

He had no objection to a little candid speaking; at least, so he declared. As to his views with regard to Mary, they were merely these: that he would make her as happy and comfortable as he could while she remained with him; and that he would give her his blessing--for he had nothing else to give her--when she left him;--if ever she should do so.

Now, it will be said that the doctor was not very candid in this; not more so, perhaps, than was Lady Arabella herself. But when one is specially invited to be candid, one is naturally set upon one's guard.

Those who by disposition are most open, are apt to become crafty when so admonished. When a man says to you, 'Let us be candid with each other,' you feel instinctively that he desires to squeeze you without giving a drop of water himself.

'Yes; but about Frank,' said Lady Arabella.

'About Frank!' said the doctor, with an innocent look, which her ladyship could hardly interpret.

'What I mean is this: can you give me your word that these young people do not intend to do anything rash? One word like that from you will set my mind quite at rest. And then we could be so happy together again.'

'Ah! who is to answer for what rash things a young man will do?' said the doctor, smiling.

Lady Arabella got up from the sofa, and pushed away the little table.

The man was false, hypocritical, and cunning. Nothing could be made of him. They were all in a conspiracy together to rob her of her son; to make him marry without money! What should she do? Where should she turn for advice and counsel? She had nothing more to say to the doctor; and he, perceiving that this was the case, took his leave. This little attempt to achieve candour had not succeeded.

Dr Thorne had answered Lady Arabella as had seemed best to him on the spur of the moment; but he was by no means satisfied with himself. As he walked away through the gardens, he bethought himself whether it would be better for all parties if he could bring himself to be really candid.

Would it not be better for him at once to tell the squire what were the future prospects of his niece, and let the father agree to the marriage, or not agree to it, as he might think fit. But then, if so, if he did do this, would he not in fact say, 'There is my niece, there is this girl of whom you have been talking for the last twelvemonth, indifferent to what agony of mind you may have occasioned to her; there she is, a probable heiress! It may be worth your son's while to wait a little time, and not cast her off till he shall know whether she be an heiress or no. If it shall turn out that she is rich, let him take her; if not, why, he can desert her then as well as now.' He could not bring himself to put his niece into such a position as this. He was anxious enough that she should be Frank Gresham's wife, for he loved Frank Gresham; he was anxious enough, also, that she should give to her husband the means of saving the property of his family. But Frank, though he might find her rich, was bound to take her while she was poor.

Then, also, he doubted whether he would be justified in speaking of this will at all. He almost hated the will for the trouble and vexation it had given him, and the constant stress it had laid on his conscience. He had spoken of it as yet to no one, and he thought that he was resolved not to do so while Sir Louis should yet be in the land of the living.

On reaching home, he found a note from Lady Scatcherd, informing him that Dr Fillgrave had once more been at Boxall Hill, and that, on this occasion, he had left the house without anger.

'I don't know what he has said about Louis,' she added, 'for, to tell the truth, doctor, I was afraid to see him. But he comes again to-morrow, and then I shall be braver. But I fear that my poor boy is in a bad way.'

  • 佛果击节录


  • 唐月令注续补遗


  • A Reading of Life

    A Reading of Life

  • 圆顿宗眼


  • Quality and Others

    Quality and Others

  • 非典型爱情


  • 零点有太阳


  • 八十述怀


  • 待尔海棠花落


  • 亲爱的请别黑化


  • 我愿不曾遇见你


  • 他的陆太太很甜


  • 让孩子吃点苦的30个建议


    作为父母,应该清醒地认识到,让孩子吃点苦十分重要,也十分必要! “再苦也不能苦孩子”是一句流行了很长时间的“教育名言”,但这句话并不是一个普遍的真理,它只适合用于某种特殊的场合。对今天的绝大多数孩子而言,尤其是那些在城市里长大的孩子,他们大多都是在父母长辈的百般呵护中长大的,根本不知道什么叫苦,所以,还是应该让他们吃点苦的好。要知道,不让孩子吃苦的教育是不完整的教育,也是不负责任的教育。尽管很多父母都明白这个道理,但遗憾的是,这些父母并没有把这种教育落实到自己孩子的身上。
  • 时政谈屑


    争取和平环境、集中精力搞现代化建设、市场经济存在的基础、理论界要为宁夏改革开放和经济社会发展服务、市场体系 、关于新时期干部理论教育改革的几点思考、加强党风廉政建设、促进市场经济健康发展等内容组成。
  • 厨娘王妃向未央

