

Williams was one of those who are wiser for others than for themselves. His own public life was unfortunate, and was made unfortunate by his strange want of judgment and self-command at several important conjunctures. But the counsel which he gave on this occasion showed no want of worldly wisdom. He advised the favourite to abandon all thoughts of defending the monopolies, to find some foreign embassy for his brother Sir Edward, who was deeply implicated in the villanies of Mompesson, and to leave the other offenders to the justice of Parliament. Buckingham received this advice with the warmest expressions of gratitude, and declared that a load had been lifted from his heart. He then repaired with Williams to the royal presence. They found the King engaged in earnest consultation with Prince Charles. The plan of operations proposed by the Dean was fully discussed, and approved in all its parts.

The first victims whom the Court abandoned to the vengeance of the Commons were Sir Giles Mompesson and Sir Francis Michell. It was some time before Bacon began to entertain any apprehensions.

His talents and his address gave him great influence in the House of which he had lately become a member, as indeed they must have done in any assembly. In the House of Commons he had many personal friends and many warm admirers. But at length, about six weeks after the meeting of Parliament, the storm burst.

A committee of the lower House had been appointed to inquire into the state of the Courts of Justice. On the fifteenth of March the chairman of that committee, Sir Robert Philips, member for Bath, reported that great abuses had been discovered. "The person," said he, "against whom these things are alleged is no less than the Lord Chancellor, a man so endued with all parts, both of nature and art, as that I will say no more of him, being not able to say enough." Sir Robert then proceeded to state, in the most temperate manner, the nature of the charges. A person of the name of Aubrey had a case depending in Chancery. He had been almost ruined by law expenses, and his patience had been exhausted by the delays of the court. He received a hint from some of the hangers-on of the Chancellor that a present of one hundred pounds would expedite matters. The poor man had not the sum required.

However, having found out an usurer who accommodated him with it at high interest, he carried it to York House. The Chancellor took the money, and his dependants assured the suitor that all would go right. Aubrey was, however, disappointed; for, after considerable delay, "a killing decree" was pronounced against him. Another suitor of the name of Egerton complained that he had been induced by two of the Chancellor's jackals to make his Lordship a present of four hundred pounds, and that, nevertheless, he had not been able to obtain a decree in his favour. The evidence to these facts was overwhelming. Bacon's friends could only entreat the House to suspend its judgment, and to send up the case to the Lords, in a form less offensive than an impeachment.

On the nineteenth of March the King sent a message to the Commons, expressing his deep regret that so eminent a person as the Chancellor should be suspected of misconduct. His Majesty declared that he had no wish to screen the guilty from justice, and proposed to appoint a new kind of tribunal consisting of eighteen commissioners, who might be chosen from among the members of the two Houses, to investigate the matter. The Commons were not disposed to depart from their regular course of proceeding. On the same day they held a conference with the Lords, and delivered in the heads of the accusation against the Chancellor. At this conference Bacon was not present. Overwhelmed with shame and remorse, and abandoned by all those in whom he had weakly put his trust, he had shut himself up in his chamber from the eyes of men. The dejection of his mind soon disordered his body. Buckingham, who visited him by the King's order, "found his Lordship very sick and heavy." It appears, from a pathetic letter which the unhappy man addressed to the Peers on the day of the conference, that he neither expected nor wished to survive his disgrace. During several days he remained in his bed, refusing to see any human being. He passionately told his attendants to leave him, to forget him, never again to name his name, never to remember that there had been such a man in the world. In the meantime, fresh instances of corruption were every day brought to the knowledge of his accusers. The number of charges rapidly increased from two to twenty-three. The Lords entered on the investigation of the case with laudable alacrity. Some witnesses were examined at the bar of the House. A select committee was appointed to take the depositions of others; and the inquiry was rapidly proceeding, when on the twenty-sixth of March, the King adjourned the Parliament for three weeks.

This measure revived Bacon's hopes. He made the most of his short respite. He attempted to work on the feeble mind of the King. He appealed to all the strongest feelings of James, to his fears, to his vanity, to his high notions of prerogative. Would the Solomon of the age commit so gross an error as to encourage the encroaching spirit of Parliaments? Would God's anointed, accountable to God alone, pay homage to the clamorous multitude?

"Those," exclaimed Bacon, "who now strike at the Chancellor will soon strike at the Crown. I am the first sacrifice. I wish I may be the last." But all his eloquence and address were employed in vain. Indeed, whatever Mr. Montagu may say, we are firmly convinced that it was not in the King's power to save Bacon, without having recourse to measures which would have convulsed the realm. The Crown had not sufficient influence over the Parliament to procure an acquittal in so clear a case of guilt.

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    这就是一个萌物小青梅混迹网游,后来被腹黑竹马扛回家的故事。(作者手残,简介无能)此为小白文,天雷滚滚,入者请自备避雷针╰( ̄▽ ̄)╮肖羊独白:懵懂无知的时光里,遇到你,温暖的阳光中,你始终站在,我抬头就可看见的地方,你淡然的笑,让我心头猛的一跳,那一日,我终于明了,何其幸运,我何其幸运,得你默默守护【片段一】游戏里的晴空骄阳怀孕了——“叮!”系统提示:孕妇晴空骄阳左腿抽筋了。“啊,快来,腿抽筋了。”晴空骄阳对着前面砍怪的长空皓月喊,后者急忙奔回来,抬起她的一条腿轻揉慢捏。“错了,系统说是左腿。”于是,长空皓月满头黑线的抬起她的另一条腿。“叮!”系统提示:野猪怪的气味令晴空骄阳想吐,快去处理。“快去,打死前面的那只野猪。”于是,长空皓月提重剑在手,过去将某倒霉的野猪砍死。“叮!”系统提示:树上的梨子熟了,晴空骄阳馋涎欲滴。“摘前面那棵树上的梨子。”于是,长空大神跑去爬树。“叮!”系统提示:晴空骄阳情绪低落。“快来抱抱我!”于是,长空大神将“小孕妇”温柔的揽在怀中。……【片段二】B大的白杨路旁——某羊急跑、将某大神向后拉,抬腿,踹!一脚踢飞想要强吻的某小姐。某小姐:“你!你为什么踹我!”某羊:“他是我的!”某小姐:“你说了算吗?”某羊:“说了不算,那就做给你看。”说罢,猛的伸手拉低李逸凡的头,撅起粉嘟嘟的小嘴儿,狠狠的撞在他的薄唇上。某小姐:“你,你们!”某大神:“快走,再看收费。”然后某大神抱住某羊,深吻。……【片段三】某一日三个丫头聊天——晴空骄阳“你那个御用跟屁虫儿,陪你等死呢,被你的女王范吓跑了,另结新欢去了?”“怎么可能,姐是谁啊,姐的魅力大无边,他……”烙饼卷大葱说了半截顿住“呀,呸呸呸,姐和那小子是纯洁的同学关系,你知道不,知道不!”“哈哈,羊羊,你学坏了。”悄悄在你身边偷笑。“可不呗,近墨者黑,她天天跟一大腹黑在一起,不学坏才怪呢。”烙饼卷大葱撇嘴,“哎,羊羊,你跟长空大神不止是近距离,都到负距离了吧,快说说负距离多少,有没有二十厘米?”
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