

'Yes, my love; I'm sure you would; nobody better. But what I mean is, that if you are to do any good, you should be kind in your manner. Mary Thorne has a spirit that you cannot break. You may perhaps lead, but nobody can drive her.'

As this scheme originated with her husband, Lady Arabella could not, of course, confess that there was much in it. But, nevertheless, she determined to attempt it, thinking that if anything could be efficacious for good in their present misfortunes, it would be her own diplomatic powers. It was, therefore, at last settled between them, that he should endeavour to talk over the doctor, and that she would do the same with Mary.

'And then I will speak to Frank,' said Lady Arabella. 'As yet he has never had the audacity to open his mouth to me about Mary Thorne, though I believe he declares his love openly to every one else in the house.'

'And I will get Oriel to speak to him,' said the squire.

'I think Patience might do more good. I did once think he was getting fond of Patience, and I was quite unhappy about it then. Ah, dear! I should be almost pleased at that now.'

And thus it was arranged that all the artillery of Greshamsbury was to be brought to bear at once on Frank's love, so as to crush it, as it were, by the very weight of metal.

It may be imagined that the squire would have less scruple in addressing the doctor on this matter than his wife would feel; and that his part of their present joint undertaking was less difficult than hers. For he and the doctor had ever been friends at heart. But, nevertheless, he did feel much scruple, as, with his stick in hand, he walked down to the little gate which opened out near the doctor's house.

This feeling was so strong, that he walked on beyond this door to the entrance, thinking of what he was going to do, and then back again. It seemed to be his fate to be depending always on the clemency or consideration of Dr Thorne. At this moment the doctor was imposing the only obstacle which was offered to the sale of a great part of his estate. Sir Louis, through his lawyer, was loudly accusing the doctor to sell, and the lawyer was loudly accusing the doctor of delaying to do so. 'He has the management of your property,' said Mr Finnie; 'but he manages it in the interest of his own friend. It is quite clear, and we will expose it.' 'By all means,' said Sir Louis. 'It is a d--d shame, and it shall be exposed.'

When he reached the doctor's house, he was shown into the drawing-room, and found Mary there alone. It had always been the habit to kiss her forehead when he chanced to meet her about the house at Greshamsbury.

She had been younger and more childish then; but even now she was but a child to him, so he kissed her as he had been wont to do. She blushed slightly as she looked up into his face, and said: 'Oh, Mr Gresham, I am so glad to see you again.'

As he looked at her he could not but acknowledge that it was natural that Frank should love her. He had never before seen that she was attractive;--had never had an opinion about it. She had grown up as a child under his eye; and as she had not had the name of being especially a pretty child, he had never thought on the subject. Now he saw before him a woman whose every feature was full of spirit and animation; whose eye sparkled with more than mere brilliancy; whose face was full of intelligence; whose very smile was eloquent. Was it to be wondered at that Frank should have learned to love her?

Miss Thorne wanted but one attribute which many consider essential to feminine beauty. She had no brilliancy of complexion, no pearly whiteness, no vivid carnation; nor, indeed, did she possess the dark brilliance of a brunette. But there was a speaking earnestness in her face; and expression of mental faculty which the squire now for the first time perceived to be charming.

And then he knew how good she was. He knew well what was her nature; how generous, how open, how affectionate, and yet how proud! Her pride was her fault; but even that was not a fault in his eyes. Out of his own family there was no one whom he had loved, and could love, as he loved her. He felt, and acknowledged, that no man could have a better wife.

And yet he was there with the express object of rescuing his son from such a marriage!

'You are looking very well, Mary,' he said, almost involuntarily. 'Am I?' she answered, smiling. 'It's very nice at any rate to be complimented. Uncle never pays me any compliments of that sort.'

In truth, she was looking well. She would say to herself over and over again, from morning to night, that Frank's love for her would be, must be, unfortunate; could not lead to happiness. But, nevertheless, it did make her happy. She had before his return made up her mind to be forgotten, and it was so sweet to find that he had been so far from forgetting her. A girl may scold a man in words for rashness in his love, but her heart never scolds him for such an offence as that. She had not been slighted, and her heart, therefore, still rose buoyant within her breast.

The doctor entered the room. As the squire's visit had been expected by him, he had of course not been out of the house. 'And now I suppose I must go,' said Mary; 'for I know you are going to talk about business.

But, uncle, Mr Gresham says I'm looking very well. Why have you not been able to find that out?'

'She's a dear, good girl,' said the squire, as the door shut behind her;

'a dear good girl!' and the doctor could not fail to see that his eyes were filled with tears.

'I think she is,' said he, quietly. And then they both sat silent, as though each was waiting to hear whether the other had anything more to say on that subject. The doctor, at any rate, had nothing more to say.

'I have come here specially to speak to you about her.'

'About Mary?'

'Yes, doctor; about her and Frank: something must be done, some arrangement made: if not for our sakes, at least for theirs.'

'What arrangement, squire?'

'Ah! that's the question. I take it for granted that either Frank or Mary has told you that they have engaged themselves to each other.'

'Frank told me some twelve months since.'

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