

Button's, on the south side of Russell Street, Covert Garden succeeded Will's as the wits' resort Butts, Dr. physician-in-ordinary to Henry VIII. (d. 1545) and one of the characters in Shakespeare's Henry VIII.

CACUS, the mythological giant who stole the oxen of Hercules Camaldoli, Order of, founded by St. Romauld, a Benedictine (eleventh century) in the Vale of Camaldoli among the Tuscan Apennines Cambray, Confederates of, the pope, the emperor. France and Spain who by the League of Cambray combined to attack Venice Campbell, Dr. John, a miscellaneous political and historical writer (1708~75)

Capreae, or Capri, a small island nineteen miles south from Naples, the favourite residence of Augustus and Tiberius, and the scene of the latter's licentious orgies Capuchins, a branch of the monastic order of the Franciscans Carlile, Richard, a disciple of Tom Paine's who was repeatedly imprisoned for his radicalism. He worked especially for the freedom of the Press (1790-1843)

Carter, Mrs., a distinguished linguist and translator of Epictetus Casaubon, Isaac, Professor of Greek at Geneva Curator of the Royal Library at Paris, Prebendary of Canterbury: a famous sixteenth-century scholar (1559-1614), Catinat, French marshal in charge of the 1701 Italian campaign against Marlborough's ally, Prince Eugene of Savoy Cave, Edward, printer, editor, publisher, and proprietor of the Gentleman's Magazine (1691-1754)

Chatelet, Madame du, Voltaire's mistress, c 1733-47 (d. 1749)

Chaulieu, Guillaume, a witty but negligent poetaster (1639-1720)

Chaumette, Pierre, a violent extremist in the French Revolution who provoked even Robespierre's disgust; guillotined, 1794

Childs, the clergy coffee-house in St. Paul's. St. James's (ib.) in the street of that name, was the resort of beaux and statesmen and a notorious gambling house Chillingworth, William, an able English controversial divine; suffered at the hands of the Puritans as an adherent of Charles I. (1602-43)

Churchill, Charles, a clergyman and satirical Poet who attacked Johnson in The Ghost (1731-64)

Clootz, a French Revolutionary and one of the founders of the "Worship of Reason:" guillotined 1794

Colburn, (Zerah), b. at Vermont, U.S.A., in 1804, and noted in youth for his extraordinary powers of calculation (d. 1840)

Coligni, Gaspard de, French admiral and leader of the Huguenots; massacred on St. Bartholomew's Eve, 1572

Colle, Charles, dramatist and song-writer (d. 1777); young Crebillon (d. 1777) wrote fiction Condorcet, a French Marquis (1743-94) of moderate Revolutionary tendencies, who fell a victim to the Extremists He wrote extensively and clearly, but without genius Constituent Assembly, the National Assembly of France from 1789 to 1792

Corderius, a famous sixteenth-century teacher--Calvin was a pupil of his--in France and Switzerland (d. 1564) who published several school-books Cortes, conqueror of Mexico (1485-1547); the Spanish Parliament Cotta, Caius, a famous Roman orator, partly contemporary with Cicero, who mentions him with honour Courland, a province on the Baltic once belonging to Poland since 1795 to Russia Coventry, Solicitor-General of England in 1616, Attorney-General in 1620 and Lord Keeper in 1625

Cradock, Joseph, a versatile writer and actor whose rambling Literary and Miscellaneous Memoirs contain several anecdotes of Johnson and his circle (1742-1826)

Curll and Osborne, two notorious booksellers who owe their immortality to Pope's Dunciad Curtius, the noble Roman youth who leaped into the chasm in the Forum and so closed it by the sacrifice of Rome's most precious possession--a good citizen DACIER, Andrew, a French scholar who edited the "Delphin" edition of the classics for the Dauphin, and translated many of them (1651-1722)

Dangerfield, Thomas, Popish plot discoverer and false witness (1650?-1685)

Davies, Tom, the actor-bookseller who wrote the Memoirs of David Garrick, and was one of Johnson's circle (1712-85). "The famous dogma of the old physiologists" is "corruptio unius generatio est alterius" (Notes and Queries, Ser. 8, vol. ix., p. 56)

Davila, a famous French soldier and historian who served under Henry of Navarre; wrote the famous History of the Civil War in France (1576-1631)

Della Crusca, the signature of Robert Merry (1755-98), the leader of a mutual-admiration band of poetasters, who had their head-quarters at Florence, and hence called themselves the Della Cruscans. Gifford (q.v.) pulverised them in his Baviad and Merviad Dentatus, the old-type Roman who, after many victories and taking immense booty, retired to a small farm which he himself tilled Desfontaines, a Jesuit who put out a pirated edition of Voltaire's La Ligue Dessaix, a distinguished, upright, and chivalrous French general under Napoleon, who fell at Marengo (1800)

Diafoirus, the name of two pedantic characters in Moliere's Malade Imaginaire Diatessaron, a harmony of the gospels, the earliest example being that compiled by Tatian c.170 A.D.

Digby, Lord, one of the Royalist leaders and a typical Cavalier Diodorus author of a universal history of which fifteen books still remain (50 B.C.-13 A.D.)

Distressed Mother, by Ambrose Phillipps, modelled on Racine's Andromaque Domdaniel, a hall under the roots of the ocean, where gnomes magicians, and evil spirits hold council (see Southey's Thalaba)

Domenichino, a celebrated Italian painter of sacred subjects; persecuted and possibly poisoned by his rivals (1581-1641)

Douw, Gerard, distinguished Dutch painter, one of Rembrandt's pupils; his works are famed for their perfect finish and delicacy (1613-75)

Dubois, Guillaume, cardinal and prime minister of France, noted for his ability and his debauchery (1656-1723)

D'Urfey, Tom, a facetious comedian and song-writer, favoured by Charles II. Known for his collection of sonnets, Pills to Purge Melancholy (1628-1703)

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