

Wo keine G鰐ter sind, walten Gespenster.

NOVALIS.-- Christenheit.

Where gods are not, spectres rule.

Ein Charakter ist ein vollkommen gebildeter Wille.

NOVALIS.--Moralische Ansichten.

A character is a perfectly formed will.

It was not long before Hugh repeated his visit to Falconer. He was not at home. He went again and again, but still failed in finding him. The day after the third failure, however, he received a note from Falconer, mentioning an hour at which he would be at home on the following evening. Hugh went. Falconer was waiting for him.

"I am very sorry. I am out so much," said Falconer.

"I ought to have taken the opportunity when I had it," replied Hugh.

"I want to ask your help. May I begin at the beginning, and tell you all the story? or must I epitomize and curtail it?""Be as diffuse as you please. I shall understand the thing the better."So Hugh began, and told the whole of his history, in as far as it bore upon the story of the crystal. He ended with the words:

"I trust, Mr. Falconer, you will not think that it is from a love of talking that I have said so much about this affair.""Certainly not. It is a remarkable story. I will think what can be done. Meantime I will keep my eyes and ears open. I may find the fellow. Tell me what he is like."Hugh gave as minute a description of the count as he could.

"I think I see the man," said Falconer. "I am pretty sure I shall recognise him.""Have you any idea what he could want with the ring?""It is one of the curious coincidences which are always happening,"answered Falconer, "that a newspaper of this very day would have enabled me, without any previous knowledge of similar facts, to give a probably correct suggestion as to his object. But you can judge for yourself."So saying, Falconer went to a side-table, heaped up with books and papers, maps, and instruments of various kinds, apparently in triumphant confusion. Without a moment's hesitation, notwithstanding, he selected the paper he wanted, and handed it to Hugh, who read in it a letter to the editor, of which the following is a portion:--"I have for over thirty years been in the habit of investigating the question by means of crystals. And since 18--, I have possessed the celebrated crystal, once belonging to Lady Blessington, in which very many persons, both children and adults, have seen visions of the spirits of the deceased, or of beings claiming to be such, and of numerous angels and other beings of the spiritual world. These have in all cases supported the purest and most liberal Christianity. The faculty of seeing in the crystal I have found to exist in about one person in ten among adults, and in nearly nine in every ten among children; many of whom appear to lose the faculty as they grow to adult age, unless they practise it continually.""Is it possible," said Hugh, pausing, "that this can be a veritable paper of to-day? Are there people to believe such things?""There are more fools in the world, Mr. Sutherland, than there are crystals in its mountains."Hugh resumed his reading. He came at length to this passage:

"The spirits--which I feel certain they are--which appear, do not hesitate to inform us on all possible subjects which may tend to improve our morals, and confirm our faith in the Christian doctrines...The character they give of the class of spirits who are in the habit of communicating with mortals by rapping and such proceedings, is such that it behoves all Christian people to be on their guard against error and delusion through their means."Hugh had read this passage aloud.

"Is not that a comfort, now, Mr. Sutherland?" said Falconer. "For in all the reports which I have seen of the religious instruction communicated in that highly articulate manner, Calvinism, high and low, has predominated. I strongly suspect the crystal phantoms of Arminianism, though. Fancy the old disputes of infant Christendom perpetuated amongst the paltry ghosts of another realm!""But," said Hugh, "I do not quite see how this is to help me, as to the count's object in securing the ring; for certainly, however deficient he may be in such knowledge, he is not likely to have committed the theft for the sake of instruction in the doctrines of the sects.""No. But such a crystal might be put to other, not to say better, uses. Besides, Lady Blessington's crystal might be a pious crystal;and the other which belonged to Lady--"

"Lady Euphrasia."

  • 世界文学经典文库:海底两万里(青少版)


    《海底两万里》里描绘的种种惊险奇遇简直能触及人的眼球及心灵。其中,潜艇在大海中任意穿梭,海底时而险象环生、干钧一发,时而景色优美 、令人陶醉。美妙壮观的海底世界充满了异国情调和浓厚的浪漫主义色彩, 体现了人类自古以来渴望上天入地、自由翱翔的梦想。凡尔纳其实从来没有 到过海底,却把海底的景色写的如此生动,读来引人入胜,使读者身临其境 ,表明他具有非凡的想象力。故事的主人公尼摩船长是个神秘人物,他在荒岛上秘密建造的这艘潜艇不仅异常坚固,而且结构巧妙。能够利用海洋来提供能源。
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