

Ham spoke to him. Mr. Peggotty was so far sensible of HISaffliction, that he wrung his hand; but, otherwise, he remained in the same state, and no one dared to disturb him.

Slowly, at last, he moved his eyes from my face, as if he were waking from a vision, and cast them round the room. Then he said, in a low voice:

'Who's the man? I want to know his name.'

Ham glanced at me, and suddenly I felt a shock that struck me back.

'There's a man suspected,' said Mr. Peggotty. 'Who is it?'

'Mas'r Davy!' implored Ham. 'Go out a bit, and let me tell him what I must. You doen't ought to hear it, sir.'

I felt the shock again. I sank down in a chair, and tried to utter some reply; but my tongue was fettered, and my sight was weak.

'I want to know his name!' I heard said once more.

'For some time past,' Ham faltered, 'there's been a servant about here, at odd times. There's been a gen'lm'n too. Both of 'em belonged to one another.'

Mr. Peggotty stood fixed as before, but now looking at him.

'The servant,' pursued Ham, 'was seen along with - our poor girl -last night. He's been in hiding about here, this week or over. He was thought to have gone, but he was hiding. Doen't stay, Mas'r Davy, doen't!'

I felt Peggotty's arm round my neck, but I could not have moved if the house had been about to fall upon me.

'A strange chay and hosses was outside town, this morning, on the Norwich road, a'most afore the day broke,' Ham went on. 'The servant went to it, and come from it, and went to it again. When he went to it again, Em'ly was nigh him. The t'other was inside.

He's the man.'

'For the Lord's love,' said Mr. Peggotty, falling back, and putting out his hand, as if to keep off what he dreaded. 'Doen't tell me his name's Steerforth!'

'Mas'r Davy,' exclaimed Ham, in a broken voice, 'it ain't no fault of yourn - and I am far from laying of it to you - but his name is Steerforth, and he's a damned villain!'

Mr. Peggotty uttered no cry, and shed no tear, and moved no more, until he seemed to wake again, all at once, and pulled down his rough coat from its peg in a corner.

'Bear a hand with this! I'm struck of a heap, and can't do it,' he said, impatiently. 'Bear a hand and help me. Well!' when somebody had done so. 'Now give me that theer hat!'

Ham asked him whither he was going.

'I'm a going to seek my niece. I'm a going to seek my Em'ly. I'm a going, first, to stave in that theer boat, and sink it where Iwould have drownded him, as I'm a living soul, if I had had one thought of what was in him! As he sat afore me,' he said, wildly, holding out his clenched right hand, 'as he sat afore me, face to face, strike me down dead, but I'd have drownded him, and thought it right! - I'm a going to seek my niece.'

'Where?' cried Ham, interposing himself before the door.

'Anywhere! I'm a going to seek my niece through the wureld. I'm a going to find my poor niece in her shame, and bring her back. No one stop me! I tell you I'm a going to seek my niece!'

'No, no!' cried Mrs. Gummidge, coming between them, in a fit of crying. 'No, no, Dan'l, not as you are now. Seek her in a little while, my lone lorn Dan'l, and that'll be but right! but not as you are now. Sit ye down, and give me your forgiveness for having ever been a worrit to you, Dan'l - what have my contraries ever been to this! - and let us speak a word about them times when she was first an orphan, and when Ham was too, and when I was a poor widder woman, and you took me in. It'll soften your poor heart, Dan'l,' laying her head upon his shoulder, 'and you'll bear your sorrow better; for you know the promise, Dan'l, "As you have done it unto one of the least of these, you have done it unto me",- and that can never fail under this roof, that's been our shelter for so many, many year!'

He was quite passive now; and when I heard him crying, the impulse that had been upon me to go down upon my knees, and ask their pardon for the desolation I had caused, and curse Steer- forth, yielded to a better feeling, My overcharged heart found the same relief, and I cried too.

  • 青玉


  • 长爪梵志请问经


  • 青城Ⅰ


    艾天涯喜欢顾朗,如星辰般耀眼的顾朗。 在她十三岁的人生中没有比这喜欢更郑重的意义了。 如果没有突然转学而来的结巴美女叶灵,没有桀骜不驯无法无天的“老大”海南岛,没有以欺负艾天涯为人生目标的胡巴, 没有那一系列极致而疯狂的变故,没有那残酷到不可言说的惊天秘密……这份喜欢将如同每个懵懂少女的心事一样,遥远而梦幻。
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    你相信爱因斯坦广义相对论中所提到的平行宇宙吗? 同一个纬度,同一个地球,上演着不同的故事,一家几个人所组成的保安公司,一场突发其来的盗窃案,一个名叫九月天的女盗贼,三者间仿佛冥冥之中有着某种关联。一段尘封了九千年的故事,一件由考古学家而引发的一场来自远古古悉兰王国之谜,VV侦探学院是否能够守护世界和平,当迷雾被一层层的解开,传说中古悉兰的预言,神是否又真的存在……
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  • 极乐庄主丽娘传


    生命的自由是那么的可贵,生命有多值得敬畏,乱世中有的人为了活着,历经了种种的苦难,只为见到明天的旭日阳光,也有无数的人为了明天而放弃了自由。多年以后,他们都老了,在夕阳下磕着瓜子,看着小孙子在外面跑来跑去,丽娘说:“当年如果我不装死,你是不是永远都不会跟我说你爱我。”“我在用行动告诉你,我会用我的一生守护着你,希望你一生都活得肆意,哪怕我一生都只能活在黑暗里,直到听到你的死讯,我才后悔,我要亲手给你幸福,不假他人之手。”“真好,我终于不用追着你跑了,遇到你,我才知道我曾经所有的苦难都是为了让你来到我的身边,来世,你要记得我。”“嗯”。 PS:有兴趣的书友请多指教。
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