gentleman who, a century ago, lived by taking blackmail from his neighbours, committed the same crime for which Wild was accompanied to Tyburn by the huzzas of two hundred thousand people. But there can be no doubt that he was a much less depraved man than Wild. The deed for which Mrs.Brownrigg was hanged sinks into nothing, when compared with theconduct of the Roman who treated the public to a hundred pair of gladiators. Yet we should greatly wrong such a Roman if we supposed that his disposition was as cruel as that of Mrs.

Brownrigg. In our own country, a woman forfeits her place in society by what, in a man, is too commonly considered as an honourable distinction, and, at worst, as a venial error. The consequence is notorious. The moral principle of a woman is frequently more impaired by a single lapse from virtue than that of a man by twenty years of intrigues. Classical antiquity would furnish us with instances stronger, if possible, than those to which we have referred.

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  • 临汉隐居诗话


  • 紫阳真人悟真篇注疏


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  • 大佬你老婆要上天


    夏宁人前绝对是淡然文艺气质超然的傲娇女神一枚,人后放飞自我嗨到爆霸气狂炫,然而就是这样的夏宁却招惹了一个她惹不起的男人,从此去哪都有男人相伴,夜司寒,一个妖凉魅惑的男人,身世成迷危险至极,最大的乐趣就是宠老婆爱老婆!"夜司寒,你为什么娶我啊?""乖……救命之恩应当以身相许。" 人人都知道夜少宠妻成瘾,天底下没有谁能比夜司寒还要爱夏宁,世人都知道夜司寒没有夏宁根本活不下去!这是一个小夫妻携手升级打怪,狗粮撒天撒地撒儿子的故事!ps:极致宠文,女主强大腹黑,男主人前高冷禁欲系狂炫酷霸拽,女主面前腹黑邪魅可卖萌可忠犬。不喜勿喷,全文带你打脸啪啪。
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    “我唐淼淼就算是饿死,死外面,从这跳下去,也不会去求景榑宸!” “真香,真好吃,景爸爸真好!!!”景榑宸摸摸她毛茸茸的小脑袋,“乖乖听话,能让你吃更好的。”唐淼淼竖耳朵两眼放光——更好的?!嗷嗷~然而后半夜,知道真相的唐淼淼眼泪都快掉下来……哼,还说是全球女人最想嫁的帝国太子爷,怎么抠门成这样嘛?不就想吃他几条鱼,她还没填饱肚子呢,怎么反倒被他吃干抹净,这波太吃亏了辣!
  • 都怪时光太迟暮


    【原书名《封少,有点甜!》】 【推荐阿黧新书《偏执老公37度甜》】 【全文完结、重生、虐渣、宠文】传闻封少冷漠薄情,但对其青梅竹马的妻子是宠上了天。“听说昨晚您被封太太关在门外跪了一夜,是不是真的?”某人眼里尽是宠溺:“我家夫人太调皮了,只能惯着她。”“为什么封太太要把您关在门外?是不是发现您去鬼混?”某人还没来得及回答记者的问题,夏七七的声音就传了出来:“今晚搓衣板继续跪!!”“好的老婆。”某人立刻道,留下众人在风中凌乱……
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